Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Washington in the lap of Rome"

Full text of "Washington in the lap of Rome"

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The Serpent lias entwined its folds about the Capitol. 
(See page 106.) 






Author of " Why Priests Should Wed;" "Roman Catholic Element 

in American History ;" The Way Out ; or, The Escape of a 

Nun;" " Rome in America ;" "Show Your Colors;" 

11 Life of Timothy Gilbert; " " Sam Hobart ; " 

" Woman in the Toils of Home," etc. 

























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vi Contents. 

Connubial Felicity Enjoyed by Priests and Nuns 167 

Jesuits in the Parlor ; or, Fashionable Life in Washington . . 177 

A Warning and an Appeal 19], 

Romish Schools Our Peril 213 

Parochial Schools and Indulgences 228 

Can Washington be Taken Out of the Lap of Rome? 247 


"WASHINGTON in the Lap of Rome" has been 
written to call the attention of the American 
people to the great trust which has been betrayed, 
and to the great work which devolves upon them. 
It uncovers facts which will bring the blush of 
shame to the cheek of the real Republican and 
fill his soul with indignation. Fifteen thousand 
department clerks are under the surveillance of 
Rome. If it be not true, as is charged, that a 
private wire runs from the White House, in 
Washington, to the Cardinal s Palace, in Baltimore, 
and that every important question touching the 
interests of Romanism in America is placed before 
his eye, before it becomes a public act, it is true 
that the Cardinal is a factor in politics. Romanism 
is the dominant power in the Capitol of the United 
States. Lincoln, Grant, and Arthur withstood 
it, and suffered the consequences. The power is 
unseen. It is shadowy. It inhabits the air and 
infects it. Romanism is the malaria of the spiritual 
world. It stupefies the brain, deadens the heart, 
and sears the conscience as with a hot iron. 
It comes, as did the tempter, with gifts in its 
hands, of rule, of power, and of wealth, to all 


who will fall down and worship it. They who 
yield have peace and praise. They who refuse 
must fight a terrible foe. The cry has been for 
peace. The lips of some of the ministers and 
members of the Church of Christ have been 
padlocked. Politicians, in the grasp of this power, 
are unable or unwilling to move. They clank their 
chains with delight, and glory in being allied with 
an organism so potential and so astute. Others 
see the peril, and withstand its open and determined 
advance. No longer now is the clash of arms 
heard. The city is not, to human sight, a camp 
of armed men, as in the days of civil war; 
but if eyes could be opened as were those of 
the prophet s servant, when horses and chariots were 
circling in the air, proofs of a conflict might now 
be discerned, more desperate than was ever fought 
by flesh and blood on the earth. To-day the " City 
of Magnificent Distances " resembles the child in the 
presence of the snake. It is being charmed by 
the viper. Duty demands that the truth be told 
which shall break the back of the monster. "Why 
Priests Should Wed " uncovered the pollutions 
of Romanism in the hope of saving the women 
and girls of the Roman Catholic Church, now 
held in the grasp of superstition. " Washington 
in the Lap of Rome " appeals to mankind. The 
surrender to Rome of the Capital of the Great 
Republic means death to liberty. The people of 
all lands and climes are interested in the conflict. 
The facts given will ripen the indignation of 


pure-minded men and women against the Jesuitical 
foe, who no longer creeps under cover or hides 
in the shadow of some wall, but stalks boldly 
forth on his errand of wickedness. It is believed 
that it will cause lovers of liberty to shake 
themselves from their lethargy, and not only take 
Washington out of the lap of Rome, but throttle the 
monster threatening the future of the Republic, 
and lift the nation to its rightful place as the 
educator of mankind, the leader of the best thought, 
and the personification of God s great purpose, in 
placing within the area of an ocean-washed Republic 
a free Church in a free State. 

May God help the truth, is the prayer of 





ROMANISM is beginning to uncover its hand in 
America. It begins to be fearless, now that it is 
becoming natural. It is attempting to do here what 
it has achieved in Europe, to awe the state, control 
the people, and banish liberty. 

Slowly, stealthily, with the look of a saint for 
the outward seeming, with the heart of a Jesuit for 
the inward reality, Romanism has accomplished in 
fact, if not in name, what in name as well as in fact 
she achieved in so many of the kingdoms of Europe, 
a union of Church and State. This few will admit, but 
all may know that fact was to have been revealed 
on the 24th of May, 1888 ; that it was not, was not 
Rome s fault, but God s decree. Preparations had 
been going on for months to lay on that day, in the 
presence of the distinguished representatives of the 
nation, the corner-stone of 4 the Catholic University 
of America, that the light of virtue and science 
might be preserved in the State," in accordance with 
the decrees and behests of Rome. The Cardinal, the 
Prince of the Roman Catholic church who was to 
officiate as President of the Board of Trustees, is, by 
virtue of his high office, the most conspicuous figure 
in the Catholic church in this country. Born of Irish 
parents, July 23rd, 1834, in Baltimore, and accom- 


panying his father to Ireland as a child, where he 
received his early education, he returned to the 
United States and graduated from St. Charles Col 
lege, Howard Co., Md., in 1857. He then studied 
theology in St. Mary s Seminary, Baltimore, and was 
ordained a priest June 30th, 1861. Seven years 
later he was consecrated bishop of North Carolina. 
Afterwards he took up his abode in Richmond, Ya., 
and in 1877 became coadjutor of Archbishop Bayley, 
of Baltimore, and upon his death became his succes 
sor. After the death of Cardinal McCloskey he was 
appointed to his present exalted position, and carried 
to it great versatility of talent, an unconquerable 
energy, and much learning 

Gen. W. S. Rosecrans, Grand Marshal, was born 
in Ohio in 1819, graduated from West Point in 1842, 
and in the Civil War rose from the position of col 
onel to corps commander. In 1867 he resigned from 
the army, went to California, was elected to Con 
gress, and at the expiration of his term was appointed 
Register of the Treasury. His brother was a bishop 
of the Roman Catholic church, and he has been 
noted for his devotion to his church, whether as 
soldier, congressman, or citizen. The orator of the 
day, Rev. J. L. Spalding, was born in Lebanon, Ky., 
in 1840. Educated in Emmetsburg, Ind. , St. Mary s, 
Cincinnatti, and in Louvain, Belgium, on May 1st, 
1877, he was consecrated bishop of Peoria. He is 
a scholarly man, and it has been his dream for years 
to have a great Catholic University built in the 
United States. It was through him that Miss Mary 
Gwendolen Caldwell made known her gift of $300,- 
000 to the prelates of the Baltimore Council. The 
mother of Miss Caldwell was a member of the Breck- 
enridge family. The father amassed a large fortune 
in New Orleans, and in 1863 was compelled to come 
North. Residing in New York, the daughter was 


educated at the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Man- 
hattanville, New York, after which she travelled 
extensively in Europe. The father, at his death, 
left an estate of four million dollars, to be divided 
between his two daughters. The Rev. John J. 
Keane, the Rector of the University, was born in 
Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal, Ireland, Sept. 12th, 
1839. He studied classics at St. Charles College, 
Baltimore, and subsequently pursued a full course 
in St. Mary s Seminary, and was ordained in 1866. 
For many years he served as assistant of St. Pat 
rick s church, Washington, and in 1878 he was 
appointed to the See of Richmond. Bishop Keane s 
zeal, scholarship, eloquence and organizing ability 
led to his election as a rector of the University. He 
has raised $800,000 to endow it. 

In 1882 Bishop Spalding visited Rome, and ob 
tained the Papal approval. The proposition was 
discussed by the Archbishops, called to Rome in 1883, 
and in 1884 the sanction and benediction of the Pope 
was promulgated to the Plenary Council in Balti 
more. It was expected that the Cardinal, dressed in 
the red robes of his office, arm-in-arm with the Presi 
dent of the United States, was to strike the blow 
which would inaugurate the commencement of an 
enterprise that would exert a felt influence upon the 
institutions of this fast-growing Republic. Soldiers, 
belonging to an army seven hundred thousand strong, 
now enlisted and drilled, and being led by the 
scarred veterans of the Confederate and Union arm 
ies, were to be there, under the command of Mayor 
General Rosecrans, Grand Marshal, who, with pranc 
ing steed and nodding plume, was to place before 
the eyes of gathered thousands the proof that Church 
and State were united, and that a willing soldiery 
were getting ready to enforce the decrees of Rome. 
Bands of music accompanied the delegations, and 


filled the air with martial strains, as on Wednesday 
evening they marched along the streets of Washington. 

Archbishops, bishops and priests, monks and nuns 
and Christian brothers, crowded the homes of expect 
ant Romanists. Everything was apparently for 
Rome. The President of the United States left the 
Presbyterian Assembly in Philadelphia to grace with 
his presence this occasion. Every member of the 
cabinet and distinguished statesmen were expected 
to keep him company. Seats were prepared on the 
platform for two thousand guests. 

That night, in a great hall in Washington, gathered 
a company of praying people. They saw the peril ; 
they declared it, and pleaded with God to bring con 
fusion upon the enemies of the faith ; though minis 
ters in Washington as a rule, and the churches 
almost without exception, recognize the Roman 
Catholic church as a part of the Christian world, and 
are opposed to saying anything, or having anything 
said, that shall provoke discussion, or awaken 
enmity. Many there are who believe that Roman 
ism is the foe of Christianity, and is yet to be cast 

Thursday morning came. The day darkened as it 
climbed towards noon ; the rain came first as a pro 
test. It increased in quantity, and finally fell in 
sheets. The streets looked like rivers. The pro 
cession was abandoned ; the town was held in the 
grip of the storm. The crowd that gathered about 
the great stand was roofed with umbrellas. The 
cardinal and clergy, who expected to pass around the 
building to bless the foundations, were unwilling to 
face the storm. At three P.M., a 


was announced, in these words: "3 P.M. The 
procession has been abandoned ; but the rest of 


the ceremony will go on." It did not go on ! The 
foundations remained unblest ! As Burns said : 

" Full mony a plan of mice and men 
Gang oft a-glee." 

It is not the first time that Jehovah, by storm 
and rain, has disconcerted and broken up the plans 
of Rome. Twice this was done in the days of 
Napoleon ; when, but for them, he would have been 
master of the world. But it came and piled 
his ships on the lee shore, and buried sailor and 
soldier in a watery grave. 

Once this same terrible result was reached 
when Philip II. of Spain sent his Armada of 
ships to crush out the power of Elizabeth, England s 
noble queen. In our own land, a storm helped 
us, when hope had almost died out of the heart. 
In the Old South church, Boston, there stood up 
the man of God to pray. Liberty was imperilled. 
A fleet was on its way from the Old World to 
the New, bearing soldiers, determined to make an 
end of the attempt to kindle on the shores of 
this Western World the light of a new-born 
hope. The wind, that gently lifted a lock of his 
white hair from his brow, was but the touch of 
that tempest that engulphed the fleet in ruin 
and saved the country from peril. That Being 
who permitted the persecution of the children 
of Israel until Pharaoh was beside himself with 
wrath and egotism, and, as if to defy God, followed 
the people in their march to Canaan, until the floods 
environed him, when God withdrew the unseen 
walls which held back the sea and permitted 
the waters to break forth, smiting horse, men, 
and riders with the wrath of God, until chariot- 
wheel crushed into chariot- wheel, and Pharaoh s 
host, with all their pride and pomp, sank into 


the bottom of the sea "as a stone," still lives, and 
Rome, that in spite of warnings and remonstrances 
had attempted to dominate our intellectual forces, 
was compelled to halt, and learned again that the 
" Lady of the Tiber" was to suffer mortification and 
chagrin, as her beautiful garments were dispoiled 
by the rain the good rain, that made the meadows 
glorious, and opened flowers for the coming sun, 
and that did for Romanism in the United States 
what the storm did for the Armada in the Channel. 
The Cardinal that could make the son of a 
Presbyterian minister bow to Rome that could 
touch a spring and send seven millions of people 
in America to obey the behests of Leo XIII., could 
not control God. "Sing unto the Lord a new song, 
for he hath triumphed gloriously ; " and, in answer to 
prayer, thwarted the scheme to make an impression 
by a pageant we do not need, and will not always 

It was understood that the corner-stone of the 
building would be laid, no matter what sort of 
weather prevailed, so members of the Catholic 
societies and others went bravely on in the rain, 
attending to the duties assigned them. The bishops 
assembled at Father Chapelle s residence at two 
o clock, where they took carriages with the cardinal 
and his attendants, and they were driven to the 
Middleton estate, next to the Soldiers Home, which 
they had purchased for $27,000. It has a 
picturesque and commanding location. An old- 
fashioned driveway, between rows of trees, leading 
to the old house, starts from the intersection of 
Lincoln avenue with the Bunker Hill road. The 
grounds extend to the Metropolitan Branch of 
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the railroad 
station of Brooks is located there. The distance 
from the city is two and a-half miles. So out they 


went, hoping against hope, that the rain would 

The ecclesiastical ceremony at the site of the 
University was planned as follows : The procession 
was to form at three o clock along the Bunker Hill 
road. The various divisions were to gather in fields 
on both sides of the railroad, in such manner that 
the first division, when it files out, will pass before 
all the divisions, and each division in turn will 
march out upon the road, so that the whole long 
procession will pass in review before the last 
division, composed of the bishops and clergy. 
Following an ecclesiastical custom, each division 
is arranged with the junior organization first. Thus 
the youngest parish is placed at the head of the 
division, composed of representatives of parishes, 
and the oldest last. In the division composed of 
the clergy, the different bodies are arranged accord 
ing to their ecclesiastical rank, the Christian Brothers 
coming first, followed in order by the priests, the 
bishops, the archbishops, and last by the Cardinal, 
the highest dignitary. In the programme it was 
arranged to sing Haydn s anthem, "The Heavens 
are Telling," the choir to be accompanied by the 
full Marine Band. The heavens told, without the 
song, that America has no need of a Papal university, 
built to perpetuate the dominion of Romanism and 
to unify the many elements of which the Roman 
Catholic church in America is composed. One 
feature of the institution is the establishment of 
" University Burses." The "Burse" is a fund out 
of which the poor students are cared for. Every 
person is at liberty to contribute to it whatever sum 
he or she may desire. The object is to aid any 
bright-minded man whose appetite for scholarly 
attainment in the scientific, or the historical, or the 
mathematical fields of knowledge are known, but 


not brought out because of the lack of means to 
develop them. The reason for locating the univer 
sity at Washington was ostensibly, as urged by 
Father Chapelle, because the Capital is growing 
rapidly as a social, as well as a political centre ; 
that its literary circle is a growing and a liberal one ; 
that a great general library, a superb law library, 
scientific works and collections, the National Museum, 
the Observatory, and other public institutions, offered 
facilities for study that could not be secured else 
where. In fact, it is the dream of Romanists to 
make Washington the Rome of America. The 
Capitol is to be the Vatican ; the great Department- 
buildings, the homes of her oligarchy, when the 
Tiber there, as in the Seven-hilled City of Italy, shall 
give name to the mistress of the Republic which 
hopes to be mistress of the world ; and when this 
result is achieved, it would be in keeping to have 
the Catholic University of America located at that 
centre of Mary s Land. 

It was Thursday evening, May 24th, 1888. A com 
pany ot lovers of American institutions were gathered 
in one of the corridors of a great hotel. In came the 
man who had led the meeting for prayer, and whose 
face looked as though victory was in the air. He 
had been all day with the Jesuits. He had seen 
their discomfiture, and witnessed their mortification, 
wrath and desperation. 

" What is the outlook?" 

"All right." 

< 4 T ~ 

How goes the fight ? " 
" Never better. Rome has met her Waterloo, 
and has received a blow she will not soon forget. 
Cardinal Gibbons finds that he cannot manage God. 
He is beaten. The archbishop, bishop, and priests 
realize it. The president, cabinet, and congressmen 
who have bent the supple hinges of the knee, that 


thrift might follow fawning, now see it. Whiskey 
flows as free to-night as water fell to-day. It is ap 
palling to hear the profanity. Between yesterday 
and to-day what a change ! Then all was hope ; now 
all is gloom ! A leading priest, who invited the 
speaker to come and witness the ceremony, is des 
pondent enough. The minister reminded him of the 
prophecy, read to him from Revelation 18 : 16, and, 
changing it, said : Alas, alas, that great company, 
clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet and 
decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, in 
one hour have been brought to see their helplessness 
when contending with the Almighty. May it not 
be a type of the disasters to attend the enterprise ? 
A bad start is a prophecy of what, at least, is possible. 
The charter the organism, all will be opposed. 
4 The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and the heav 
ens and the earth shall shake ; but the Lord shall be 
the hope of his people, and the strength of the chil 
dren of Israel. So shall ye know that I am the 
Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, my holy moun 
tain. All recognized how the mighty angel may 
cast Rome down as a stone is thrown into the sea 
when the truth gets before the people, and the ma 
chinations of this foe of liberty are understood." 

Tongues were loosened. Rome, though mighty, 
was not almighty. The truculency of politicians 
had been of no avail. The president and cabinet 
went home chagrined ; better, if not wiser, men. 

The Great University looked well on paper ; but 
looked very diminutive to those standing in the mud 
and rain. So will it be when God shall take Rome 
in hand. "How much she hath glorified herself 
and lived deliciously ; for she saith in her heart, I sit 
a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, 
mourning, and famine ; and she shall be utterly 


burned with fire : for strong is the Lord God who 
judgeth her." 

Thus spoke the minister to his friend, the priest. 
The words shook him up. They loosened the 
foundation on which superstition had been build 
ing. The New was coming. The battle was on. 
Never did a fiercer conflict rage in Washington. The 
forts were dismantled after the war. Soldiers in blue 
and gray had gone far away ; yet the city was full 
of combatants. Months before in a Roman Catholic 
institution, concerning which a war of words seems 
to go on from year to year, the minister met the 
priest. They sat at a table with distinguished Roman 
ists, priests and laymen. Eleven nuns waited on 
them. After dinner, this priest, distinguished for 
his courage, cultured, talented, eloquent, made a 
speech, which presents the doings of the church as 
seen by Romanists. He praised Rome for what she 
is, and for what she has achieved. He spoke of the 
proofs of her greatness, seen in her magnificent 
cathedrals and churches in all the large cities, the 
great monasteries, convents, and asylums, crowning 
the hilltops that look down upon many of our large 
cities, of the Golden Cross that greets the eye as 
the traveller passes through the Golden Gate on the 
California Coast ; while in New York, the gateway 
of the Western World, Rome, in churches, in schools, 
in convents, in monasteries, in protectories, and what 
not, leads all other churches in enterprises and in 
far-reaching plans. 

He claimed that there was more money and more 
brain under the control of the church in New York 
than in Rome itself, and that now, while the school 
system was being shattered and the parochial school 
had become a fact, Rome was to get control of the 
youth of America, and could hold her own against 
all comers. He then spoke with pride of the gift of 


the descendant of the great opponent of Romanism, 
the gifted Dr. Breckenridge, whose $300,000 was but 
the seedling the germ out of which was to come 
an University that would surprise and astound the 
world." He sat down, roundly applauded. The 
chairman then asked the minister if he would like to 
speak. Consenting, he arose, and said: "The 
speech of the distinguished priest gladdens you. 
Make the most of it, while you have it ; it is but for 
a short time." " What do you mean ? Simply this : 
There is nothing God Almighty hates as he does 
Romanism. In 1870 you proclaimed your Pope an 
infallible God. That act proved him to be the man 
of sin, the son of perdition, who opposeth and ex- 
alteth himself above all that is called God, or that is 
worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the temple 
of God, showing himself that he is God." Thus 
was the " wicked revealed, whom the Lord shall con 
sume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy 
with the brightness of His coming." 

