Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Refugee Resettlement: Obama’s human trafficking

image: http://theblacksphere.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Refugee-Resettlement-Watch-Facebook-Image-300x225.jpg
Refugee Resettlement Watch - Facebook Image

VOLAG is an acronym for Voluntary Resettlement Agencies. The agencies are non-profits that work hand in hand with our State Department and the United Nations to settle immigrants from all over the world into your communities.

The VOLAGs are made up of nine main agencies, many of them having religious affiliation. The religious affiliation is meant to conjure up good feelings about the organizations and their efforts to help resettle these refugees.

There is little “religion” in this activity, as least according to investigative reporter James Simpson who published the The Red-Green Axis which reports, that all of the agencies, with the exception of Episcopal Migration Ministries receive anywhere from 52 percent to 93 percent of their revenues from the federal government. And where government is involved, strings are always attached.

According to the State Department,
“The Department of State has cooperative agreements with nine domestic resettlement agencies to resettle refugees. While some of the agencies have religious affiliations, they are not allowed to proselytize. ”
If you can’t talk religion, why involve the church? Perhaps to sell the American taxpaying Conservatives on the concept.
The Refugee Resettlement Watch’s fact sheet showcases some ambiguity about the funding of VOLAGS:
“We hesitate to quibble with an authoritative source on the percentage of federal money floating the refugee industry, but from an accountant’s perspective that  percentage is actually over 100 % given the amount of money the industry is able to pocket without any proof that it was spent on refugees.”
One of the nine major VOLAGs is the International Rescue Committee (IRC). According to the Virginia IRC website: they promise to, initially provide the following to every newly arrived immigrant/refugee:
  • a furnished home
  • help with rent
  • health care
  • nutritious, affordable food
  • English language classes
  • help building job, computer & financial literacy skills
  • education for their children
  • social services and community support
  • legal services toward residency & citizenship
After the first six months of initial funding, the local government (taxpayer) picks up the tab, since most of these refugees are not able to fully fund their livelihoods in that amount of time. If you were a refugee in another country with only the clothes on your back, could you provide food, housing, healthcare, childcare, and education for your family?
The Obama administration brings people from all over the globe, particularly war-torn nations, to small communities only to teach them that the government will take care of all their needs. Imagine living on less than $5 per day, then coming to America as a guest to get housing, healthcare, and a host of other welfare benefits that Americans must work their tails off for every day?
This scenario has been happening for decades, as the specifics of this human trafficking business become more apparent. The Obama administration is force feeding the American people an immigration system for which they don’t have the stomach. America finds itself on a steady diet of  federal government and liberally funded programs that make our country weaker, and poorer.
Get involved in your local communities and find out where your tax dollars are being allocated. Americans shouldn’t have to digest this nonsense.

Read more at http://theblacksphere.net/2015/08/refugee-resettlement-obamas-human-trafficking/

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