6 Is that your idea?" shouted the priest. 

" That is the word of God. By it men and nations 
are to be judged. You remember that your Pope 
had hardly been made the church, when the beast 
Louis Napoleon, on which he rode into power, was 
destroyed. Then Babylon fell, because of a power 
which came down from heaven, and which lightened 
the earth with its glory. Because of this, the cry is 
going forth as never before : Come out of her, my 
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that 
ye receive not of her plagues ! Clouds, dark with the 
wrath of God, are gathering in the sky of Rome ; 
* for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God 
hath remembered her iniquities/ 

" Gentlemen, you may not know it, but it is true, 
that God keeps in his ear the cry and shriek of every 
Waldensian thrown over the Alpine cliff and torn by 


the jagged rocks ; every body wrenched in twain by 
the rack of the Inquisition ; every woman whose feet 
were burned over the brasier of coals ; every martyr 
who ascended to heaven in his chariot of fire ; all are 
remembered ; and God says : Reward her even as 
she rewarded you, and double unto her double ac 
cording to her work in the cup which she hath filled, 
fill to her double. 

"Then, again, gentlemen, there is a prophecy 
linked to a fact, to which I have never seen attention 
called. You have a perfect passion to place all your 
institutions on elevations. You seek to exalt 
yourselves in the eye of the people. The Pope 
exalteth himself above all that is called God, or is 
worshipped ; and you manifest the same spirit in the 
location of your public buildings. Our Lord said : 
Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased. Every 
hilltop crowned with your great structures, pro 
claims the abasement of the Roman Catholic Church, 
and even now Christ may have said, Because you 
have tried to exalt yourselves at the expense of hu 
manity and of brotherly kindness, thou shalt be 
brought down to hell. i He that hurnbleth himself 
shall be exalted. This is the outlook for Rome. 
The present condition is not what you paint it. They 
tell me, if the mortgages were foreclosed on the prop 
erty Rome claims to own in New York City, she 
would not have one foot of land, a convent, or a 
church. What you own would not pay what you 
owe. Rome is to be uncovered, and then she will 
be hated. In the battle to be fought, our hope is in 
God, and you must look out for great defeats." 

With that conversation in mind, there was mean 
ing in the results of the day. The priest felt it. 
He spoke of his disappointment. 

" It is hard to contend against an Almighty must," 
replied the minister; " the hour approaches when 


Rome shall be fought by Romanists. What means 
this unrest of the Pope, this feeling that he must 
get out of Italy and find a refuge somewhere else ? 
Does he not know, does not the world recognize 
the fact, that Romanism is nothing without Rome ? 
Let the Pope come to the United States and he would 
be compelled to walk down Broadway with a stove 
pipe hat, as Romanists are compelled to wear citizens 
clothes in Mexico. The current of free thought in 
America will take care of Romanism. The time is 
coming when men will be ashamed of the name in 
which they pandered to Rome." A minister of dis 
tinction declines to attack the Roman Catholic Church 
in Washington, lest offence be given to the represen 
tatives of foreign governments, who crowd St. Mat 
thew s on the Sabbath, and the places of pleasure dur 
ing the week, for Washington is in the lap of Rome. 
A Cunarder put out from New England for New 
York. It was well equipped ; but in putting up a 
stove in the pilot box, a nail was driven too near the 
compass. You know how that nail would affect the 
compass. The ship s officer, deceived by that dis 
tracted compass, put the ship two hundred miles off 
her right course, and suddenly the man on the look 
out cried: "Land ho! "and the ship was halted 
within a few yards of her demolition on Nantucket 
shoals. A sixpenny nail did that ; because it was 
not known that it was misplaced. It shall be the 
fault of those who will not heed a warning if this 
Jesuit University shall derange the American com 
pass and send the Ship of State upon the rocks 
which threaten her. 

Shall it be encouraged? It is but a part of a 
movement to take control of educational interests in 
the United States. There are 6,800 Roman Catholic 
churches in the United States, and there are more 
than 4,000 parochial schools. A movement has be- 


gun, to take possession of our public school buildings. 
Rome withdraws her children from the public school, 
leaving the seats unoccupied. Then she rents the 
empty building, and fills it with her children, through 
the assistance of men elected to do her bidding ; as 
is done in Pittsburg, Pa., and Maiden, Mass. As 
has been said, Rome sees clearly the peril which 
confronts her from secular teaching, and from this 
day she will spare "no effort to keep her children 
within sound of her own bell and within the limits of 
her own instruction. There will be no compromise ; 
there is no evasion ; open, determined and persist 
ent antagonism to our common-school system is 
henceforth the attitude and policy of the Roman 
hierarchy. He who hopes to escape this struggle, or 
out-manceuvre this foe is already beaten ; he does 
not know the antagonist with whom he is fighting. 

The universal diffusion of Catholic education 
means something more than the opening of schools in 
every parish ; it means a steady and unrelenting at 
tack on our common schools ; not on that abstract 
thing called the common-school system, but on every 
school in every locality where the Catholic voting 
population has any strength. This result was inevit 
able ; Catholics have the same indisposition to pay 
taxes which characterizes the great majority of men 
of all faiths. They are compelled to support their 
own church schools ; they are not disposed to sup 
port the common schools in addition ; wherever the 
way is open they will, as a matter of course, use their 
power to control or cripple the common schools. 
The great struggle between our schools and this 
vigilant and uncompromising foe will not be fought 
out in Congress or in Legislatures, in newspapers or 
pulpits ; it will be fought in every school district in 
the country. There will be no great and decisive 
battle ; there will be a long series of skirmishes. 


Every school meeting will be contested, and on the 
result of these minor contests the struggle itself will 
turn. Henceforth eternal vigilance will be the price 
we shall pay for our common schools ; henceforth, no 
man who cares for his community or his country can 
afford to shirk a duty which has been more honored 
in the breach than in the observance. 

In many communities these foes of the common 
school will not lack for allies, who will, consciously 
or unconsciously, work with and for them ; men who 
will fail to see that they are being used as tools by a 
power which has never yet failed of the highest sa 
gacity in using those who are too shortsighted or too 
selfish to comprehend the real issues involved. The 
only reply which must be made to the establishment 
of the parochial school must be the increased efficien 
cy of the common schools. 

The actual Ruler of this nation lives not in the 
White House at Washington, but in the palace of 
Baltimore. No important editorial affecting the 
Romish Church is printed until it has been submitted 
to the Cardinal for his criticism, We wonder at the 
power exercised. No member of Congress enters 
Washington but he is weighed in the Romish bal 
ances. If he comes down with the shekels for the 
church and with votes for her policy, all is well. If 
not, there is a reckoning-time sure to come, and an 
influence is exerted at once that touches the springs 
of power in his far away home. As a political ma 
chine, Rome is a transcendent success : and the 
Jesuit was more than half right when he said, " The 
representative of the Pope in the Vatican is the Ruler 
of the United States of America." 



Romanism, as a religion, is a deception and a 
fraud. Jesuitism is the power that propels and con 
trols it. These two facts, made plain to the people, 
will destroy the reverence felt for Romanism as a 
part of the religious world, and will take away the 
sentiment that it has a right to live and act in accord 
ance with its genius and spirit. Then they will be 
prepared to weigh the proofs which show it to be an 
enemy, attempting to subvert the foundations of Re 
publican liberty, destroy quietly the public school 
system, and make the United States of America a 
Romish Reservation. The claim is, that the Roman 
Catholic Church is the mother of all churches, that 
she is the only true church ; and, being such, is the 
Catholic, or Universal Christian Church. That, by 
Divine appointment, the Apostle Peter was the head 
and foundation of the church, its Pope and Christ s 
vicar, or visible representative, on the earth. That 
he, Peter, lived in Rome for the last twenty-five 
years of his life, during which time, as the posses 
sor of the "keys" committed to him by the Saviour, 
he bound or loosed, opened or shut, in heaven, 
earth, hell, and purgatory, as seemed right in his 
sight. That each Pope since then is the true suc 
cessor of St. Peter, invested with equal authority 
and power ; and that to be subject to him and in full 
and hearty connection with the church he person 
ally, or through the authority he delegates to others, 


rules, is necessary in the highest degree to salvation. 
Opposed to this claim, are a few facts : 

1. Rome s pretension to being the mother-church is 
a deception, because it never ivas in existence until 
A. D. 606. The Acts of the Apostles, as well as 
all ecclesiastical history, teaches, that the church in 
Jerusalem, in its origin, in its constitution, takes 
first rank. John addressed "the seven churches 
which are in Asia." These churches are each are 
represented by a golden candlestick, or lamp, 
separate and distinct one from the other, and not 
as one lamp ; which would have been the case had 
there existed any just ground for the claim of Rome. 

2. For the supremacy of Peter there is no Scrip 
tural warrant. Peter was in no way the leader of 
the church. The power and authority conveyed by 
the appointment of the Apostles was conferred upon 
all of them. They were all chosen the same way, 
equally empowered to preach and baptize, all equally 
entrusted with the power of binding and loosing, all 
invested with the same mission and equally furnished 
with the same gifts of the Holy Ghost. Rome con 
tends, not only for a primacy of order, but of power. 
Fortunately for his own reputation, Peter never did 
this. When the Mother of Zebedee s children wished 
it, Christ said, "The Kings of the Gentiles exercise 
lordship over them, and they that are great exercise 
authority upon them. But ye shall not be so ; but 
whosoever will be great among you, let him be your 
servant." Nothing would have so injured Peter 
with Christ and his brethren, and degraded and dis 
graced him, as to have done what Rome claims he 
did do, viz. : claim a pre-eminence among the 

Peter s name is not always mentioned first. James, 
Paul, and Apollos are placed before his, very fre 
quently. Was any one prominent for being dear to 


Christ? John bore the name of "the beloved dis 
ciple." Peter called himself a " fellow-laborer," and 
expressly forbids the governors of the church to lord 
it over God s heritage, and bears the rebuke of Paul, 
because he was to be blamed ; without a thought of 
asserting his superiority or authority. Rome claims 
that in the words, "Thou art Peter, and upon this 
rock I will build my church ; and the gates of hell 
shall not prevail against it," our Lord declared 
Peter s contemplated supremacy. It has sometimes 
seemed strange that Rome should utterly ignore the 
other address made to Peter in the same chapter, 
when Peter assumed supremacy, and Christ said to 
him: "Get thee behind me, Satan ; thou art an of 
fense unto me ; for thou savourest not the things 
that be of God, but those that be of men." Matt. 16 : 
23. These words apply to Peter, and apply to those 
who have tried to exalt him above his brethren. The 
former do not apply to him as being the one upon 
whom Christ should build his church ; for Christ refer 
red to the faith which saw in Him the Son of God. 
This view was held by Jerome, Chrysostom, Origen, 
Cyril, Hilary, Augustine, and many more ; and Paul, 
in 1 Cor. 3 : 11, points to Christ, in the words : "For 
other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, 
which is Christ Jesus." Eph. 2 : 20 : "And are built 
upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, 
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone." 
Then, as to the power of binding or loosing, the posi 
tion of Rome is confuted by the uniform action of 
all the apostles on such matters. They declared 
the conditions of salvation to be repentance towards 
God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they 
would receive the remission of their sins. This pre 
cludes the idea that the Romish priesthood have 
power to absolve from sin. 

3. Romanism is a deception, because it rests its 


claim upon the false supposition that Peter lived 
in Rome. The Scriptures declare that Peter went 
East, rather than West ; lived and wrought in Asia 
Minor ; preached to the churches in ancient Babylon, 
from which place he wrote his epistle. Romanists 
want it written at Rome, and insist that Peter went to 
Rome in A.D. 42 ; that he was crucified head-down 
wards in A.D. 67 ; that he suffered imprisonment in 
the Marmentine prison, over which towers St. 
Peter s ; that he was buried in the Vatican, where 
the Pope now lives ; while there is not a scintilla of 
evidence to support the pretension that Peter ever 
was in Rome. Tradition takes the place of history, 
and clings to the deception as if it had a basis of 
even possible fact. 

According to the Bible, Peter preached in Jerusa 
lem, and instead of giving orders to the other apos 
tles, as the head of the church, he was sent as a 
simple missionary to preach with John in Samaria. 
Acts 8 : 14. He proclaimed the Gospel in Cesarea, 
in Antioch, and Babylon, but did not come into the 

When Paul in A.D. 60 wrote his epistle to the 
Romans he saluted many, but he did not salute 
Peter, a sufficient proof that he was not in Rome. 

In 61 Paul arrived in Rome and the brethren went 
out to meet him. on the Appian way, Acts 28 : 15, 
but Peter was not among them. From the year 61 
to 63 Paul wrote from Rome his epistles to the Phil- 
ippians, Colossians, and to Timothy. In these let 
ters he speaks of many persons, even unknown ones, 
and no mention is made of Peter. 

In his second Epistle, 2 Tim. 4 : 6, he says : "At 
my first answer no one stood with me, but all men 
forsook me." If Peter had been in Rome and free, 
would he have abandoned Paul? If in prison, would 
not Paul have referred to him ? All this proves that 


he was not in Rome. The Apostle of the Circum 
cision never was in Rome. He lived and died in the 
East. So speaks history. Romanism becomes a 
fraud when it thus unblushingly lifts a lie into the 
place of the truth, and demands of those who belong 
to it unflinching submission and unswerving obedi 
ence, from beginning to end. 

4. Romanism is a deception, because it predicates 
salvation, not through the atoning blood of Christ, 
but upon saying : " I believe that there is here upon 
earth an organized body that is more than human, 
because it has a divine commission, and that organ 
ized body can teach me the truth, and that in so re 
ceiving it I cannot possibly be led into error. I be 
lieve that this organism is none other than the Cath 
olic church, directed by the Pope, as the successor of 
St. Peter, and the moment a man says that, he is a 
Catholic." The essence of Romanism is summed up 
in this : "Subjection of the intellect to divine author- 
ity in matters connected with religion." 

Notice, it does not refer to a belief in Jesus Christ, 
as "the way, the truth, and the life " ; nor to receiv 
ing him into the heart, that power may be obtained 
to become a child of God. It makes the church au 
thority the author of life and hope. The millions of 
Romanists are ruled by a Pope, claimed to be infal 
lible, exalted above all that is called God, and wor 
shipped as was the Druid of our ancestors, or the 
Pontifex Maximus of ancient Rome, and claiming to 
stand at the top of the system. All the persons in 
the Godhead, Popery denies. It denies God the 
Father, by installing the Pope as the Divine vice 
gerent, by whose authority the Second Command 
ment, forbidding the worship of images, is trampled 
upon ; and installs the Pope as Divine vicegerent of 
the world and the infallible ruler of the conscience. 
It presents him high and lifted up, clothed with 


power to annul laws, abrogate treaties, plant and 
pluck up nations, and do away with the precepts of 
the moral law. Popery writes on the Papal chair : 
"This is the seat of God, the throne of the Infallible 
and Holy One ; he who sits here can pardon or re 
tain men s sins, save or destroy souls." 

Popery ignores Jesus Christ the Saviour, and wor 
ships Mary instead. It robs Christ of his priestly 
office, by offering the Mass the priests sacrifice, 
not Christ, to save the sinner. It destroys the 
prophetical office, by presenting itself as the infal 
lible teacher of the word of God and the only author 
ized expositor of the true sense of Scripture. It 
robs Christ of his kingly office, by exalting the Pope 
to his seat of absolute power and head of the church. 
In his vesture and on his thigh the Pope has written : 
" I am King of kings and Lord of lords." 

For the Holy Spirit, popery substitutes the sac 
raments, through which divine blessings are com 
municated to the soul. It is this impious suggestion 
which crowds the church with votaries at the various 
masses, for the deluded believe there is no help for 
them apart from the priesthood, the only channel 
of communication between God and man. It is be 
cause of this murderers, no matter how heinous their 
crime, find it not difficult to espouse Romanism and 
put the eternal interests of their souls into the keep 
ing of this error. " They believe a lie that they 
may be damned." Here then is what professes to 
be a complete church, and yet is an out-and-out 
counterfeit. Every element of strength and every 
principle of evil that were found in the ancient idol 
atries, live over again in the papacy. That same 
paganism whose cradle was rocked in Chaldea, 
whose youth was passed amid the olive groves and 
matchless temples of Greece, and whose manhood 
was reached amid the martial sounds and iron organ- 


izations of Rome, has returned anew in this papacy, 
bringing with it the old rites, the old festivals, the 
flowers, the incensings, the lustral water, the vest 
ments, the very gods but with new names ; every 
thing, in short, so that were an old pagan to rise 
from the dead, he would find himself among his old 
environments ; and, without a moment s doubt, would 
conclude that Zeus, the ancient Jove, the father of 
Clio, whose mother is Mercury, answering to Christ 
and Mary, was still reigning, and was being wor 
shipped by the same rites that were practised in his 
honor three thousand years ago. 

5. Romanism is a fraud, because it substitutes a 
Pantheon of idols for the Christian church, extin 
guishing the light of revelation, and placing the 
world back amid the ideas, the deities, and the rites 
of early idolatrous ages. It rejects the New Birth 
and change of heart, and inducts the child into the 
church in a state of unconsciousness, and holds him 
there by education, by training, and by fear. The 
church assumes control of the individual conscience. 
It claims to hold the keys of heaven and hell. A 
Romanist is afraid of the truth even of God s word, 
and millions dare not read or take into their hands 
the Bible, lest it may sever their hold upon the 
church, and so whelm the soul in perdition. 

The import of such teaching is to place in the 
hands of conscienceless men the consciences of mil 
lions of men. It is the marvel of the age, that at a 
period when men boast of their aspirations after 
progress, such numbers should thus fall as dupes 
into the slough of the most hopeless stagnation, into 
a total resignation of the freedom of their wills, of 
the independent action of their souls, into the amplest 
acceptance of dogmas, creeds and fables which it is 
a disgrace even to the darkest ages to have been 
capable of embracing. None of these things which 


Rome offers has the slightest atom of the simple but 
sublime religion of Jesus Christ, who sat upon the 
mountain-side and taught the noblest truths in the 
simplest language. They are the old tawdry para 
phernalia of worn-out Paganism, refurbished and re- 
introduced by the most impudent priestcraft that ever 
palmed itself upon the world. 

This it is that men are calling a part of the Reli 
gious World. Romanism is Antichrist, pure and 
simple. Daniel, Paul, and John have described it 
with the pen of inspiration, and painted it with liv 
ing colors, and the pictures they made of it hang on 
the walls of the future, so that every eye can trace 
its origin, its terrible and damning work, and its 
awful doom. Daniel tells of "the little horn," be 
fore which three of the ten horns fell ; which signi 
fy the ten states under control of imperial Rome. 
These three horns represented the Exarchate of Ra 
venna, given the Pope Stephen I. by Pepin, King 
of France, in A.D. 755. The second was the King 
dom of the Lombards, subdued by Charlemagne of 
France, and made over to the Pope in A.D. 774. 
And the third was the State of Rome itself, which 
was given the Pope by Louis the Pious. 

It was upon the acquisition of these states that the 
Pope became a temporal ruler. It is said, the little 
horn " had eyes like the eyes of a man," " and a 
mouth speaking great things," " great things 
against the Most High." Assuming Divine titles, 
such as "His Holiness"; "Head of the Church"; 
"Christ s Vicar upon Earth" ; "Infallibility," etc., 
etc. But more than this assuming to dispose of 
rewards in heaven and hell, as well as on the earth ; 
changing laws of principles and conduct, and condi 
tions of education ; a power to depose rulers, give 
away states or kingdoms, release subjects from their 
oaths of allegiance ; each of which acts, and all 


together, being an invasion of God s prerogatives, as 
the king, ruler, saviour, judge of all men, and, there 
fore, such was speaking " things against the Most 
High." His " look was more stout than his fellows," 
causing him to claim supreme control over the 
church, the state, and the world; compelling his 
people cardinals, bishops, priests, or whomsoever 
they were, to kiss his feet ; and princes, at one time, 
to hold his stirrup while he mounted his horse ; and, 
in some instances, to lay themselves down that he 
might put his foot upon their necks. Asserting as 
Pope Paul and Pius did to Henry of France and 
Elizabeth of England, that as Pope they had a sover 
eignty above kings and people, and that, by divine 
appointment, was over nations and over kingdoms, to 
root out and to cut down, and to destroy and to throw 
down, to build and to plant. Further, it is added : 
" He made war with the saints." 

So Paul, in 2 Thess. 2, follows up Daniel and 
John in Revelation 13 ; uncovers the beast like unto 
a leopard, and his feet as the feet of a bear, and his 
mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave 
him his power and his seat and great authority. 
Then go on to Rev. 17, and the battle with Rome 
is described: " The Lamb shall overcome them; 
for he is Lord of lords and King of kings ; and they 
that are with him are called, and chosen, and faith 
ful" This is Romanism that is now being destroyed. 
The Pope has no longer temporal power. Let God s 
children all over the world tell the truth, and her 
and his so-called spiritual power shall be destroyed, 
consumed by the spirit of the mouth of our Lord, 
and by the brightness of his coming, as Christ shall 
shine in the effulgence of proclaimed truth. Is not 
this papalism, when it would figure as the religion 
of Jesus Christ, a fraud? If so, say so; and the 
work of redemption will be accomplished. Let the 


cry arise : " Come out of her, my people, that ye be 
not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of 
her plagues." 

For those who come out of Rome, there is free 
dom in Jesus Christ ; for those who remain in, there 
are perils such as have not yet been visited upon 
any race or class : " For her sins have reached unto 
heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." 



To write the history of Jesuitism is to give in de 
tail the record of sanctified scoundrelism, as with the 
face of a saint and the heart of a devil it has lived 
and wrought in this world, to do its worst against 
Christianity, brotherly love, manhood and rightness. 

This is an awful charge. But it is also an awful 
failure of language when the attempt is made to tell 
the truth concerning this monster of iniquity. Jesuit 
ism proves that, in human debasement, incarnate 
fiendishness and devilish capacity for being bad, man 
in the nineteenth century is equal to any horrid char 
acter that may have figured on the historic page. 


A cannon-shot hit the leg of a scoundrel instead 
of his head, as in Spain he stood before Pampileuno s 
walls. For religion, catholicity and man, that was 
the unluckiest cannon-shot recorded in history ; for 
when the tibia of the wounded patient knitted they 
marvelously supported the body of a man who with 
the heart of a devil has been permitted to masquer 
ade in the robes of a saint. Those familiar with jail 
philosophy can well appreciate the impulse which 
drives the criminal, convicted of thieving or burg 
lary, or murder, and on the verge of the tomb, to 
indulge in fancies of huger thieving, or a crueler and 
more infamous murder, and to long for life or un 
shackled arms that he might become pre-eminently 


notorious by its enactment. Now such a thought 
came over the brain of Ignatius Loyola, the founder 
of the Order, profanely called, of Jesus, and he re 
covered and was successful. The Jesuit University is 
built in Washington as Conspiracy Hall, in hopes 
that liberty may be throttled in its stronghold. Loy 
ola took the name of Jesuits for his Order, because 
of pretended visions of God, the Father, who is 
claimed to have appeared visibly to him, and de 
sired His Son, Jesus Christ, who stood by laden 
with a heavy cross, to take special care of him and 
his companions, which Christ promised to do. They 
are dangerous, because they declare no villainy, no 
treachery, nor cruelty to be criminal, provided it 
tends to the benefit of their Society. 

In 1762, the King and Parliament of France were 
moved against the Order, and to be satisfied as to 
the grounds of complaint against it, they appointed 
a commission, consisting of five princes of the blood, 
four peers of France, seven presidents of the court, 
thirteen counsellors of the grand chamber, and four 
teen other functionaries. This commission examined 
one hundred and forty-seven Jesuit authors of celeb 
rity, and in their report they say: "This perver 
sity of the doctrine maintained constantly, and with 
out interruption, by the priests, scholars, and others 
styling themselves of the Society of Jesus, would 
destroy the natural law, that rule of life which 
God himself has written in the heart of man ; and, as 
a natural result, would break all the bonds of civil 
society, authorize theft, perjury, impurity, the most 
criminal, and, generally, every passion and every 
crime, by teaching secret compensation, equivoca 
tion, mental reservation ; would uproot every feeling 
of humanity among men, by favoring homicide and 
parricide ; in fact, would overturn the principles and 
practices of religion, and substitute in its stead all 


kinds of superstition, by favor ing magic, blasphemy, 
irreligion, and idolatry.* Clement XIV., in his bull 
suppressing the Order, declares that it has been cen 
sured by Popes Urban XII., Clement X., XI., XII., 
Alexander VII., VIII., Innocent IX., XII., XIII., 
and Benedict XII., and then proceeds by saying: 
" After a mature deliberation, we do, of our certain 
knowledge and the fulness of our apostolic power, 
suppress and abolish the said Society. We deprive 
it of all activity whatever of its houses, schools, 
colleges, hospitals, lands, and, in short, of every 
place whatsoever, in whatever kingdom or province 
they may be situated. We abrogate and annul its 
statutes, rules, customs, decrees, and constitutions, 
even though confirmed by oath, and approved by 
the Holy See, or otherwise. We declare all and 
all kind of authority, the general, the provincial, the 
visitors, and other superiors of said Society, to be 
forever annulled and extinguished, of whatever 
nature soever the authority may be ; as well in 
things spiritual and temporal." 

Be it remembered, that -up to A.D. 1860, this 
Order of persons had been expelled no less than sev 
enty times from countries in which they had been 
living and applying their principles, and that these 
were almost all Roman Catholic countries ; and yet 
they have a most popular church in Washington, a 
college in Georgetown, and now are building the 
University, with the countenance of the representa 
tives of the Great Republic, in less than a quarter 
of a century after their assassination of Abraham 
Lincoln ! 

Let us learn how they train men for infamous 

Behold them consecrating the dagger of the as 
sassin for, perhaps, some man now under the ban. 

* Letters of Marcus, pp. 106. 


The following is the Jesuit s manner of consecrating 
both the persons and weapons employed for the 
murdering of kings and princes by them accounted 

The person whose silly reasons the Jesuits have 
overcome with their more potent arguments is im 
mediately conducted into their sanctum sanctorum, 
designed for prayer and meditation. There the dag 
ger is produced, carefully wrapt up in a linen safe 
guard, enclosed in an iron sheath, engraven with sev 
eral enigmatical characters, and accompanied with an 
Agnus Dei; certainly, a most monstrous confutation 
so unadvisedly to intertwine the height of murder 
ous villainy and the most sacred emblem of meek 
ness together. The dagger, unsheathed, is hypocriti 
cally bedewed with holy water, and the handle, 
adorned with a certain number of coral beads, put 
into his hand, thereby assuring the credulous fool 
that as many effectual stabs as he gives the assas 
sinated prince, so many souls he should redeem out 
of purgatory on his own account. Then they 
deliver the dagger into the homicide s hands, with 
a solemn recommendation, in these words : 

4 Elected son of God, receive the sword of Jeph- 
thah; the sword of Samson, which was the jawbone 
of an ass; the sword of David, wherewith he smote 
off the head of Goliath ; the sword of Gideon ; the 
sword of Judith ; the sword of the Maccabees ; the 
sword of Pope Julius II., wherewith he cut off the 
lives of several princes, his enemies, filling whole 
cities with slaughter and blood. Go forth pru 
dently, courageously, and the Lord strengthen thine 

Which being pronounced, they all fall upon their 
knees, and the Superior of the Jesuits pronounces 
the following exorcism : 

" Attend, O ye Cherubim ; descend and be pres- 


ent, O Seraphim. You thrones, you powers, you 
holy angels, come down and fill this blessed vessel 
the parricide with eternal glory ; and daily offer to 
him (for it is but a small reward) the crown of the 
blessed Virgin Mary, and of all the holy patriarchs 
and martyrs. He is no more concerned among us ; 
he is now of your celestial fraternity. And thou, O 
God, most terrible and inaccessible, who yet has 
revealed to this instrument of thine, in thy dedicated 
place of our prayer and meditation, that such a prince 
is to be cut off as a tyrant and a heretic, and his do 
minions to be translated to another line, confirm and 
strengthen, we beseech thee, this instrument of thine, 
whom we have consecrated and dedicated to that 
sacred office, that he may be able to accomplish thy 
will. Grant him the habergeon of thy divine omni- 
potency, that he may be enabled to escape the hands 
of his pursuers. Give him wings, that he may avoid 
the designs of all that lie in wait for his destruction. 
Infuse into his soul the beams of thy consolation, to 
uphold and sustain the weak palace of his body ; that, 
contemning all fears, he may be able to show a cheer 
ful and lively countenance in the midst of present 
torments or prolonged imprisonments ; and that he 
may sing and rejoice with a more than ordinary 
exultation, whatever death he undergoes." 

This exorcism being finished, the parricide is 
brought to the altar, over which, at that time, hangs 
a picture containing the story of James Clement, a 
Dominican friar, with the figures of several angels 
protecting him and conducting him to heaven. This 
Clement was accounted a blessed martyr for his bar 
barous murder of Henry III., King of France. This 
picture the Jesuits show their cully ; and, at the same 
time, presenting him with a celestial coronet, rehearse 
these words : " Lord, look down and behold this arm 
of thine, the executioner of thy justice ; let all thy 


saints arise, and give place to him ; " which ceremo 
nies being ended, there are five Jesuits deputed 
to converse with him, and keep the parricide com 
pany ; who, in their common discourse, make it their 
business, upon all occasions, to fill his ears with 
their divine wheedles ; making him believe that a 
certain celestial splendor shines in his countenance, 
by the beams whereof they are so overawed as to 
throw themselves down before him and kiss his feet ; 
that he appears no more a mortal, but is transfigured 
into a Deity ; and, lastly, in a deep dissimulation, 
they bewail themselves, and feign a kind of envy at 
the happiness and eternal glory which he is so sud 
denly to enjoy ; exclaiming thus before the credu 
lous wretch : " Would to God the Lord had chosen 
me in thy stead, and had so ordained it by these 
means, that being free from the pains of purgatory, 
I might go directly, without let, to paradise." But 
if the persons whom they imagined proper to attempt 
the parricide prove anything squeamish or reluc 
tant to their exhortations, then, by nocturnal scare 
crows and affrighting apparitions, or by the suborned 
appearances of the Holy Virgin, or some other of the 
saints, even of Ignatius Loyola himself, or some of 
his most celebrated associates, they terrify the soon- 
retrieved misbeliever into a compliance with a ready- 
prepared oath, which they force him to take, and 
thereby they animate and encourage his staggering 
resolution. Thus these villainous and impious doc 
tors in the arts of murder and parricide, sometimes by 
the terrors of punishment, sometimes by the allure 
ments of merit, inflame the courage of the unwary, 
and, having entangled them in the grooves of sacri 
legious and bloody attempts, precipitate both soul 
and body into eternal damnation. 

This is the method by which Jesuits clear themselves 


from their enemies. How happy, then, must that 
nation be, where Loyalists flourish ! 

Add to this the Jesuit s oath, and the peril seems 
increased : t I do renounce and disown any allegiance 
as due to any heretical king, prince or state named 
Protestant, or obedience to any of their inferior 
magistrates or officers. 

"I do further declare that the doctrine of the 
Church of England, the Calvinists, Huguenots, and 
of others of the name of Protestants, to be damnable ; 
and they themselves are damned and to be damned 
that will not forsake the same. 

" I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and 
advise all or any of His Holiness agents, in any 
place wherever I shall be, to extirpate the heretical 
Protestant doctrine ; and to destroy all their pre 
tended powers, regal or otherwise. 

"I do further promise and declare, that notwith 
standing I am dispensed with to assume any religion 
heretical, for the purpose of propagating of the 
Mother Church s interest, to keep secret and private 
all her agents councils, from time to time as they 
intrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, 
by words, writing, or circumstance whatsoever, but 
to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge 
or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly adviser, 
or auy of this sacred convent. All this I swear, by 
the blessed Trinity and blessed Sacrament, which I 
am about to receive, to perform, and on my part to 
keep inviolably ; and do call all the heavenly and 
glorious host of heaven to witness these my real 
intentions, to keep this my oath. 

" In testimony whereof, I take this most holy and 
blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the 
same further with my hand and seal, in the holy 
convent, this day of A.D.," etc. 

This oath evidences that every Jesuit is a traitor 


to the play, ready at any moment to perform any act 
that will further the interests of his order. It permits 
him to be a hypocrite, and to profess religion simply 
to plot against it and overthrow it. Jesuitism makes 
religion a pretense and a sham and plotting and ras 
cality a business, and yet it runs the Church of 
Rome, and is treated by one of the great political 
parties as an ally worthy of confidence and support. 
Why were the Jesuits reinstated by Pio Nono, and 
confirmed in their position by Leo XIII? To answer 
this-question, we must go back to 1868. Then, to 
take away the States of the Church from the rule of 
the Pope, was to bring universal crash to every 
European empire. Fortunately, Emperor William 
had no faith in such prognostications. Within the 
Church of Rome was a conflict as to the propriety of 
pronouncing the Pope infallible. Discussion went 
on throughout the Roman Catholic world. The 
prophecy of Paul, in 2 Thess. 2 : 3,4, was to be 
fulfilled ; "the man of sin, the son of perdition," was 
to " exalt himself above all that is called God or that 
is worshipped ; so that he as God sitteth in the 
temple of God, showing himself that he is God." 
This was fulfilled in A. D. 1870. Two hundred 
thousand people have borne Pio Nono to his throne 
in St. Peter s and worshipped him as God. He is 
absolute in power. French bayonets uphold his tem 
poral power. It looks as if the Pope was supreme. 

Open again the Word of God to Rev. 17 : 11, and 
read the doom of Louis Napoleon, " the beast that 
was," is Napoleon I ; "and is not," for there was a 
time when the Napoleonic power was out of sight 
and out of mind. After which, Louis Napoleon 
climbed to power, betrayed Mazzini, and Garibaldi 
in Italy, became the beast upon which the Harlot of 
the Tiber rode ; " and is the eighth and is of the seven," 
for it will be remembered, he built on the Napoleonic 


dynasty, and went to perdition. This is prophecy. 
Read a page from history. The Minister of France 
walks in the palace-yard of Emperor William and 
makes a remark which gives offence. Napoleon had 
boasted of his prowess, and thought a war only was 
necessary to make him Master of Prussia, as was his 
uncle before him. Emperor William resented the 
affront and rebuked the speaker. As a result, war 
was declared ; and the German army, as if on a picnic- 
excursion, overran France, encamped at Versailles, 
and took possession of Paris, and Louis Napoleon as 
an exile disappeared from the affairs of Europe. The 
army of France was withdrawn. The army of Victor 
Emmanuel was invited by the people of the States of 
the Church to enter Eome as King of Italy. He 
came. The Pope retired to the Vatican as the spir 
itual sovereign of Roman Catholics, but as temporal 
ruler no more. 

It was to the Pope a humiliation, and, perhaps, 
prepares the way for his destruction. Without 
an army, without support, he turned to the only 
power in the world in which he could trust to do 
the work of conspirators, assassins, and revolution 
ists, the Jesuits. He reinstated them. They be 
came the right arm of his strength, and have been 
seeking his restoration to temporal power. Every 
one who knows what their principles and history 
are, will feel satisfied that, like the Indian boomer 
ang, they are much more likely to injure the hand 
that uses them than those whom they are employed 
to oppose. The condition of the Pope is pitiable. 
He lives, as it were, on sufferance ; no longer the 
mighty and powerful ruler of the past, but influen 
tial simply because of his power outside of Eome, 
not inside. The Bible has entered Rome, the Word 
of God is not bound. 

We have been accustomed to bless God for that 


fatherly care of Divine Providence, which neither 
allowed the era of American colonization to be 
hastened, nor that of the Reformation to be deferred. 
Had these events been differently arranged, it has 
been said had Spanish blood, and not English, flowed 
in the veins of our first settlers, or had the May 
flower borne to our shores the foundations of a 
Catholic colony, and had Roger Williams been a 
Jesuit missionary or had the schemes of French 
conquest, that would have made Canada but the 
starting point of North American empire, been suc 
cessful, how different had been the annals of the 
country, and the entire race ! All that reads well. 
But when we remember that Providence, R. I., is 
almost a Roman Catholic town that a bishop was 
recently installed there in the presence of all the 
magnates of the state, and that Washington is in 
the lap of Rome, it becomes us not to boast of 
deliverance, but to recall our peril and prepare to 
resist the encroachments of liberty s foe. Remem 
ber, that the Jesuits ruling Washington may dispense 
with all laws, human and divine, dissolve all oaths 
and vows, and free men in the Cabinet of the Presi 
dent from the obligations which bind other men. 
So soon as a city or country is under their control, 
no member of the community can promise to himself 
security, either to his life, honor, or estate. Nay, 
the person of the President is not exempted from 
danger, when he is once the object of Jesuitical 

Shall Jesuits be welcomed or expelled? is the ques 
tion which is yet to agitate the people of the United 
States. Up to the present time, so great has been 
the love of liberty in the hearts of the people, that 
they have tolerated with impunity anarchists, revo 
lutionists, and Jesuits. The idea of suppression for 
opinion s sake has been repugnant to the sentiment 


of the majority. But a reaction is setting in. The 
people begin to see that it is cowardice to throw up 
the hands at the dicta of this blood-stained crowd, 
and permit them to scuttle the ship on which we are 
making a common voyage. Self-preservation, if 
nothing else, will compel the people of the United 
States to take the most stringent measures against 
the evil of the time, and to give even clearer scrutiny 
to the methods and principles and conduct of the 
Jesuits. They work in darkness, and they oppose 
the truth. Seven millions of people in free America, 
and 250,000,000 throughout the world, are ruled by 
their mandate. The Pope has enthroned them in power 
and reinstated them in all their former possessions. 
With the people over whom they have control, 
argument goes for nothing. The needs of the 
country are cast aside as unworthy of regard. The 
requirements of the church is their all and in all. 
Oaths are valueless, if to keep them imperils the 
Order, or the church. Their history is a continued 
series of associations, massacres of innocent people, 
conspiracies and machinations against existing laws 
and orders. The masses they have incited to revolt, 
and the rulers to bloody and fruitless wars. Cor 
ruption they sow broadcast over the land in order to 
further their doctrines of treason, perjury, falsehood, 
and murder. Brazen as they are, they use their 
power of religion as a cloak to hide their sins against 
God, and their sins against man. To-day their one 
object of detestation is the public school system of 
the United States. They see that the education of 
the masses is their ruination. In the South there 
are millions of freedmen growing up in ignorance, 
owing to the inability of the several States to educate 
them. Well has the Hon. Henry W. Blair, in the 
Senate, called attention to the duty of the nation to 
educate the rising generation. "It is of very little 


consequence," said the Senator, " relatively, what 
becomes of the present generation. What we are, we 
are, and are likely to be ; but it is of great importance 
what shall be the fate of the future, which depends so 
largely upon the conduct of the present. The real 
question is, whether this generation, with natural 
powers for the control of the destiny of the country 
for the time being, is to make that provision for the 
generation to come which has been made for the 
generation existing by those who have preceded it ; 
whether this generation, so far as it has the capacity 
to do so, is to make better preparation for the dis 
charge of its duties on the part of the coming gener 
ation, so far as it should be made, than was made by 
those who preceded us." If the Christian and intelli 
gent people of the United States are not awake to 
the importance of this measure, the Jesuits are. 
They saw from the first that Romanism is doomed, 
if the people of this land are to be educated. Jesuit 
ism understands that a great fight is already out 
lining itself for the future between the common 
schools of the United States and Romanism. Jesuit 
ism is not afraid. She fights education openly and 
secretly. Said Senator Blair: "Upon this very 
floor, soon after we had passed this bill, full two years 
ago, and while it was in the hands of a packed com 
mittee in the House of Representatives, where it was 
finally strangled, on this very floor, a senator 
showed me a letter which I read with my own 
eyes, the original letter of a Jesuit priest, in 
which he begged a member of Congress to 
oppose this bill and to kill it, saying, that 
they had organized all over the country "for its 
destruction ; that they succeeded in the committees of 
the House, and they would destroy the bill inevi 
tably ; and if they had only known it early enough, 
they could have prevented its passing through the 


Senate. They have begun in season this time ; but 
they will not destroy this bill. 

* Twelve years ago, when I was a member of the 
House of Representatives, and when we were under 
taking to enact a constitutional amendment which 
was to prevent the appropriation of public money to 
the support of sectarian schools in this country, a 
friend of mine pointed out to me upon that 
floor nine Jesuits, who were there log-rolling 
against that proposed amendment of the Constitu 
tion. There in Washington is that Jesuit organiza 
tion which has set out to control this country, which 
has been repudiated by every free country, Catholic 
and Protestant, in the Old World : they have come 
to our borders ; they are among us today, and to stay ; 
and they understand that they are to secure the con 
trol of this continent, by destroying the public school 
system of America. They are engaged in that 
nefarious, wicked work. And as Jesuits have been 
expelled from the Old World, let me say, the time 
is soon coming when the Jesuits will be looked upon 
as more the enemy of this country than is the 
Anarchist to-day. And the process either of their 
expulsion, or of their conversion, will be the one in 
which the American people will sometime be 
engaged, unless the Order change their programme 
and their work." 

Brave words were these of Senator Blair, the 
bravest spoken for many a day ! The Senate passed 
the Bill. When it went to the House, the Jesuits 
again showed their hand. The Presidential election 
being near, made men careful. The usual Jesuit 
lobby was present, and the bill was referred to a 
committee appointed by the Jesuits servant, the 
Speaker of the House, where it will lie until the 
citizens awake to their peril, and send men to Con 
gress less susceptible to Jesuitical influence. The 


speech was delivered Feb. 15th, 1888. On May 
25th, 1888, Mr. Blair introduced the following joint 
resolution ; which was read twice, and ordered to lie 
on the table : 




" Resolved by the /Senate and House of Represen 
tatives of the United /States of America in Congress 
assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring 
therein) , That, the following amendment to the Con 
stitution of the United States be, and hereby is, pro 
posed to the States, to become valid when ratified by 
the legislatures of three-fourths of the States, as pro 
vided in the Constitution : 


" SECTION 1. Xo State shall ever make or main 
tain any law respecting an establishment of religion, 
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. 

" SEC. 2. Each State in this Union shall establish 
and maintain a system of free public schools, 
adequate for the education of all the children living 
therein, between the ages of six and sixteen years, 
inclusive, in the common branches of knowledge, and 
in virtue, morality, and the principles of the Christian 
religion. But no money raised by taxation imposed 
by law, or any money or other property or credit 
belonging to any municipal organization, or to any 
State, or to the United States, shall ever be appro 
priated, applied, or given to the use or purposes of 
any school, institution, corporation, or person, 
whereby instruction or training shall be given in 
the doctrines, tenets, beliefs, ceremonials, or obser- 


vances peculiar to any sect, denomination, organiza 
tion, or society, being, or claiming to be, religious 
in its character, nor shall such peculiar doctrines, 
tenets, beliefs, ceremonials, or observances, be taught 
or inculcated, in the free public schools. 

" SEC. 3. To the end that each State, the United 
States, and all the people thereof, may have and 
preserve governments republican in form and in sub 
stance, the United States shall guaranty to every 
State, and to the people of every State and of the 
United States, the support and maintenance of such 
a system of free public schools as is herein provided. 

" SEC. 4. That Congress shall enforce this article 
by legislation when necessary." 

Another plot. The Jesuits have formed a coloni 
zation scheme, with a capital of $2,000,000, to aid 
Romanists in getting control of the South. 


All the Southern States were represented except 
Florida, Texas and Arkansas, and most, if not all 
the great Southern railroad corporations were like 
wise represented by their Presidents or other officers. 
The following is taken from the Atlanta Evening 
Journal of April 26th, being part of the report of 
that paper : 

66 Gov. Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia, was selected 
as President. Committees on business and resolu 
tions were appointed by the delegations from the 
respective States. Col. W. P. Price was made the 
chairman of the Georgia delegation, and Mr. Sandy 
Cohen, of Augusta, selected as secretary. Governor 
J. B. Gordon, Bishop Becker, Patrick Walsh, and 
E. P. Howell, were chosen as the Committee for 
Georgia. Interesting addresses were made by 
Cardinal Gibbons, Rt. Rev. Bishop Kane of West 


Virginia, Rt. Rev. Bishop Northup of South Caro 
lina, and Governors Gordon of Georgia and Richard 
son of South Carolina. The speech of Gov. Gordon 
is especially highly commended. 

"At the night session, the Immigration Committee 
adopted the following resolutions : 

"Resolved, That an Immigration Society be 
established, with headquarters in the city of New 
York, to be styled The Southern Immigration Asso 

"Resolved, That this Association be placed under 
the care of a board of directors, composed of one 
member of each Southern railroad or other corpora 
tion, trade, industrial or other organization in each 
state, county, city or town, situated east of the 
Mississippi river, that will contribute the sum of 
$1,000 towards the expenses of said Association on 
or before July 1st next, and that on the second 
Tuesday of July, 1888, the board so constituted 
shall meet in New York, and proceed to organize, and 
adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be 
necessary for its government. 

"Resolved, That until such organization is per 
fected, Major John D. Kelly, Jr., be constituted 
chief of the Association, with power to call the 
board together whenever said contributions from 
railroads or other corporations, trades, industrial 
or other organizations of states, cities, counties and 
towns, shall have reached the aggregate sum of 
$20,000 ; and when such call has been made, the 
board of directors shall proceed immediately to 
perfect a permanent organization, as provided for in 
the second resolution. 

* Resolved, That immediately upon adoption of 
these resolutions, the Secretary of the convention 
shall give notice of the same to the Governor of each 
of the Southern States, to the President of each of 


the Southern railroads, and to the Mayor of every 
city, and to every town in the Southern States east 
of the Mississippi River, having a population of 
5,000 or more, and to solicit the co-operation of said 
officers in furthering the objects of this convention." 
The central office of this association is located at 
New York. 

Concerning this convention, it is meet that all 
should be informed. It met April 25, 1888, at 
Hot Springs, North Carolina. There were present 
the cardinal, bishops, priests, politicians and rail 
road men. The object for which the conference was 
called was the consideration of Catholic immigration 
to the South. 

Slavery, whatever were its evils, fenced off Roman 
immigration from Europe, and threw it North, so 
that, of the 16,000,000 foreigners who have come 
to the country, not more than 600,000 have settled 
in the Southern States. 

It is known that the negroes in the South are 
Republicans ; and if their votes are counted they 
will become a power. The Jesuits attempt to offset 
this by a foreign vote. Romanism is advancing 
through our open gates like a mighty force, bull 
dozing and corrupting our legislators, and demand 
ing privileges and exemptions for itself which no 
other sect would do. How long will it be before 
the Jesuits shall engineer bills through the halls of 
Congress as they have done in New York? 


Cardinal Gibbons has just returned from the 
South. Regarding the immigration convention held 
recently at Hot Springs, N. C., he says: "The 
class of immigrants that the convention wants to 
bring among the people of the South are thrifty and 


well-to-do natives of Ireland and Germany. We do 
not want anarchists or paupers. The South needs 
development badly, and I know of no better way 
than to offer inducements to honest emigrants. I 
deny that the movement is one to increase the power 
of the Catholic Church in the South, other than what 
legitimate increase may follow from such. The 
Church upholds the law, and that should be sufficient 
guaranty to any intelligent mind of the sincerity 
and honesty of our purpose." Will the American 
people be deceived by this Jesuitical special pleading 
for this Romish scheme ? 


A recent writer has said, that in expelling the 
Jesuits, not alone all Protestant Americans would 
unite, but thousands upon thousands of the most 
intelligent members of the Roman Catholic Church 
would join hands. Jesuitism is almost as dangerous 
to them as to Protestants. There is no religion in 
Jesuitism. It is foreign to the principles of the 
gospel, inimical to liberty, and a conspirator against 
the State. Because of their insatiate greed for 
power and influence, they have been feared, hated, 
driven out. It is believed that it will be so in this, 
free land. Some deed will be performed, some 
word spoken, which shall uncover the traitor ; when 
the American people will arise and make short work 
of the invader that seeks to crush out freedom, that 
despotism resting on ignorance, on superstition and 
error, may thrive. The cry will yet be heard : 
"Expel the Jesuits." Then, voxpopuli shall be the 
vox Dei. 



This few seem to know ; the many reckon, it happened 
so. Such are oblivious to the fact, that before even 
Washington was even a dream in the minds of men, 
Rome had plotted to hold the continent. By Rome, 
we mean the power that makes Rome what she is, and 
what she is to be, " the prince of the power of the 
air," who has incarnated himself in Jesuitism, as 
Christ is incarnated in Christianity ; the power that 
works in darkness, and plans the suppression of the 
the truth and the overthrow of the rule of Christ. 
" For we wrestle not," says Paul, "against flesh 
and blood, but against principalities and powers, 
and against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 
against spiritual wickedness in high places."* John 
said: "He that committeth sin is of the devil, for 
the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this pur 
pose was the Son of God manifested, that he might 
destroy the works of the devil. "| In this manifesta 
tion of Christ through the proclamation of the truth, 
lies the hope of the world. If then we charge 
Romanism with being cunning, subtle, and sly, the 
reason for the charge is supplied in the words quoted, 
which inform us of the cunning craftiness whereby 
Rome lies in wait to deceive. 


It is shadowy. It inhabits the air and infects it. 
Romanism is the malaria of the spiritual world. It 

Eph. 6 ; 12. f 1 John 3 : 8. 


stupefies the brain, deadens the heart, and sears the 
conscience as with a hot iron. It stands across the 
track of the world s life, with gifts in its hands, offer 
ing rule, supremacy, power and wealth to all who 
will fall down and worship her.* 

They who yield have peace and praise. They 
who refuse must fight a desperate foe. The many do 
not believe this. They are blinded by ambition and 
fear, and they see it not. Deaf are they and they 
hear not the truth, and yet the truth remains. 
The what is, is the outgrowth of the what has been. 
Don t forget it. A wise, astute, cunning, compre 
hensive intellect has helped Romanism in the past, 
and is helping it now. 

Washington is in the lap of Rome, because of influ 
ences which stirred the hearts of people and made 
them to act worse than they knew. 

A few facts will make all this plain. Columbus 
wa.s actuated by a desire to promote the interests of 
Romanism, when he traversed an unknown sea and 
discovered this Western World. Cortez and Pizarro 
went to Mexico and Peru, and captured them for the 
same purpose. Their lives were full of cruelty, but 
that did not hurt them with Rome. Lord Baltimore 
came to Maryland to find a refuge for persecuted" 
Romanists and named the place of retreat Mary s land. 
To escape the fangs of Romanism and priestly intol 
erance, the Puritans forsook their homes beyond the 
sea, came to New England, and on Plymouth Rock 
built an altar to liberty, sought on bleak New Eng 
land shores freedom to worship God. They have 
been called narrow in their thought, and it is claimed 
they meant by liberty, liberty for themselves, and 
the right to banish all who thought differently. 

Roger Williams, in the furnace fire of affliction and 
persecution, had the fetters of slavery to creed burned 

* 2 Thess. 2 : 8, 9. 


away, and came forth, through the wilderness and 
the sleet and snows of winter, to " What Cheer 
Rock," where he became the champion of liberty for 

Archbishop Hughes once said : 4 Far be it from 
me to diminish, by one iota, the merit that is claimed 
for Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and perhaps other 
states, on the score of having proclaimed religious 
freedom, but the Catholics of Maryland, by priority 
of time, had borne away the prize." This is untrue, 
both as regards time and character of what purported 
to be religious freedom. The Roman Catholic colony 
sailed up the Potomac in 1634. In Maryland the 
boasted law was passed in 1649, two years after the 
doctrine of religious freedom was proclaimed in 
Rhode Island. Bancroft, in speaking of what was 
done in Maryland, says : "The controversy between 
the king and the parliament advanced, the overthrow 
of the monarchy seemed about to confer unlimited 
power in England upon the embittered enemies of 
the Romish Church ; and, as if with a foresight of 
impending danger, and an earnest desire to stay its 
approach, the Roman Catholics of Maryland, with 
^he covert countenance of their governor and of the 
proprietary, determined to place upon their 
statute-book an act of guaranty of religious freedom, 
which had ever been sacred upon their soil. This 
is the language of the Act : And whereas the 
enforcing of the conscience in matters of religion 
had frequently fallen out to be of dangerous conse 
quences in those commonwealths where it has been 
practiced, and for the more quiet and peaceable 
government of this province, and the better to pre 
serve mutual love and amity among the inhabitants, 
no person within this province professing to believe 
in Jesus Christ, shall in any ways be troubled, 
molested, or discountenanced for his or her religion, 


or the free exercise thereof." This, then, is their 
law poor as it is. In Rhode Island , their code of 
laws passed in 1647, closes with the following 
noble avowal of religious liberty to all: " Otherwise 
than this what is herein forbidden, all men may 
walk as their consciences persuade them, every one 
in the name of God. And let the lambs of the Most 
High walk in this colony without molestation, in the 
name of Jehovah their God, for ever and ever." 

At a time when Germany was the battle-field for 
all Europe, in the implacable wars of religion ; when 
even Holland was bleeding with the anger of venge 
ful factions ; when France was still to go through the 
fearful struggle with bigotry ; when England was 
gasping under the despotism of intolerance ; almost 
half a century before William Penn became an 
American proprietor ; and two years before Descartes 
founded modern philosophy on the method of free 
reflection Roger Williams assisted the great 
doctrine of intellectual liberty. It became his glory 
to found a state upon that principle ; and to stamp it 
upon its rising institutions, in characters so deep that 
the impression has remained to the present day, and 
can never be erased without the total destruction of 
the work. The principles which the ^rst sustained, 
amid the bickerings of a colonial faith, next asserted 
in the general court of Massachusetts, and then 
introduced into the wilds of Narragansett Bay, he 
soon found occasion to publish to the world, and to 
defend as the basis of the religious freedom of man 
kind ; so that, borrowing the rhetoric employed by 
his antagonist in derision, we may compare him to 
the lark, the pleasant bird of the peaceful summer, 
that, affecting to soar aloft, springs upward from the 
ground, takes his rise from pole to tree, and at last 
surmounting the highest hills, utters his clear chorals 
through the skies of morning. He was the first per- 


son in modern Christendom to assert, in its pleni 
tude, the doctrine of the liberty of conscience, the 
equality of opinions before the law ; and in its 
defense he was the harbinger of Milton, the precur 
sor and the superior of Jeremy Taylor. For 
Taylor limited his toleration to a few Christian sects ; 
the philanthrophy of Williams compassed the earth. 
Taylor favored partial reform, commended lenity, 
argued for forbearance, and entered a special plea in 
behalf of each tolerable sect : Williams would per 
mit persecutions of no opinion, of no religion ; leav 
ing heresy unharmed by law, and orthodoxy unpro 
tected by the terrors of penal statutes. 

Without comment, let us notice what Bancroft 
says of the Maryland statutes : 

" The clause for liberty in Maryland," he says, 
" extended only to Christians, and was introduced 
by the proviso, That whatsoever person shall blas 
pheme God, or shall deny or reproach the Holy 
Trinity, or any of the three Persons thereof, shall be 
punished by death. Any person using any reproach 
ful word or speeches concerning the Blessed Virgin 
Mary, Mother of our Saviour, or the holy Apostles 
or Evangelists, or any of them, for the first offense, 
were to forfeit five pounds sterling to the lord pro 
prietary, or, in default of payment, to be publicly 
and severely whipped and imprisoned, as before 
directed ; and for the third oflfense to forfeit lands 
and goods, and be forever banished out of the prov 
ince. " 

Cardinal Gibbons defines religious liberty to be 
the free right of worshipping God according to the 
dictates of a right conscience, and -of producing a 
form of religion most in accordance with his duties to 
God." In other words, religious liberty is the free 
right of worshipping according to the commands of 
Vol. 1, p. 256. 


the church of Eome, and of producing a form of 
religion in accordance with the commands of the 
Pope. Behind such a definition the Inquisitorial 
tortures of Torquemada in Spain were practised, the 
Waldenses and Albigenses were exterminated by 
fire and sword, Ridley and Latimer were burned at 
the stake, the fires were kindled at Smithfield for 
the burning of the Word of God, and the inhuman 
barbarities witnessed in convents and elsewhere 
where Rome has control, are sanctioned and endorsed. 
Full religious liberty means perfect liberty in our 
relation to God, to believe or not to believe, to 
worship or not to worship, as conscience may dic 
tate. In the realm of religious liberty, suasion is the 
only weapon to be used. God alone is the Lord of 
the conscience. For this principle Roger Williams, 
Isaac Backus and others contended, and the doctrines 
they enunciated have shed a light which causes the 
thrones of despotism to stand out in horrid contrast 
with the altars of Republican hope. 

After the proclamation of religious liberty came 
the formation of the Republic. A nation was born. 
A capital became a necessity. It has been said : The 
American capital is the only seat of Government 
of a first-class power which was a thought and the 
performance of the Government itself. It used to be 
called, in the Madisonian era, "the only virgin capital 
in the world."* 

St. Petersburg was the thought of an emperor, but 
the capital of Russia long remained at Moscow, and 
Peter the Great said that he designed St. Petersburg 
to be only a window looking into Europe. Washing 
ton City was designed to be not merely a window, but 
a whole inhabitancy, in fee simple, for the deliberations 
of Congress, and they were to exercise exclusive 

*Geo, Alfred Townsend, in his Washington City, Outside 
and Inside. 


legislation over it. So the Constitutional Convention 
ordained, and in less than seven weeks after the thir 
teenth State ratified the Constitution, the place of the 
Capital was designated by Congress to the Potomac 
River. In six months, the precise territory on the 
Potomac was selected under the personal eye of 
Washington. The home of the so-called Father of 
his Country was Mt. Vernon. Virginia was then the 
Empire State. Her population outnumbered both 
New York and Pennsylvania. Baltimore was then the 
Queen City, and Annapolis offered a safe retreat for 
Congress, who had been insulted in Philadelphia, and 
the Pennsylvanian authorities neglected to afford ade 
quate protection. Then Congress resolved to have a 
place of its own. 

Maryland was an early applicant for the seat of 
Government, and so was Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana ; 
but the Federal City came to Maryland and was located 
on the banks of the Potomac, very largely because of 
the munificent offer made by Virginia, and of the 
paramount influence of Washington. At that time 
Georgetown was a port of entry, and was a slave- 
market, and largely settled by Romanists. The Jes 
uit College had been established there, and priest and 
people were quick to see the opportunities of advance 
ment placed within their reach. The influence of 
Roman Catholic Maryland has been noticeable in the 
" City of Magnificent Distances" from the first. Be 
hind Maryland, and in league with Jesuit and Priests, 
was and is the power referred to, "The Prince of the 
power of the air." This fact must be kept in mind. 
It explains the mysteries that envelop the city. 

Does it not tell us another truth, that God is not 
afraid. Though Satan is potent, he is not omnipo 
tent. Though Rome is very prudent and wise, she 
has not all wisdom. Up above us all is a Being who 
sees the end from the beginning, and though "the lot 


is cast into the lap, the disposal thereof is with the 
Lord." Let us believe this. "He that hath a dream, let 
him tell a dream, and he that hath my word, let him 
speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the 
wheat? saith the Lord. Is not my word like a fire? 
saith the Lord, and like a hammer that breaketh the 
rock in pieces ? " * 

It was July 16th, 1790, that President Washington 
approved the bill in six sections which directed the 
acceptance of ten miles square for the permanent seat 
of the Government. Georgetown had been laid out 
for forty years. The Jesuit mission of Maryland, 
began by Father Andrew White, Father John Grov- 
ernor and Father Timothy Hayes, in 1633, antedates 
the settlement of all the original thirteen states, 
except Virginia and Massachusetts. 

The Jesuit College had been founded in 1789, one 
year before the capital was located on the Potomac. 
It was chartered as a University in 1815. It had 
been weak. In 1872, though ten Jesuit professors 
taught, there were but fifty-six students. The Con 
vent of Visitation was founded in 1799. Virginia was 
called " the Mother of Presidents, and the Mother of 
States." She had then a population of 750,000; 
Pennsylvania had 434,000 ; and New York 340,000. 
North Carolina, with 394,000, outnumbered Massa 
chusetts with 379,000. It was not until 1820 that 
any state passed Virginia ; but in 1830 New York and 
Pennsylvania had bidden her good bye ! " 

The Capitol was staked out the year after Frank 
lin died, thirty years before the death of George III., 
in Goethe s 52nd year and Schiller s 32nd ; sixteen 
years before the first steamboat, two years before 
Louis XII, was guillotined, when Louis Phillippi was 
in his 19th year, when George Stephenson was a boy 
of ten, the year John Wesley died, in Napoleon s 

*Jer. 23:28, 29. 


22nd year, the year Morse was born and Mirabeau 
was buried, in the third year of the London Times, 
just after Lafayette had been the most powerful man 
in France, three years before the death of Edward 
Gibbon, while Warren Hastings was on trial, in 
Burke s 61st year, in Foxe s 42nd, Pitt s 32nd, in the 
Popedom of Pius VII. 

The laying-out of the city was taken in charge 
by Major L Enfant. In the survey, the little creek 
called the Tiber a name so significant to Romanists ; 
though it designates a little creek, long afterwards 
the eyesore of the city obtained significance in the 
estimation of Roman Catholics. 

So much for history. Rumor has it that the 
Southerners voted against a Northern town, that 
slavery might find protection beneath the shadow of 
the Capitol, where she reared her Auction Block, and 
did her best to perpetuate her infamies. Is it not 
possible that Rome, the foster-parent of slavery, 
hoped to find in slaveholders allies and helpers to 
promote the interests of this twin-relic of mediaeval 
barbarism, which it is hoped may be removed with 
out a civil war and without compelling the nation to 
wade through a sea of blood? Victor Hugo, in his 
Les Miserables, describes the devil-fish. Its long, 
floating arms envelopes its victim, and silently bears 
it to the vortex of ruin. The devil-fish of Victor 
Hugo s imagination is matched by the skill displayed 
by Rome in Washington, which it seeks to hold. 

Mighty as is Rome, it has been baffled and beaten 
elsewhere, and can be beaten again. At this hour, 
it looks as if an untimely surrender had been made. 
The truth proclaimed will awaken the people to the 
infamy of the deed, and they will take back what 
belongs to them, and Washington shall be free. 



Jesuits sue for the favor of the great and powerful. 
To obtain this, they decry faith in God, join in 
attacks on Rome, play the atheist or the infidel. 
Jesuitism permits its votary to do what pleases him. 
Submission to God is not in their creed. Jesuitism, 
in its practice, pays a premium on talent, on trickery, 
on cunning. It glories in subtlety. It is "all 
things to all men." Falsehood, theft, murder, 
none of these things stand in its way. According to 
the compendium published in Strasburg in 1843, it 
is written as follows : 

"Perjury Should it be asked how far a man 
should be bound, who has taken an oath in a false 
manner, and for the purpose of deceiving, the answer 
is, that in point of religion he is not bound at all, 
because he has not taken a true oath ; but in point of 
justice he is bound to do that which he hus sworn 
fictitiously and in order to deceive." There is honor 
for the people in America ! Robbery is permitted, 
and so is murder ! Jesuitism is free to accomplish 
its designs. Among the wants of mankind may be 
reckoned an appetite for deception ; a desire inherent 
in our depraved natures to bring to an agreement the 
claims of the Deity with the indulgence of our 
frailties ; a mild impatience for the conveniences 
and splendors of a religious structure in which the 
history of delusion may be enjoyed to the full. And 
most prodigally does the Romish church minister to 
this demand. Ample and complete indeed was the 


apparatus which she provided for the accommodation 
of all the various passions and propensities of man. 

When the structure which she had reared had 
reached its perfection, it "had a chamber for every 
natural faculty of the soul, and an occupation for 
every energy of the natural spirit." She there per 
mitted every extreme :>f abstemiousness and indul 
gence, fast and revelry ; melancholy abstraction and 
burning zeal ; subtle acuteness and popular discourse ; 
world renunciation and worldly ambition ; embracing 
the arts and the sciences and the stores of ancient 
learning ; adding antiquity and misrepresentation of 
all monuments of better times, and covering carefully 
with a venerable veil that only monument of better 
times which was able to expose the false ministry of 
the infinite superstition.* 

It is needless to add that the sorcery which thus 
drugged the world, was, from the first, most prodi 
gally patronized by the vices and wants of human 
nature. In Washington, nothing is done by Roman 
ists to frighten the most timid. Nothing to waken 
people up. Nothing to scare or alarm. And yet 
Avhoever enters Washington is met by this unseen 
influence. If he surrenders, be he president, depart 
ment clerk, or minister of the gospel, there is peace. 
If he refuses to yield, and stands for the liberties of 
the people, then there is a fight. The powers of 
hell are evoked. His path is blocked. His limbs 
are fettered. His words fall like lead, and are no 
longer winged with power. This is known ; and 
men who wish promotion recognize the truth, and 
adjust their plans accordingly. 

Rome as a machine in politics is a success. The 
Pope is the church, since 1870. The Jesuits rule 
the Pope. 

It is said that Leo XIII. thought himself to be 

*Irving s Babylon, page 238. 


Pope. The Jesuits thought differently. The Pope 
was poisoned. His agony was excruciating. A 
Jesuit approached him ; told him the truth : " You 
are poisoned. You have so long a time to live. If 
you surrender, the antidote e.s ready " He surrendered 
to Jesuitism, and lives as their machine, to be 
worked in their interest, and as the foe of all that is 
ennobling and improving among men. Does that 
story seem incredible? It is but a repetition of 
what has occurred again and again. Jesuitism, that 
has been banished from every country in Europe, 
finds in the United States a welcome and a sphere 
for action. The Cardinal is the mouthpiece and ser 
vant of the Order. As a political machine, it is with 
out a rival. It is not hindered by principle or even 
pretension. It does what it will pay to have done. 
It works for its own interest, first, last, and all the 
time. It helps the party that will do its behests 
blindly and without questioning. It delivers its 
goods. If it promises votes for reward, it gives the 
votes and expects the reward. Powerful at Wash 
ington, it is equally powerful outside. Offend the 
Order at the Seat of Government, and a whispered 
word brings opposition from every quarter, if that 
be necessary ; while it delivers a single blow with 
equal force, and is feared everywhere, because of its 
capabilities to work mischief in any given locality. 

In the days of slavery, it was the ally of despotism. 
It was supposed to be the sure ally of the Confeder 
acy ; or, perhaps, the attempt to draw out of the 
Union never had been made. What it could not do 
openly, it did in secret. The lovers of liberty not 
only overthrew slavery, but proved to Romanism 
that the cohorts of liberty are to be feared. Hence 
Romanism withdrew from public gaze, and, adopting 
the tactics of Uriah Heep, served that it might rule. 
The audaciousness of Rome is only equalled by its 


industry. It never tires. It is in league with all 
the forces of evil. Three-fourths of the saloon 
keepers are Komanists. A politician of Cincinnati 
declared, "I would rather have the help of one 
saloon than of five churches." The probability is, 
the churches could not be brought to the support of 
such a man. The saloons could. Rome runs them. 
They pay for it. Week after week, Sisters, in the 
service of Rome, visit them and obtain their weekly 
stipend, and bestow the blessing of the church on the 
infamous traffic. 

Rome climbs to power because it is joined to every 
form of evil, is in league with the enemy of all right 
eousness, and runs with the multitude in evil-doing. 
To Rome Satan said, "Fall down and worship me, 
and 1 will lift you to places of power and influence." 
The deed was done. The result has followed. Place, 
then, an organism that is utterly unscrupulous at the 
direction of a party, that controls the press and the 
k plug-uglies," the pulpit and the penal class, that 
lays one hand on the homes of fashion and culture, 
and the other on the tenement-house ; one on the 
banking office, and the other on the workshop and 
factory, that marshals the aspirants after power 
and the class that only cries for gain, that steps 
upon the platform as adviser, and into the caucus as 
director, that is at all times and everywhere capa 
ble of achieving results, and it is not strange that 
its power is evoked and that its behests are obeyed. 
Rome has climbed to power in Washington because 
men have forgotten country and God, and served evil 
for the sake of gain. It has been said : 

"The Inquisition is not only one of the horrors of 
history, but one of its greatest lessons also. It is 
the greatest argument to prove that the only safety 
of nations is in justice and liberty." 

In a few years Rome will become able to establish 


the Inquisition here, unless a speedy change for the 
better comes over the spirit of our people. When I 
looked upon the cells of solid masonry standing back 
to back in the cellar of a Catholic church in New 
Jersey, and noticed the size of them, and that they 
were exactly such ones as are described in history, in 
which human beings were walled up alive, I said to 
myself, Who is to be walled up to die in there ? " 
I stood upon the wall of an unfinished church, to 
take my observation that wall was several feet 
thick. A woman was wheeling a baby-carriage upon 
it, and she had plenty of room. Not the cry of a 
hundred men could be heard through such a wall 
Avhen finished. What do innocent churches want of 
such walls in a free country ? Ah ! the not distant 
future will tell, if "the Catholics become a consider 
able majority." 

That kind of a cell is not confined to New Jersey. 
The cells and underground passages in the cellar of 
the Jesuit college in Washington w r ould alarm the 
American people, if they were not case-hardened and 
dead to reason. In one cellar beneath a Roman 
Catholic church is a cell in which is an iron cellar. 
It can be closed air-tight. What horrid crimes have 
been committed there, God only knows. Rome is 
not changed, in spirit or in purpose. She boasts of 
her intolerance, and practices her inhumanity when 
ever she can. Let a member of Congress determine, 
because of public opinion, and perhaps because of the 
intrinsic merits of a bill that obtains the approval of 
his judgment and because he believes it will advance the 
interests of his constituency to refuse a vote to advance 
a scheme upon which Rome has set its heart, or to 
pass an appropriation bill in which Rome has an 
interest, and presto ! he finds himself antagonized by 
a spirit that infects the air and confronts and destroys 
his influence. An unseen hand is found directing 


affairs at the nominating convention and manipulating 
ballots at the polls. Because of this, the power of 
Rome is dreaded and courted in Washington and 
throughout the country. 


Cardinal, archbishops, priests, brothers, monks, 
nuns, sisters of charity and of the poor these, and 
an innumerable multitude beside, do her bidding. 
They will tell the truth, or a falsehood, in accordance 
with the needs of Rome. They will cringe and crawl 
as beggars, or frown and threaten as masters. They 
will deceive the very elect. 


They are "lovers of their own selves, covetous, 
boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, 
unthankful, unholy, without natural aifection, truce 
breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers 
of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, 
lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God ; having 
a form of godliness and denying the power thereof. 
. . . For of this sort are they which creep into houses 
and lead captive silly women, laden with sins, led away 
with divers lusts, ever learning and never able to 
come to the knowledge of the truth ; from such turn 
away." * 

Beyond what are called the sacred orders, Rome 
has a vast constituency, which are being organized by 
the Jesuits into a great number of secret societies, 
the principal of which are : < The Ancient Order of 
Hibernians " " Irish American Society " "Knights of 
/St. Patrick," " Knights of the Red Branch" etc., etc. ; 
while it is said, and believed, there are 700,000 
men enrolled under the name of U. S. Volunteers, 
Militia, and officered by some of the skillful generals 

* 2 Tim. 3:2-7. 


and officers of the Republic. These are trained to 
antagonize the most sacred principles underlying 
the Constitution of the United States ; such as, the 
equality of every citizen before the law, liberty of 
conscience, independence of the civil from ecclesiasti 
cal power, freedom of worship, etc., etc. 

The United States have established schools, where 
they invite the people to send their children, that they 
may cultivate their intelligence and become good and 
useful citizens. The church of Rome has publicly 
cursed all these schools and forbidden their children 
to attend them, under pain of excommunication in 
this world and damnation in the next. Not only 
does she antagonize our school system, claiming at 
the outset that it bore a religious character, because 
the Bible found in it a welcome ; but having been the 
cause for banishing the Word of God, she pronounces 
the schools godless, and sends forth the decree to 
have all her children housed in the parochial school, 
and then, with an effrontery and inconsistency that is 
simply astounding, she seeks to officer the schools of 
Protestants, so that in some of the public schools 
in which there is hardly a single Roman Catholic 
child, and where there is a parochial school in the 
immediate neighborhood, Rome, through suffrage, 
obtains control of the School Board in our large cities, 
and then fills the schools with Roman Catholic teach 
ers to instruct the children of Protestants. In one 
such school are forty-one teachers, thirty-nine of 
whom are Roman Catholics. 

The Constitution of the United States finds in the 
people the source of civil power. Rome proclaims 
this principle impious and heretical, and claims that 
all governments must rest upon the foundations of 
the Catholic faith, with the Pope alone as the legiti 
mate and infallible source and interpreter of the 
law. The Hon. Richard W. Thompson, late Secretary 


of the Navy, said : "Nothing is plainer than that, if 
the principles of the church of Rome prevail here, 
religious freedom is at an end. The two cannot exist 
together. They are in open and direct antagonism 
with the fundamental theory of our Government 

This statement would not convey any news to an 
intelligent and an instructed Romanist. The Roman 
Catholic Bishop Ryan, speaking in Philadelphia re 
cently, said: "We maintain that the Church of 
Rome is intolerant ; that is, that she uses every 
means in her power to root out heresy. But her 
intolerance is the result of her infallibility. She 
alone has the right to be intolerant, because she 
alone has the truth. The church tolerates heretics 
when she is obliged to do so ; but she hates them 
with a deadly hatred, and uses all her power to* 
annihilate them. If ever the Catholics should 
become a considerable majority, which in time will 
surely be the case, then will religious freedom in the 
Republic of the United States come to an end. Our 
enemies know how she treated heretics in the Middle 
Ages, and how she treats them to-day, where she 
has the power. We no more think of denying these 
historic facts, than we do of blaming the Holy God 
and the princes of the church for what they have 
thought fit to do." 

This, though not a cheerful view, tells the truth, 
and prepares us, with renewed interest, to study the 
proofs, showing that Washington is in the lap of 
Rome, that we may better be prepared to under 
stand the terrible tyranny there exercised, and the 
unscrupulous uses to which the results of this power 
is applied. 



No sooner had the District of Columbia been 
designated as the seat of the Capital of the United 
States, than Rome entered it, not as master, but as 
servant. Pius VII. had just reached the Papal chair, 
while the Continent about him was quaking beneath 
the resounding tread of Napoleon s embattled host. 
Romanism was having a hard struggle in Europe. 
She was not yet at home in America. She was on 
sufferance. Clement the Fourteenth had issued the 
bill abolishing the Society of Jesuits, just previous to 
the Declaration of Independence by the United 
States of America, saying, as he did so : " I sign my 
death-warrant ; but I obey my conscience." " Watch 
the pot," became his watchword, as he dismissed one 
cook supposed to be under Jesuit control, and 
appointed another, a monk by the name of Francis, 
whom he thought he could trust. 

The active prudence of the good monk did not 
disconcert the Jesuits ; it only rendered them more 
ingenious in Europe, and coaxed them in great num 
bers to find a home and a theatre of operations in the 
regions beyond. 

The following was the infernal trick they employed 
to attain their ends in Rome: "A lady of the 
Sabine, entirely devoted to them, had a tree in her 
garden which bore the handsomest figs in Rome. 
The reverend fathers, knowing that the Pope loved 
this fruit very much, induced the lady to disguise 
herself as a peasant, and go and present these figs to 


Brother Francis. The devotee did so several times, 
gained the confidence of the Franciscan, and one day 
slipped into the basket a fig larger than the others, 
into which a subtle poison, called aquetta? was 
injected. Up to this time the Holy Father had 
enjoyed perfect health ; he was well made, though 
of the ordinary height ; his voice was sonorous and 
strong ; he walked with the activity of a young man, 
and everything presaged a long old age to him. 
From that day his health failed in an extraordinary 
manner ; it was remarked with alarm that his voice 
was sensibly failing. To those first symptoms of 
his sickness was joined so violent an inflammation of 
his throat that lie was obliged to keep his mouth 
constantly open ; vomiting then succeeded the inflam 
mation, accompanied by pains in his bowels ; finally, 
the sickness increasing in its intensity, he discovered 
that he was poisoned. He wished to make use of 
antidotes, but it was too late ; the evil was beyond 
remedy, and he had only to wait the close of his life. 
For the three months that he endured this terrible 
agony, his courage never failed him for a moment ; 
one day only, after a more violent crisis than all the 
others, he said : "Alas ! I knew well that they would 
poison me, but I did not expect to die in so slow 
and cruel a manner." Remember, a woman wos the 
instrument of the Jesuits, as was Mary Surratt, a 
century later, in the taking off of the great Emanci 
pator. The Pope was changed into a shadow. His 
flesh was eaten out by the corrosive action of the 
"aquetta"\ his very bones were attacked and 
became softened, contorting his members and giving 
them a hideous form. At last, worn out with suffer 
ing, the poor victim of the execrable Jesuits died, 
Sept. 22nd, 1774. Something of this was known by 
the builders of the Republic in America. In Assam 
missionaries are compelled to get accustomed to 


snakes. They climb up their door-jams ; they find 
sleeping places in the roof and ceiling above them ; 
They look down upon them, while they rest in bed. 
Sometimes a poisonous reptile is touched, and bites 
and kills. This is bad. Thousands of natives fall a 
prey to the reptiles, who live, and move, and have 
being in the country ; yet, after all, missionaries get 
used to snakes. They learn to tolerate them. 
Some learn to pet them. They see natives who 
become snake-charmers, and boast of their ability ; 
indeed, get their living by handling and sporting wkh 
snakes. The story is matched by the way Roman 
Catholics have come to be not only tolerated, but 
finally petted, courted, if not loved, in America. At 
the outset, the people felt a great repugnance towards 
them. The Christian people of the United States 
gave Roman Catholics a wide berth. The less they 
had of them the better. The story of the Inquisition 
was familiar. Washington dreaded foreign influence, 
und never saw but one Roman Catholic in whom he 
had comfort, the immortal Lafayette. Jefferson, 
Madison and others were afraid of the influence 
attempted to be exerted by the mischievous, perse 
cuting, unreliable asscioation known and designated 
as the Roman Catholic Church, which was to them 
" The Wicked" The Mystery of Iniquity "- 
"The Harlot of the Tiber" The oppressor and 
inhuman foe of the Church of God in all ages and all 
climes. Hence Rome entered Washington, as else 
where, as an object of dread. That College in 
Georgetown, District of Columbia, was regarded as 
a Jesuit nest. It was let alone by the North, and 
largely by the South. Then came the convent. 
Nuns began to appear. Their pious faces, demure 
appearance, deceived the very elect. The establish 
ments they wanted for eleemosynary purposes, went 
up silently and almost unnoticed. Here was the 


Providence Hospital, corner Second and D streets. 
Beautiful name ! All thought well of it. It was 
founded in 1862. That was in the midst of the war. 
The nuns wished to help nurse the wounded. " Why 
not let them? Who can do it better?" men said. 
The camel got his head in when hospital tents were 
whitening the hillsides and valleys of the land. 
Thaddeus Stevens asked and obtained an appropria 
tion of $32,000 for the Providence Hospital. In 
1864 it was incorporated. The Sisters of Charity 
were to have charge. The name < < Sisters of Charity " 
sounds well. In 1867 the present building was com 
menced. It is now two hundred and eighty feet in 
length, built of brick, and will accommodate 250 
patients, and the government supports seventy-five 
free beds. 

Samuel J. Eandall, the son of a Baptist, linked to 
the denomination by many enduring ties, married a 
wife in sympathy with Rome, gave his daughter to a 
Roman Catholic, and found in the hospital the best 
of care after those terrible nervous prostration 
attacks which come of too great mental strain when 
stimulus no longer furnishes relief. There he could 
go. All that love and care could do for him was 
done ; all that political influence could do for them 
was done. And so appropriation after appropriation 
has been smuggled through ; until, it is said and 
believed that, since 1866, over one million of dollars 
have been given by the nation to support Roman 
Catholic institutions in the City of Washington. 
This will be a surprise to many members of Congress 
now on duty. It will not be believed by some. Yet 
it is probably under, rather than over the truth. 
Rome builds her walls in troublous times. It was 
during the war that she appeared, the war in which 
she wrought as the traitor to liberty. She obtained 
a foothold from which it seems almost impossible to 


dislodge her. She came stealthily and unobtrusively : 
came as a helper by profession, as a flatterer by 
practice. Because women, dressed in the garb of 
nuns, came to strong men and asked for help, it was 
thought ungallant to deny them. They had been in 
the hospitals. The surgeons prized them. They 
gave no trouble. If things were wrong, they never 
made reports. Physicians and surgeons might be 
drunken and cruel, the Sisters of Charity gave no 
sign. The bad had all things in common. So they 
prospered there, and were rewarded when they 
needed help in Washington. Home knows how to 
employ women in carrying forward her great 
schemes. Her history shows this. 


In presenting Romish splendors and glories we are 
not compelled to cross the sea, to enter Italy, to pass 
through the gates of the seven-hilled city, to pass up 
the Appian or any other way ; to enter St. Peter, or 
wander through the interminable passages and galler 
ies of the Vatican. The Rome in which the Coliseum 
stands, and churches innumerable are found side by 
side with ruins sacred to memory and history, is not 
in our thought when it is declared that Rome found 
a place in the lap of Washington before Washington 
came to rest so quietly and contentedly in the lap of 
Rome. By Rome is meant, the spirit that distin 
guishes her, and the influences which gathered power 
in days that were dark and days that were bright. 
By Rome is meant, the men who serve at her altars ; 
now known as a monk, then as a bishop, anon arch 
bishop or a cardinal, but first and last as a Jesuit. 

Lord Robert Montagu, formerly the companion of 
the Jesuits, says: "The system of the Church of 
Rome is a wonderful mechanism. Its centre is the 
Pope. Yet it is independent of the Pope. Many a 


Pope has been a dotard ; very many have been 
debauchees; and still the machine works on, irre 
spective of his idiosyncrasies. It is the Cabinet, the 
Privy Council, the College of Cardinals that governs. 
That body never dies. One old man and another 
falls away, like a sere and yellow leaf; but the tree 
remains ; the tradition and knowledge of centuries 
are still there. The records of the past are added to 
the daily experiences of the present ; and that exper 
ience is being ever gathered in every corner of the 
earth, wherever there is a priest or a missioner. 
From every race, from every land, from every 
people, nay, from every family, there stretches a 
telegraphic wire of secret intelligence to the central 
section of the Vatican. There the intelligence is 
used by free minds, who are destitute of family, 
without all the affections that are natural to men ; 
without a country or a home, without patriotism, 
without restraint of obligations, oaths, moral prin 
ciples or divine laws ; because the word of the Pope 
is supposed to tear those holy fetters away as gos 
samer webs ; and priestly absolution is held to wash 
out even the slightest taint of sin." 

" That is right which is done to advance the 
power of the Pope. That is true which the Pope 
may please to assert ex cathedra ; that which favors 
the interests of the church is good. Even crime is 
commendable if it be done for the church. The ad 
vance of the Papacy has always been as the advance 
of the plague, irresistible, unsparing, remorseless, 
and deadly. Its myriads of secret agents overmatch 
armies and dispose of their generals. Its purposes 
are fathomless as the sea and silent as the grave : its 
action in every state, setting nation to hamper nation, 
and exciting one statesman against another; break 
ing up, dividing, crumbling its enemies, while its 
own party is always united ; conspiring everywhere 


towards one object. Ever victorious, it will triumph, 
until the great hour for the doom of the harlot, which 
sits upon the nations of the earth, has struck, until 
the warning voice has been heard through the world, 
" Come out of her my people." 

Having increased from 45,000 in 1783 in the 
United States, very largely through emigration and 
annexation ; and having worked in accordance with 
one fixed and comprehensive plan, viz. : to get all 
possible in land, in influence, in gifts, and give out 
nothing and lose nothing, having adopted a system 
of borrowing money by a kind of saving-bank pro 
cess, illustrated by Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati, 
whereby millions of dollars have been obtained and 
used for the purchase of real estate, building vast 
structures, and mortgaging them for all they can 
carry, Rome has an appearance of prosperity, the 
result of dishonesty and deception, and entirely mis 
leading. In Cincinnati and elsewhere, these vast 
sums used have been stolen from the poor, who have 
no redress except in suits of law, which are expen 
sive, and which result in putting the litigant under 
the ban of the church. 

The Pope claims that the church has an innate, 
legitimate ri^fht to the entire earth. Rome takes, 

O O 7 

holds, and uses property as if she were master. 
This property, to the extent of $300,000,000 in the 
U. S., is vested in the bishops. The people who give 
the money have no control of it. In England, Rome 
obtained possession, at one time, of one-third of the 
Kingdom ; and it was only through the statute of 
mortmain deliverance was obtained. In Spain, in 
Mexico, in Italy, and in other Catholic countries, 
the civil power had to resort to confiscation, so that 
the people might have an opportunity to build ; 
hence Church property should be taxed, and then 
Rome would be compelled to disgorge. The city 


of Brooklyn is robbed annually of $100,000 taxes on 
one piece of property captured by Jesuit cruelty and 
cunning, and yet there is not a church, nor an eccle 
siastical edifice on it. The entire separation of 
church and state is the principle of our government, 
and to prevent the possibility of any sect, or combi 
nation of sects, from imposing, or even attempting 
to impose, a state church upon the United States, 
it was enacted March 4th, 1789, in the first amend 
ment to the Constitution, that " Congress shall 
make no law respecting an establishment of religion, 
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; " and yet 
public land and money has been given by the Gov 
ernment to the Roman Catholic church amounting 
to millions of dollars. The block on which the 
Fifth Avenue Cathedral stands in New York is valued 
at $4,000,000. Land has been given in many mili 
tary posts for Roman Catholic chapels, in direct an 
tagonism to the letter and spirit of the Republic. 

This is the Rome that entered Washington, so 
soon as the wilderness began to bud and blossom 
towards its present life and state. Let us admit the 
truth. Rome has silently and stealthily coiled her 
folds about the capital, and few are aware of the 
peril which threatens the peace and prosperity of the 
nation.* Into Washington Rome came with exceed 
ing care and grace. She has risen to power and 
dominion through the instigation of Satan and the 
instrumentality of designing men. Rome seeks poli 
tical supremacy at the capital and throughout the 
nation. Is it not high time that every loyal citizen, 
and friend of religious and civil liberty, should 
awake to the importance of firmly withstanding the 
emissary in those places where she seeks control? 
No man who is a loyal Roman Catholic is properly 
qualified to be a representative in our national or 

* See Frontispiece. 


state legislatures. No man who truckles to Roman 
ism is n t to be a representative of a free people. 

Let us not forget that the signal of our nationality 
was the signal of Rome s irrevocable decree to crush 
us in our might ; and commencing with the honeyed 
expressions of the tongue and a sardonic smile upon 
her face, she Bas received largely and enjoyed long 
our national conlidence and hospitality. We remem 
bered that it was not the least of America s glory, 
that her Roman Catholic sons fought and suffered 
and perilled for her liberty ; and we did not thus 
perceive that the Jesuitism, which then and now 
absolutely controls the church of Rome in the United 
States, never had anything in common with our in 
stitutions, the Declaration of Independence, or our 
Republican government. There is an eternal hos 
tility between the principles of Washington and the 
principles of Popery, between the spirit of Romish 
priests and prelates and that of the fathers of the Re 
public, who owned allegiance only to God, and re 
quired no intercessor but His well-beloved Son . There 
were no surpliced traitors, no perfidious prelates, in 
that great convention which formed the eternal code 
of our liberties, and wrote our everlasting principles ; 
but God-fearing, God-depending, God-trusting men 
of robust and manly life. It was no vulnerable con 
ceited popinjay but the spirit which had drawn 
lightning from the skies who arose in that assem 
bly, and to solve doubt, and difficulty, and danger 
said : " We seem to be at our wits ends ; we need 
help from above. Let us pray" They knelt the 
collected wisdom of America before the God who 
had given them Independence, that He might guide 
them to a Constitution wise and holy enough to save 
it. Let not their work be in vain. Put the trumpet 
to the lip, and sound the alarm : Papal Despotism 
has Washington in her grasp ! The presence of the 


dragon is here and is felt ; his breath is diffusing its 
poison ; his touch has wounded, and already par 
tially withered our schools, the ballot-box and the 
Bible. Men claiming to be Protestants are barter 
ing the principles of American liberty for priestly 
influence and papal despotism. To head against it, 
truth must be told. Then will the clouds of mental 
and moral darkness be dissipated, and the poor, 
blinded Papists, in bondage to priestcraft, will come 
forth into the freedom of Bible and Republican inde 

The female Jesuit in America, as in Europe, is to 
be dreaded. No one can follow the trail of the 
liomish serpent without being convinced that Satan 
did not turn from women after he wrought the ruin 
of the father of the race through his seductive power 
over Eve. Through woman he finds a passage-way 
to the heart of man. No greater peril confronts us 
than is found in the readiness with which Protestant 
young men marry Roman Catholic wives. Gen. 
"Win. T. Sherman beclouded his life, gave up his 
hold upon the children God might give him, and so 
was robbed of his boy, and did injustice to his own 
high aims, when he took to his heart a woman who 
had first given herself to the priests of Rome. Be 
cause of this, he publicly declared he could not 
accept the nomination for the Presidency. Whatever 
he may do, or not do, she has been the willing and 
untiring servant of Rome. By her wiles another 
brilliant man lost the Presidency, and is to-day a 
broken wreck. There were good reasons why God 
forbade the children of Israel marrying wives from 
the heathen about them. When this was done, the 
woman captured the man and carried with her the 
children. Solomon, with all his wisdom, could not 
withstand her wiles. Rome understands this power, 
and places schools, filled with brilliant and captivat- 


ing ladies, near the military posts, so as to capture 
the young men. Major-General Schofield was born 
into a Christian home, and had an honored father, 
who was a Baptist minister, but a Romish wife has 
taken him into the embrace of Rome. Let the warn 
ing be heeded. Judge Jesuitism by its infamous 
conduct towards the amiable Clement. Pius the 
Sixth came next. We cannot describe the p Jottings 
and conflicts which disturbed the church prior to his 
election. His character is made apparent by the 
utterance : * t Pius the Fifth is the last Pope canon 
ized by the church, I wish to walk in his footsteps" 
Pius the Fifth was the instigator of the St. Barthol 
omew massacre. Pius the Sixth has been described 
as enterprising and irresolute, interested and prodi 
gal, suspicious and careless, false in heart and 
knavish in mind. Pius the Sixth had two children 
by his own sister ! * His conduct infected Romanism. 
It was during his life as Pope, that Leopold of Tus 
cany, brother of Joseph Second of Austria, deter 
mined to clean out Tuscany by resisting the polluting 
tendencies of the Papacy. In "Why Priests Should 
Wed " there is no more terrible picture than is here 
set forth. Scipio di Ricci, through investigations, 
brought out revelations which horrified Europe. 
44 From the declarations of the nuns, it was shown 
that in the convents of St. Lucia and St. Catherine 
at Pistoria, the female Dominicans received the con 
fessors in the chapter and abandoned themselves to 
the most unbridled excesses of libertinage on the 
very steps of the altar ; other nuns owned that fre 
quently jealousy, or the inconstancy of the monks, 
led to serious collisions ; that they disputed for the 
provincial, or prior; that they deprived themselves 
of their money or eifects for their confessors ; that 

* History of the Popes, by Louis Mare De Gormen, p. 398. 
Ibid., p. 403. 


several Dominicans had five or six mistresses at once, 
who formed a kind of seraglio ; that at each promo 
tion of a provincial in the monastery of the men, the 
newly chosen went to the convent to choose a favor 
ite, and that the novices, entirely naked, were ranged 
in two rows for his inspection ; that he placed his hand 
on the head of her who pleased him most and made 
her his mistress at once" Why are nunneries in 
Washington better than these pest houses? Has 
Kome changed ? Scipio di Ricci, under the direction of 
Leopold, fought these enormities, and Pius the Sixth 
fought the Reformer and fulminated bull after bull 
against him. To clean out the impurities of the 
Papacy condemned the Pope of Rome. 

Then it was Voltaire led the philosophers in their 
attack upon the church. Free thought in Europe led 
to untrammeled thinking in the New World. Louis 
the Sixteenth expiated his crimes upon the scaffold. 
A Republic was proclaimed in France. It was the out 
growth of the birth of the Republic of the United 
States. Pius the Sixth fulminates a bull of excom 
munication against the French nation, designating it 
by the names of "impious" " sacriligeous " and 
" abominable," and calls doAvn upon it the thunders 
of heaven and earth. The Convention sends the 
following letter to His Holiness: "The Executive 
Council of the Republic to the prince bishop of Rome. 
Pontiff, You will immediately discharge from your 
dungeons several French citizens who are detained in 
them. If these demands are ineffectual, you will 
learn that the Republic is too bold to overlook an 
outrage, or too powerful to allow it to go unpun 

Then came the fight with Napoleon Bonaparte. 
Pius the Sixth endeavored to appease the storm ; but 
these conflicts, and, above all, his debauchery with 
the beautiful Duchess de Broschi, his daughter, gave 


a, fatal blow to his health. His two bastards, Rom- 
nald and the Duke de Broschi, hastened to lay hands 
on the treasures collected in the Vatican. Up rose the 
people against the Pontiff kings informing him 
that he was no longer anything in the government. 
" And my dignity," exclaimed the Pope, anxiously ; 
"what becomes of it?" "It will be preserved to 
you," said General Cervani ; "and a provision of two 
thousand Roman crowns is granted you to maintain 
your rank." "And my person, what is to become 
of it?" "It is safe," replied Cervani; "and they 
will even grant you a hundred men for your guard." 
" 1 am still Pope, then," said the destroyer of his 
sister s virtue, with a strange laugh. Thus he went 
on, until the resources of life were used up by age, 
debaucheries, and excesses. A paralysis, which had 
at first fallen on his limbs, extended to his entrails, 
and freed the earth, on the 29th of August, 1799, of 
the last pontiff of the eighteenth century. 

Then came Pius the Seventh. The new pope was 
elected after one hundred and four days of discussion 
and strife. To Napoleon he was indebted for his 
election. To Napoleon he became servile and ful 
some, and exhausted all forms of adulatory thanks. 
He it was who left Rome and went to Paris to con 
secrate the Consul who had changed the Republic 
into an empire, and took to himself a crown. Pius 
the Seventh restored the Jesuits to power. He 
persecuted the good, and helped the bad ; and on 
the 6th of July, 1822, fell in his chamber and broke 
his hip, and died April 20, 1823. 

The Papacy, weak in Europe, was not strong in 
America. The Jesuits were alive there and here. 
They were hated there as here they prospered 
there as here. Into Washington Rome came, not as 
a novice, but as an adept in the art of ruling. Every 
thing was new and untried. Help was welcomed, 


come from whence it might. The Jesuits were wary 
and discreet. They represented an organization that 
joined together ancient civilizations. Truly has Ma- 
caulay said : " No other institution is left standing 
which carries the mind back to the times when the 
smoke of sacrifice rose from the Pantheon and when 
camel-leopards and tigers bounded in the Flavian 
amphitheatre. The proudest royal houses are but 
of yesterday, when compared with the line of su 
preme pontiffs. That line we trace back in an unbroken 
series from the Pope who crowned Napoleon in the 
Nineteenth century, to the Pope who crowned Pepin 
in the Eighth ; and far beyond the time of Pepin the 
august dynasty extends, till it is lost in the twilight 
of fable." 

Rome was full of life and vigor. Republics had 
been throttled in Europe. The attempt was to be 
made to destroy the one being established in America. 
There is much about Rome to give it prestige. Age 
does much. Pretension does more. She assumes 
apostolical pre-eminence. Few care to prove the 
falsity of the claims. They tolerate, they endure, 
and some embrace. 


as the sole authorized channel of Divine grace to 
saints and sinners. She has large endowments and 
accumulated wealth. She holds her church-edifices, 
monasteries, convents, educational and charitable 
establishments, by such a tenure as to be independ 
ent of contemporary fear or favor. By the skillful 
use of the political and social influence connected 
with its wealth and numbers and centralized organ 
izations, it has facilities for advancing to honor, 
and otherwise repaying, those who sustain and honor 
her, and for hindering or preventing the prosperity 
of those who oppose her. 


She has also an element of great strength in her 
grandeur and showy magnificence. Her grand 
cathedrals and churches, situated in the most desir 
able situations ; her gorgeous ceremonies, and pomp 
ous processions, with all the adjuncts of unrivalled 
music and artistic splendor, produce their effect. 
Churches went up. They were beautiful to the eye. 
Priests walked in humility, not in pride. The war 
was no sooner over, than Rome built for the colored 
people the handsomest and most stately structure in 
Washington. That was smart. None knew it better 
than the priests of Rome. Pictures of the most 
costly character were hung on its walls. The altar 
drapery was of the best. White priests ministered 
at the altar ; but schools were established for the 
education of black priests and black nuns. They 
call it St. Augustine. The name is good. The 
blacks and whites bow down together before false 
images and alike disobey God, and people call it 


The Jesuits built St. Aloysius. In Washington 
all regard Jesuitism with favor. St. Matthew s is 
the home of diplomats. The great find there a wel 
come, and bow down to graven images. England 
disgraces herself and insults this country by sending 
a Roman Catholic as Minister to our Government ; 
while she attempts to throttle the serpent seeking 
her life at home. 

St. Patrick, on G and 10th Streets ; Holy Trin 
ity, Georgetown ; Immaculate Conception, N and 
8th Streets ; St. Aloysius for the Jesuits, St. Augus 
tine for the exclusive use of colored people ; St. 
Dominic, E and 6th Streets ; St. Joseph s ; St. Math- 
ew s, Nand 15th Streets; St. Paul s, 15th and V; 
St. Peter s on Capitol Hill ; St. Stephen s, Pennsyl 
vania Ave. and 25th Street ; St. Teresa s Anacosta ; 
Visitation Convent Chapel, Tenallytown ; St. Ann s, 


attended from Georgetown College. The descend 
ants of Luther and Calvin came to America to have 
a church without a Pope, where they made a govern 
ment without a throne. Will they fail? 

That question must be answered by this generation. 
The conduct of the American people to-day is shap 
ing the destiny of the nation s future. In the past, 
Eome has asked permission to exist. This request 
it was American to grant. To-day she demands the 
right to rule. This it will be American to repress. 



In one way or another Rome pushes her way to 
seats of power and influence. Is it because Protes 
tants are too modest, or too indifferent, to resist ? The 
Romish Priest is in the workhouse caring for paupers 
because Protestant ministers neglect to do it. He 
gets a chaplaincy in the prison and jail for the 
same reason. It is come to be believed that Roman 
Catholics are adapted to care for our eleemosynary 
institutions ; such as hospitals, houses of refuge, 
orphan asylums and institutions of kindred character, 
as are not Protestants. Let us not find fault with 
Romanists for doing what Protestants neglect to do. 
Nothing could be more unfair or unwise. Let us not 
give over to Romanists work that we ought to do our 
selves. It is a surprising fact, that every hospital in 
Washington is in the hands of Roman Catholics 
with one exception, and that has the treasurer and 
three members of the Board, Roman Catholics ; that 
Sisters of Charity are the nurses ; and that American 
citizens are compelled to see these representatives of 
a faith utterly distasteful to the majority enthroned 
in power. 

As a rule, American citizens do not like the head 
gear of the " Sisters." " Why can t they take off 
those white-winged sun-bonnets in the ward?" 
asked one poor fellow, reared in a Protestant home, 
and yet sick in a hospital. " Sun-bonnets ! " sneered 
another of the irreverent critics; "they re a cross 
between a white sun-bonnet and a broken down 


umbrella; and there s no name that describes 

This language describes the feeling of very many 
in the hospitals in Washington. They do not like 
the head-gear or the manners of the so-called 
61 Sisters of Mercy." It is theory that there are no 
nobler and no more heroic women than those found 
in the Catholic sisterhoods. The fact explodes the 
theory. They are like other women: some are 
good, some are bad. Some kind, some cruel. 

Rev. J. W. Parker, D.D., pastor, at one time, of 
the E-Street Baptist Church, of Washington, D.C., 
related, that his own brother was in a Washington 
hospital, and that nuns were the nurses. He desired 
a drink of water in the night, and asked for it, and 
overheard them say, "He is a heretic; let him 

A friend in such a hospital, with nuns as nurses, 
found herself in a constant worry, because she would 
keep her New Testament by her side, and would have 
her pastor visit her. The nuns did every disagree 
able thing possible, until the minister told them that 
if such conduct did not cease, it would be reported 
at headquarters, and punishment would be demanded. 

Another woman, who had been at one time a 
Roman Catholic, and who had been converted to 
Christianity, found herself in the hospital ministered 
unto by the Sisters of Mercy. They brought to her 
bedside a priest. She declined to see him. He per 
sisted in coming. Her Protestant friends and the 
minister were told that she had gone back to the 
Church of Rome and that she did not wish them 
more. They believed the story, and stayed away for 
the time. They insisted on administering " extreme 
unction," daubed her with oil and drenched her with 

*Mary A. Livermore, in "The Story of the War," pp. 


holy water, leaving her to die. The minister forced 
his way by the guards and got into the room. 

" Why have you left me to the pitiless persecu 
tions of these enemies of Christ ? " 

" They told me you wished it ; that you had gone 
back to the idols of Rome, and turned your back on 
Christ." " It is a lie, a Popish lie ; I have asked for 
you daily, I turned with loathing from their mummer 
ies, but was compelled by weakness to endure this 
oil and holy water. Take me out of here." 

The woman was removed to a home of love, where 
she was cared for. Why is such cruelty tolerated ? 

Clarence was the brother of the architect who su 
pervised the construction of a large addition to the most 
important public building in Washington. Clarence 
had won the heart of a daughter of a member of Lin 
coln s Cabinet. Her sister was married to an eminent 
lawyer, who was afterward a member of Garfield s 
Cabinet. The lady insisted upon a reformation of 
life, and his taking up and following some honest occu 
pation. He accepted a position under his brother, 
but soon fell into his former ways. Worn out with 
a debauch which lasted several weeks, he entered the 
Providence Hospital, which deserves to be styled 
" The Drunkard s Retreat." Then he professed the 
Roman Catholic religion, without a reformation of 
life, and without giving up his cups even for a brief 
period, and in that faith lived and died a drunkard, 
and was buried in consecrated ground. 

Another and a sadder scene. A lady, beautiful in 
face and form, was upon her death-bed. The priest 
came to administer extreme unction. He had, of 
course, the room to himself, and while with the lady 
alone, attempted an assault. She shrieked for help. 
The daughter, despite the rules of the church, burst 
into the room. " Turn the wretch out, " exclaimed 
the mother, " and promise me, that come what will, 


you will never allow a priest to approach you, nor 
have more to do with the Church of Rome. " The 
promise was made. Years passed. The daughter 
grew sick. Her friends were Roman Catholics. Her 
money was gone. She was compelled to be minis 
tered unto by a Roman Catholic nurse, and because 
she would not suffer a priest to come and administer 
extreme unction, and die in the faith of Rome, they 
drew the bed from beneath her dying form, and left her 
upon the bare slats to lie, until a Protestant friend, 
now living in Washington, brought pillows and placed 
beneath her and took her to her own house, where 
she died. Then they would not let her rest, but dug 
up her body, carried it to consecrated ground, and 
boasted that she died in the Church of Rome. 

Because such conduct is possible, Roman Catholic 
surgeons oppose the employment of Protestant nurses 
and declare they will not have them in the service, 
and that only the Sisters " of the Catholic Church 
shall receive appointments. "I sought," said Mrs. 
M. A. Livermore, " for the cause of this decision." 
" Your Protestant nurses are always finding some 
mare s nest or other, " said one of the surgeons, 
" < that they can t let alone. They all write for the 
papers, and the story finds its way into print, and 
directly we are in hot water. Now, these * sisters 
never see anything they ought not to see, nor hear 
anything, and they never write for the papers, and 
the result is, we get along very comfortably with 
them. It was futile to combat their prejudices, or to 
attempt to show them that they lacked the power to 
enforce their decisions." 

Does not this explain why the * Sisters of Mercy " 
are preferred in Washington ? 

Here is a letter from a distinguished woman con 
nected with a church of influence, and with societies 
which would gladly do the needed work. She writes : 

They drew the bed from beneath her dying form. 
(See page 90.) 


"There is not a hospital in Washington where a 
Christian can go and feel that he or she is not con 
fronted by Roman Catholics. Columbia Hospital 
for women, supported by Congress, has a drunken, 
brutal, Roman Catholic surgeon in charge. Priests 
are banqueted, and given full sway in the house ; 
all the illegitimate children are christened by them, 
and the influence of Rome pervades "every depart 
ment. The hospital erected in memory of the 
sainted Garfield is infested by them, because of the 
idea, so prevalent, that Romanists are the only 
people who can do charity work. Alas for human 
ity, when such ideas prevail !" 

Miss Mary A. Livermore, in her "Story of the 
War," speaks of the persistent effort to fill hospitals 
with "Sisters of Mercy," and exclude good, trained, 
excellent Protestant nurses. They would not be 
daunted or turned back. "Our husbands, sons and 
brothers need us and want us. If the surgeons are 
determined to employ Roman Catholic nurses, to the 
exclusion of Protestant, we shall contend for our 
rights, and appeal to the Secretary of War." They 
carried the day, and filled the land with their forces. 
Had the Protestant ladies of Washington manifested 
equal courage and persistency, they could have held 
control. The United States Hospitals got clear of 
the head -gear of the nuns, and filled their places 
with trained Protestant nurses. 

On the tenth of June, 1861, Secretary Cameron 
vested Dorothea Dix with sole power to appoint 
women nurses in the hospitals. Secretary Stanton 
succeeding him, ratified their appointment. Miss 
Dix desired women over thirty years of age, plain 
almost to repulsion in dress, and devoid of personal 
attractions. Many of the women whom she rejected, 
hecause they were tooyoungand too beautiful, entered 
the service under other auspices and became eminently 


"There is not a hospital in Washington where a 
Christian can go and feel that he or she is not con 
fronted by Koman Catholics. Columbia Hospital 
for women, supported by Congress, has a drunken, 
brutal, Roman Catholic surgeon in charge. Priests 
are banqueted, and given full sway in the house ; 
all the illegitimate children are christened by them, 
and the influence of Rome pervades every depart 
ment. The hospital erected in memory of the 
sainted Garfield is infested by them, because of the 
idea, so prevalent, that Romanists are the only 
people who can do charity work. Alas for human 
ity, when such ideas prevail !" 

Miss Mary A. Livermore, in her " Story of the 
War," speaks of the persistent effort to fill hospitals 
with "Sisters of Mercy," and exclude good, trained, 
excellent Protestant nurses. They would not be 
daunted or turned back. "Our husbands, sons and 
brothers need us and want us. If the surgeons are 
determined to employ Roman Catholic nurses, to the 
exclusion of Protestant, we shall contend for our 
rights, and appeal to the Secretary of War." They 
carried the day, and filled the land with their forces. 
Had the Protestant ladies of Washington manifested 
equal courage and persistency, they could have held 
control. The United States Hospitals got clear of 
the head -gear of the nuns, and filled their places 
with trained Protestant nurses. 

On the tenth of June, 1861, Secretary Cameron 
vested Dorothea Dix with sole power to appoint 
women nurses in the hospitals. Secretary Stanton 
succeeding him, ratified their appointment. Miss 
Dix desired women over thirty years of age, plain 
almost to repulsion in dress, and devoid of personal 
attractions. Many of the women whom she rejected, 
because they were too young and too beautiful, entered 
the service under other auspices and became eminently 


with her work of relief. To their honor, be it said, 
the " boys" reciprocated her affection most heartily. 
"That homely figure, clad in calico, wrapped in a 
shawl, and surmounted with a * shaker bonnet, is 
more to this army than the Madonna to a Catholic," 
said an officer, pointing to her as she emerged from the 
Sanitary Commission headquarters, laden with sup 

Mary A. Bickerdyke was born in Knox County, 
Ohio, July 19, 1817. She came of Revolutionary 
ancestors, and was never happier than when recount 
ing the stories told her when a child by the grand 
father who served with Washington during the seven 
years struggle. Her husband died two years before 
the breaking out of the war. She was living in Gales- 
burgh, 111., and was a member of the Congregational 
Church when the war broke out. Hardly had the 
the troops reached Cairo, when, from the sudden 
change in their habits, sickness broke out, and the 
ladies sent down Mother Bickerdyke. After the bat 
tle of Belmont she was appointed matron of the large 
post hospital at Cairo. The surgeon was given to 
drunkenness ; he had filled all the positions in the 
hospitals with surgeons and officers of his sort, and 
bacchanalial carousals in the " doctor s room " were of 
frequent occurrence. "Sisters of Mercy" in that 
hospital would have been quiet. Soldiers might suf 
fer. Officers and surgeons might drink to drunken 
ness, especially if they were Roman Catholics ; but they 
would be mute and unobserving. They are this way 
in the hospitals in Washington, where drunken sur 
geons revel, priests christen their illegitimate child 
ren, while Government supports the concern, and all 
goes merry as a marriage bell. 

Not so with Mother Bickerdyke. In twenty-four 
hours surgeon and matron were at swords points. 
She denounced him to his face ; and when the gar- 


ments and delicacies sent her for the use of the sick and 
wounded disappeared mysteriously, she charged their 
theft upon him and his subordinates. 

He ordered her out of the hospital, and threatened 
to put her out, if she did not hasten her departure. 
She replied that she would stay as long as the men 
needed her, that if he put her out of one door she 
should come in at another. WJien anybody left, it ivould 
be he, and not she. She told him she had lodged 
complaints against him at headquarters. Finding a 
ward-master dressed in the shirt, slippers and socks 
that had been sent her for the sick, she seized him 
by the collar in his own ward, and disrobed him "saws 
ceremonie" before the patients. Leaving him nude, 
save his pantaloons, she uttered the parting injunction, 
"Now, you rascal, let s see what you ll steal next." 

To ascertain who were the thieves of the food 
she prepared, she put tartar emetic in the peaches 
left on the table to cool. Then she went to her own 
room to await results. She did not have to wait 
long. Soon the sounds from the terribly sick thieves 
reached her ears, when, like a Nemesis, she stalked 
in among them. There they were, cooks, table- 
waiters, stewards, ward-masters, all, save some 
of the surgeons suffering terribly from the emetic ; 
but more from the apprehension that they were 

"Peaches don t seem to agree with you, eh?" she 
said, looking at the pale, retching, groaning fellows, 
with a sardonic smile. "Well, let me tell you, that 
you will have a worse time than this, if you keep 
on stealing. You may eat something seasoned with 
rat-bane one of these nights." Colonel Grant was 
then in command. The thieves were returned to the 
regiments, honest men were substituted in their 
places, the drunken surgeon was removed, and one 


of the noblest of men was put in charge. That is 
the value of having an honest Christian woman." 

" I never saw anybody like her," said a volunteer 
surgeon who came on the boat with her after the 
battle of Fort Donelson ; < there was really nothing 
for us surgeons to do but dress wounds and adminis 
ter medicines. She drew out clean shirts or drawers 
from some corner whenever they were needed. 
Nourishment was ready for any man, as soon as he 
was brought on board. Every one was sponged from 
blood and the frozen mire of the battle-field, as far as 
his condition allowed. His blood-stiffened, and some 
times horribly filthy uniform, was exchanged for 
soft, clean, hospital garments. Incessant cries of 
* Mother ! Mother ! Mother ! rang through the 
boat in every note of beseeching and anguish. And 
to every man she turned with a heavenly tenderness, 
as if he were indeed her son." (pp. 484). 

Next we see her at Savannah, Tenn., among the 
sick and perishing. One of the surgeons went to 
the rear with a wounded man, and found her wrapped 
in the gray overcoat of a rebel officer ; for she had 
disposed of her blanket shawl to some poor fellow 
who needed it. She was wearing a soft, slouch hat, 
having lost her inevitable Shaker bonnet. 

" Madam, you seem to combine in yourself a sick- 
diet kitchen and a medical staff. May I enquire 
under whose authority you are working?" 

Without pausing in her work, she answered him, 
< * I have received my authority from the Lord God 
Almighty ; have you anything that ranks higher than 
that ? " and went on with her work without looking up. 

Later on, at Memphis, she found a medical direc 
tor who was a Catholic, who nattmilly gave preference 
to the Sisters of Mercy as nurses. He disapproved of 
nearly everything Mother Bickerdyke did, and tried to 
get rid of her. He abused her, thwarted her, and 


sought to dismiss her attendants and assistants. 
Through the storm she went to the General, got an 
order in her favor, and then told the director : " Its 
no use, for you to try and tie me up with your red 
tape. There s too much to be done down here to 
stop for that. And doctor, I guess you hadn t bet 
ter get into a row with me ; for whenever anybody 
does, one of us always goes to the wall, and taint 
never me!" They became the best of friends, and 
Protestant nurses came to be rated in accordance 
with their value. A drunken surgeon hindered her 
work ; she got him discharged. Officers of the 
highest rank believed in her, and cheerfully granted 
her request. The surgeon went to General Sherman 
and asked to be reinstated. "Who put you out?" 
An old meddlesome woman by the name of Bicker- 
dyke." "Ah! Mother Bickerdyke ! If she put 
you out, you must stay out ; for she ranks me." 

At Chattanooga her life reads like a romance. We 
cannot describe her versatility of talent and genius 
displayed in saving life. General Sherman had 
issued orders forbidding agents of sanitary stores, or 
agents of any description, to go over the road from 
Nashville to Chattanooga. Mother Bickerdyke was 
their only hope. She could influence Gen. Sherman 
as could no other person. Her pass from Gen. Grant 
would take her to Chattanooga, despite Gen. Sher 
man s prohibition. 

"Halloa! How did you get down here?" asked 
one of the General s staff officers, as he saw her 
enter Sherman s headquarters. 

"Came clown in the cars, of course; there s no 
other way of getting down here, that I know of," 
replied the matter-of-fact woman; "1 want to see 
General Sherman." 

"He is in there, writing," said the officer, point- 


ing to an inner room ; "but I guess he won t see 

" Guess he will ; " and she pushed into the apart 

" Good morning General ; I want to speak to you 
a moment. May I come in?" 

" 1 should think you had got in," answered the 
General, barely looking up, in great annoyance. 
44 What s up, now?" 

"Why, General," said the earnest matron, in a 
perfect torrent of words, "we can t stand that last 
order of yours, nohow. You ll have to change it, 

"Well, I m busy to-day, and cannot attend to you. 
I will see you some other time. " She saw the 
smile in the corner of his mouth, and replied : " Gen 
eral ! don t send me away until you fix this." He 
fixed it, and for weeks all the sanitary stores sent from 
Nashville to Chattanooga, and the forts of that road, 
were sent, directly or indirectly, through this media 
tion of Mother Bickerdyke. 

This woman, distinguished for common sense, for 
devotion to the soldiers, is left without employment, 
and nuns that never saw a battle-field, and Sisters of 
Charity that never had any sympathy with the sol 
diers, are placed in charge of Government hospitals, 
because Protestants are dumb when they ought to 
speak, and blind when they ought to see. 

This wonderful woman was for years without 
recognition from the Government, and is now in the 
pension office of San Francisco, when she belongs to 
the best hospital position in the gift of the Govern 
ment. As when Moses and Aaron appeared before 
Pharaoh and used their wonder-working rod the 
magicians imitated them, so when the white wings 
of hospital tents were brightening the vision in 

The body of a Grand Army man sold to the Surgeons. 
(See page 99.) 


various portions of the land Rome saw her oppor 
tunity and began her work in Washington. 

The Providence General Hospital, corner of 2d and 
D streets, is famed in Washington. It was erected in 
the midst of the war. 

Enter this hospital. Nuns have charge. The 
patients, be they Protestant or Eoman Catholic, are 
expected to attend service in accordance with the 
forms of Rome. Proselyting is a business, and 
when this is impossible, the patient suffers. 

Capt. Amos Cliff was in the Pension Bureau. He 
was sick. He carried to the hospital a watch and 
money, and after paying his board for a week, died. 
All his effects disappeared, as is the custom. The 
Grand Army Relief Committee, at the head of which 
is Capt. Frank A. Beuter, having learned of his 
death, went with Capt, D. A. Denison to inquire for 
him. Xo intelligence was furnished. He was a dead 
soldier. They knew where to look for his remains. 
His body was found in the Medical College, being cut- 
up by the surgeons. The Grand Army boys took 
the mutilated remnants of a brave soldier, and, pur 
chasing a coffin, sent what was left of an honored 
father to his friends. They who are so particular 
about giving a Roman Catholic burial, surrendered 
the body of a Grand Army soldier to the surgeon, 
not caring what was done with it or where it went, 
to a pauper s grave or a surgeon s table. 

Imagine Mother Bickerdyke in such a position, 
and how different would be the treatment received ! 

It is fashionable to bow down to Rome. All seem 
aware that there are seven millions of Roman Catho 
lics in this country. The many forget that there are 
fifty millions who are not Roman Catholics, who have 
some rights in this free land, which all are under 
some obligation to respect. The Protestant element 
waits for a leadership. American citizens should be 


jealous of their rights. They should be, not only 
self-respecting, but self-asserting. God has planted, 
preserved and grown this nation, not to bow down to 
the worst despotism the world ever saw ; but to lift up 
the enslaved, and cause them to read their possible des 
tiny in the lines of promise written by God s providence 
in the marvellous possibilities placed within their 
reach. The Republic of the United States is to be 
the educator of the world. American citizens must 
keep this thought in mind, and so develop a higher 
type of humanity, better hospital service, a broader 
Christianity, and a nobler living than has hitherto 
blessed the world. 



How Rome crept into Washington has been 
described. Stealthily, slowly, meekly, but surely, 
she came ; and she came to stay. Long before the 
Revolution Rome was here. Washington saw her, 
and warned against her insidious influence. She 
came among us in poverty of spirit and in the ashes 
of humiliation. Anna Ella Carroll, of Maryland, a 
descendant of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, recited 
the story of Papal aggression, told of the holy con 
fidence of the Pope, how the Jesuits determined "to 
convert every house in America into a fort, and to 
keep the gates open and the houses without defence." 
Protestants came and went freely, their honor, piety 
and loyalty to the Government was everywhere 
highly esteemed ; and soon American Protestants 
placed their children in their hands for safe-keeping ; 
helped them build their churches and public institu 
tions because of their avowed purpose to enjoy our 
free institutions. They paraded in biblical plainness, 
and shut up the mystery of their pages from all 
sensitive readers. But while they wrote with a 
crow-quill for American liberty, they were making 
shoes to pinch the feet of the children whom they 
seduced to enter their schools, colleges and convents. 
They captivated women with little holy playthings, 
sympathized with their weaknesses, and ministered 
to their ills. They shut up the beautiful and 
innocent to make vows for Papal Jesuitism in free 
America. When they get the daughters, they want 


the sons, and in the name of liberty ask for the 
children. Their Propaganda of Rome, of Lyons, of 
France, of Vienna and Austria, build colleges, nun 
neries and monasteries, in which they offer education 
almost without money and without price, that they 
may stifle the hopes of the youth entrusted to their 

.Religious toleration has given welcome to a Jesuit 
priesthood that is making a religion without God and 
a state without liberty. They denounce the public 
schools, curse the Bible, murder history, and maim 
and mutilate literature. They teach American chil 
dren, that all the founders of this Republic were 
Papists ; that Washington, the father of his country, 
died a Roman Catholic, and in his last moments, it 
is asserted, confessed and communicated by the Rom 
ish Bishop of Baltimore; and that the relations of this 
great American patriot, fearing Americans would 
repudiate their hero, desired the secret never to be 
disclosed. The Romish community claim that they 
know of this conversion, and the Washington who wan 
ted none but " Americans on guard," is a candidate 
for beatification by the Pope of Rome. Of course Col 
umbus, the discoverer of America, was a Catholic. Laf 
ayette, who came to our help, was brought here, it is 
claimed, through the interposition of Bishop Carroll, 
the Catholic, who in the interests of the Republic went 
to France to plead our cause. The best Republi 
cans, they teach, are all Romanists. The writers of 
their school books exclude the history of distinguished 
Protestants, and fill their pages with the biographies 
of men and women who were loyal to Rome. This 
Papal influence came seeking little by little ; it assum 
ed, then boasted, and now denounces us. They say, 
Out of the church is no salvation. The monk says, 
Pray and read ; while he stalks forth as though he had 
all America on a string of beads, carrying a pent-up 


fire to burn up the suspected and reviled intellects 
which come near him. 

Jesuitism was born in Spain, reared in France, 
developed under Papal Rome, and diffused in the 
United States of America. The Company of Jesus, 
now in the United States, is great, powerful, and 
oppressive. It is mysterious and demoniacal, defy 
ing our science and weaving its malice over the 
brightest hopes of the world. 

To describe Jesuitism, that was regarded as too 
foul and devilish to be borne even in Roman Catholic 
countries, seems to be a duty. Founded in 1534, 
and sanctioned by Pope Paul III. in 1540, it was 
expelled from England, 1581; France, 1594; Por 
tugal, 1598 ; England again, 1604 ; France again, 
1606; Russia, 1717; Portugal again, 1759; France 
again, 1762-3 ; Spain, 1767 ; Genoa, 1767 ; Venice 
again, 1767; Sicily, 1767; Naples, 1768; Malta, 
1768 ; Parma, 1768 ; all, with the exception of Eng 
land and Russia, being strictly Roman Catholic 
states. Eventually, the Order was suppressed by 
Pope Clement XIV, in 1773 ; but continued to exist 
under other names, and disguised under the title of 
" Brothers of the Faith." It re-entered France, and 
had there several colleges in its hands, which were 
closed in 1828 ; some of them have since been re 
opened, and within the last twenty years, the number 
of persons belonging to the Order has been doubled. 
The Society was re-established by Pope Pius VII. in 
1814, and finds free scope to carry out its treasonable 
designs under the American flag. Though it has 
stifled free thought wherever it could, introducing as 
their first injunction in all their schools, "Let no 
one, even in matters which are of no danger to piety, 
ever introduce a new question ; " though it persecuted 
Galileo and oppressed Columbus ; yet this Jesuit 
priesthood walks the soil of the Republic as a bene- 


factor and finds in presidents and congressmen will 
ing subjects of its will. 

Henry IV. of France admitted to Sally, that he 
allowed the Jesuit priesthood to enter Catholic France 
only because he feared them ! Philip II. of Spain, 
said : The only Order of which I know nothing is the 
Jesuit." This, interwoven with Popery, is the Roman 
Catholic church of the United States. The federal 
compact, formed by the New England colonies in 
1643, to resist the Indians, was the first Union made 
by the Anglo-Saxon upon our soil, and prepared 
the way for their Declaration of Rights later on. 
Jesuitism fought liberty amid its birth-throes. On 
the 10th of June, a resolution was adopted by a bare 
majority, and to obtain the unanimous sentiment of 
all the colonies a postponement was made until July, 
after securing the committee to draft the Declaration 
of Independence. Difficulties like mountains towered 
in the path of the Fathers. A spirit of opposition and 
discord pervaded their councils. They were driven 
to seek God s help. Congress paused to ask His 
guidance and blessing ; and until He gave strength, 
union seemed impossible. The Committee reported 
on the twenty-eight of June, and on the 4th of July, 
1776, by the final decision of Congress and the vote 
of every colony, this Declaration was engrossed ; 
when, on the second of August, all the members pres 
ent, and some who became so after the fourth of July, 
signed it in behalf of all the people. The bells then 
pealed the advent of Independence. But Romanists 
were then, as now, opposed to the upgoing structure. 
The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union 
between the thirteen original States were not ratified 
until 1781, because the Roman Catholics of Mary 
land opposed and refused to unite ; so steadfast has 
ever been the opposition of the Romish priesthood 
to our liberty. 


Attention has recently been turned to where the 
Jesuits are at work and what they are doing.* 

"In the Balkan Peninsula there are forty-five 
Jesuit missionaries ; in Africa, and especially Egypt, 
Madagascar, and the Zambesi region, 223 ; in Asia, 
especially Armenia, Syria, and certain parts of 
China, 699. In China alone the number is 195 all 
of French nationality. In Oceanica, including the 
Philippines, the Malay Archipelago, Australia, and 
New Zealand, the number is 270 ; in America, in 
cluding certain specified States of the Union, por 
tions of Canada, -British Honduras, Brazil and Peru, 
1,130; the total number of Jesuits scattered over 
the Globe, in purely missionary work, being 2,377. 
These are of various nationalities : but the vast 
majority are French. In the distribution great 
attention is paid to nationality ; thus in Illyria, Dal- 
matia, and Albania, they are all Venetians ; in Con 
stantinople and Syria, Sicilians ; in Africa, Asia 
Minor and China, French ; while no French Jes 
uits are to be found in any part of the American 
Continent. In the Bombay and Bengal Presidencies, 
they are Germans and Belgiums, respectively ; in 
the Philippines, Spanish ; in the Malay Archipel 
ago, Dutch ; in Eastern Australia and New Zealand, 
Irish ; in the United States, Germans, Neapolitans, 
and Piedmontese, are found working in specified and 
distinct districts ; those laboring among the Indians 
of Canada are Canadians ; in the British West India 
Colonies, they are English; in Central America, 
Spaniards ; in South America, Italians, Spaniards 
and Germans, the Italians and Germans having all 
Brazil to themselves, doubtless because of the 
enormous Italian and German immigration to Brazil. 
It will be understood that the spheres of labor of the 
different orders, are carefully laid down at Rome." 
* Etudes Religeuse, 


During the war, Washington saw the peril. 
While the American Eevolution was progressing, 
our Continental Congress forbade any but her native 
sons to be employed in the foreign service of the 
country. Said George Washington : "You are not 
to enlist any person suspected of being an enemy to 
the liberty of America." One hundred chosen men 
were to be enrolled to form a corps to be instructed in 
the manoeuvres necessary to be introduced into the 
army, and serve as models for the execution of them. 
"They must be American-born. " "Put none but 
Americans on guard " came, because of the fear of 
foreign influence. "I do most devoutly wish that 
we had not a single foreigner amongst us, except 
the Marquis de Lafayette." Thomas Jefferson 
recommended to the Postmaster General "to employ 
no foreigner, or revolutionary tory, in any of his 
offices." This was in the olden time. Notwith 
standing this,- concession followed concession, until 
the offices of the land were filled with foreigners, 
and American-born citizens were at a discount. 
Said Archbishop Hughes : "Irishmen in America are 
learning to bide their time. Year by year the Irish 
are becoming more and more powerful in America. 
At length the propitious time will come some 
accidental, sudden collision, and a Presidential 
campaign at hand. We will then use the very profli 
gacy of our politicians for our purposes. They will 
want to buy the Irish vote, and we will tell them 
ho\v they can buy it, in a lump, from Maine to 
California." f 

At present, Washington is in the toils of Rome. 
The serpent has entwined its folds about the Capitol, 
and all who would have honor, peace or promotion 

*Letter to Governor Morris, White Plains, July 24, 1778, by 
Geo. Washington. 
fPp. 352. 


must bend the neck. It was in 1855 a writer 
declared, that the National Administration was in 
the hands of a foreign, Roman-Catholic hierarchy. 
The Postmaster General was an Irish Roman Cath 
olic at the dictation of the Pope of Rome, to obtain 
direct access to the postal concerns and dearest 
rights of the American people." 

In the State Department at Washington, not only 
a majority of the subordinates were foreign Roman 
Catholics, but they occupied the most important 
posts in the trust and confidence of the American 
Government. "Are you a Roman Catholic 
foreigner?" is the question put to the applicant, 
and, if answered in the affirmative, the sons of Revo 
lutionary officers, who gave their houses to the 
flames and their bodies to the bayonet, are indecently 
thrust aside. Our naturalization laws are evaded 
criminals and paupers vote down Americans at the 
ballot-box. Public and free schools are antagonized, 
the Bible driven out, expelled and burned. The 
police of our large cities are largely foreigners ; while 
at one time thirty-nine on the police force of New 
York were branded as criminals from the prisons of 
Europe. These are the hordes which rush to our 
shores for democratic liberty, and have imposed 
upon them by the Jesuit masters the obligation to 
go armed to the ballot-box, and vote for Rome at 
the dictation of the Pope, and against liberty - 
against the public school, and the best interests of 
their adopted country. 

At least four-fifths of these aliens come to our 
shores to escape the persecution of the Papal despots 
at home, and to find refreshment in pastures green 
beyond the sea. These fill our poor-houses, our jails, 
prisons, and lunatic asylums ; and why not ? Jail birds 
are promised liberty if they will emigrate to America. 
In 1837 the Mayor of Baltimore detected a shipload 


of 260 persons, at Fort McHenry, who as criminals 
were brought into port in irons. The Mayor remon 
strated, and asked Martin Van Buren to order them 
back ; but he replied, that there was no power to pre 
vent their landing, and so these miserable wretches 
were permitted to join the party that flattered the 
Rebellion and attempted to break up the union of 
States by breaking up the union of hearts. Through 
out Germany, as throughout Ireland, agents in the 
pay of steamship lines, who desired freight, advised 
the maimed, deformed, and crippled to take passage 
to Baltimore, New Orleans and Quebec, instead of 
New York, because in those places no laws exist to 
prevent their landing. Father Chiniquy relates, in 
his " Fifty Years in the Church of Rome," these 
facts (pp 668-687) : 

" It was in the spring of 1852, a large assembly, 
composed principally of priests, met at Buffalo, to 
confer with D Arcy McGee, then editor of the free 
man s Journal, in regard to peopling the prairies of 
the West with Irish Roman Catholics. He published 
several able articles to show that the Irish people, 
with very few exceptions, were demoralized, 
degraded, and kept poor, around their groggeries, 
and showed how they would thrive, become respect 
able and rich, if they could be induced to exchange 
their grog-shops for the fertile lands of the West. 
A large assembly gathered. Great was the disap 
pointment of D Arcy McGee when he saw that the 
greatest part of those priests were sent by the bishops 
of the United States to oppose and defeat his 

"He vainly spoke, with burning eloquence, for his 
pet scheme. The majority coldly answered him: 
We are determined, like you, to take possession 
of the United States, and rule them ; but we cannot 
do that without acting secretly, and with the utmost 


wisdom. If our plans are known, they will surely 
be defeated. What does a skillful general do when 
he wants to conquer a country ? Does he scatter his 
soldiers over the farm-lands, arid spend their time 
and energy in ploughing the fields and sowing grain. 
No ! He~ keeps them well united around his banners, 
and marches at their head to the conquest of the 
strongholds, the rich and powerful cities. The farm 
ing countries then submit, and become the price of 
his victory, without moving a finger to subdue them. 
So it is with us. Silently and patiently, we must 
mass our Roman Catholics in the great cities of the 
United States, remembering that the vote of a poor 
journeyman, though he be covered with rags, has as 
much weight in the scale of power as the Millionaire 
Astor, and if we have two votes against his one, 
he will become as powerless as an oyster. Let us 
then multiply our votes ; let us call our poor but 
faithful Irish Catholics from every corner of the 
world, and gather them into the very hearts of those 
proud citadels which the Yankees are so rapidly 
building under the names of Washington, New York, 
Boston, Chicago, Buffalo, Albany, Troy, Cinncinnati, 
St. Louis, Kansas City, San Francisco, etc. Under 
the shadows of those great cities, the Americans con 
sider themselves as a giant and unconquerable race. 
They look upon the poor Irish Catholic people with 
supreme contempt, as only fit to dig their canals, 
sweep their streets, and work in their kitchens. Let 
no one awake those sleeping lions, to-day. Let us 
pray God that they may sleep and dream their 
sweet dreams a few years more. How sad will be 
their awakening, when, with outnumbering votes, we 
will turn them out forever from every position of 
honor, power and profit ! What will those hypocrit 
ical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical 
Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge, not a 


single teacher, not a single policeman will be elected 
if he be not a devoted Roman Catholic ? What will 
those so-called giants think of our matchless shrewd 
ness and ability, when not a single senator or member 
of Congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to 
our holy father the Pope ? What a sad figure those 
Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only 
elect the President, but fill and command the armies, 
man the navies, and hold the keys of the public 
treasury ! It will then be time for our faithful Irish 
people to give up their grog-shops, in order to 
become the judges and governors of the land. 
Then our poor and humble mechanics will leave their 
damp ditches and muddy streets, to rule the cities in 
all their departments, from the stately mansion of 
Mayor of New York, to the humble, though not less 
noble, position of teacher. 

Then, yes ! then, we will rule the United States, 
and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, 
that he may put an end to their godless system of 
education, and sweep away those impious laws of 
liberty of conscience, which are an insult to God and 
man ! D Arcy McGee was left almost alone when 
the votes were taken. From that time the Catholic 
bishops and priests have gathered their legions into 
the great cities of the United States, and the Amer 
ican people must be blind indeed, if they do not see 
that, if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very 
near when the Jesuits will rule this country, from 
the magnificent White House at Washington, to the 
humblest civil and military department of this vast 
Republic. They are already the masters of New 
York, Baltimore, Chicago, St. Paul, New Orleans, 
Mobile, Savannah, Cincinnati, Albany, Troy, Buf 
falo, Cleveland, Milwaukee, St. Louis, San Fran 
cisco. Yes ! San Francisco, the great queen of the 
Pacific, is in the hands of the Jesuits. 


"From the very first days of the discovery of 
the gold mines of California, the Jesuits had the 
hope of becoming masters of these inexhaustible 
treasures, and they secretly laid their plans with the 
most profound ability and success. They saw at 
once that the great majority of the lucky miners, of 
every creed and nation, were going back home as 
soon as they had enough to secure an honorable 
competence to their families. The Jesuits saw at a 
glance that if they could persuade the Irish Catho 
lics to settle and remain there, they would soon be 
masters and rulers of that Golden City, whose future 
is so bright, so great ! And the scheme, worked day 
and night with the utmost perseverance, has been 
crowned with perfect success. The consequence is, 
that while you find only a few American, German, 
Scotch and English millionaires in San Fransisco, 
you find more than fifty Irish Catholic millionaires in 
that city. Its richest bank (Nevada Bank) is in 
their hands, and so are all the street railways. The 
principal offices of the city are filled with Irish Ro 
man Catholics. Almost all the police are composed 
of the same class, as well as the volunteer military 
organizations. Their compact unity in the hands 
of the Jesuits, with their enormous wealth, make 
them almost supreme masters of the mines of Cali 
fornia and Nevada. 

When one knows the absolute, abject submission 
of the Irish Roman Catholics, rich or poor, to their 
priests, how the mind, the soul, the will, the con 
science, are firmly and irrevocably tied to the feet of 
the priests, he can easily understand that the 
Jesuits of the United States form one of the richest 
and most powerful corporations the world ever saw. 
"It is well known that fifty Catholic millionaires, 
with their myriads of employees, are, through their 
wives and by themselves, continually at the feet of 


the Jesuits, who swim in a golden sea." No one, 
if he be not a Eoman Catholic, or one of those 
so-called Protestants who give their daughters to 
the nuns and their sons to the Jesuits to be edu 
cated, has much hope, when the Jesuits rule, of 
having a lucrative office in the United States, to-day. 
It is to San Francisco that you must go to have an 
idea of the number of secret and powerful organiza 
tions with which the Church of Rome prepares 
herself for the impending conflict, through which 
she hopes to destroy the schools, and every vestige 
of human rights and liberties in the United States. 
Washington is the nerve-centre of the organism. 
Baltimore is the city in which the machinery of 
Rome lies concealed. If it is true that from this 
centre the war was planned to disrupt the Union, 
it ought to be known. 

The Jesuits are a military organization, not a 
religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, 
not the mere father-abbot of a monastery. And the 
aim of this organization is Power power in the 
most despotic exercise ; absolute power, universal 
power, power to control the world by the volition 
of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of 
despotisms, and at the same time, the greatest and 
the most enormous of abuses. The General of the 
Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign over the 
sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they 
will be masters, cost what it may. Their Society is 
by nature dictatorial ; and, therefore, it is the 
irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. 
Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a 
meritorious work, if committed for the interest of 
the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of its 

In the allocution of September, 1851, Pius IX. 
said : " That he had taken this principle for a basis, 


That the Catholic religion, with all its votes, ought to 
be exclusively dominant in such sort, so that every oilier 
worship shall be banished and interdicted." "You 
ask, if the Pope were lord of this land and you were 
in a minority, what he would do to you? That, we 
say, would entirely depend upon circumstances. If 
it would benefit the cause of Catholicism, he would 
tolerate you ; if expedient, he would imprison or 
banish you, probably he might hang you. But be 
assured of one thing, he would never tolerate you 
for the sake of your glorious principles of civil and 
religious liberty." 

The Rambler, one of the most prominent Catholic 
papers of England, Sept. 1851, says : " Without Ro- 
manism, the last awful civil Avar would have been im 
possible. The South would never have dared attack 
the North, had they not had the assurance from the 
Pope that the Jesuits, the bishops, the priests, and the 
Avhole people of the Church of Rome would help 
them. Because of this, the Roman Catholic Beaure- 
guard was chosen to fire the first gun at Sumter. 
The Pope of Rome was the only crowned prince in 
the whole world who recognized the Southern Con 
federacy, and the pirate ship Alabama was com 
manded by Admiral Semmes, a Roman Catholic. 
Rome has not changed. The enemy of liberty before 
the war, it seems inexplicable that the defenders of 
liberty, and the victorious champions of freedom, 
should so far forget history, and so utterly ignore 
the rights of the Republic, as to play into the hands 
of Rome, the eternal foe of the principles embodied 
in the Republic. 

"Another fact, to which the American Protestants 
do not sufficiently pay attention is, that the Jesuits 
have been shrewd enough to have a vast majority of 
Roman Catholic generals and officers to command 
the army and man the navy of the United States." 


" Rome is a constant conspiracy against the rights 
and liberties of man all over the world ; but she is 
particularly so in the United States. The laws of 
the church of Rome are in absolute antagonism to 
the laws and principles which are the foundation- 
stones of the Constitution of the United States." 

The United States affirm the equality of all citi 
zens before the law. Rome denies it. Liberty of 
conscience is proclaimed by the United States. 
Rome declares it to be a godless, unholy, and dia 
bolical thing. Separation of Church and State is an 
American doctrine. Rome is for the union. The 
State is but the annex. The church is all in all. 

The Constitution of the United States fights per 
secution for opinion s sake ; Rome champions it. 

The United States seeks, through the public 
school, to secure the education of all the children. 
Rome curses the public schools, and seeks to sup 
plant them with others in which Romanism shall be 

The United States recognizes in the people the 
primary source of civil power. Rome proclaims this 
principle heretical and impious. She says that " all 
government must rest upon the foundation of the 
Catholic faith, with the Pope alone as the legitimate 
and infallible source and interpreter of the law." 

All this shows that Rome is the absolute and 
irreconcilable foe of the United States. Being en 
trenched in Washington and feared there, it is feared 
throughout the Republic. Beaten there, its defeat 
will not be difficult elsewhere. 



THE charge that Romanism was the assassin of 
Abraham Lincoln was first brought to the attention 
of the American people by Rev. Charles Chiniquy 
in his "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome." The 
proofs are there. Rome has answered the charges in 
the old way, by fire. Again and again have her 
minions tried to destroy man, book, and plates by 
burning the place where the book was printed and 
stored. Over and over again they have tried to kill 
the great apostle, but he still survives, and the light 
he kindled is shedding its glad radiance upon the 

In 1851 he removed with a colony to St. Anne, 
Illinois, to begin the cultivating of the prairies of the 
West with Roman Catholics. His experience there 
was terribly sad. Born in Kamoraska, Canada, 
July 30, 1809, converted to Christ by reading the 
Scriptures when but a child, as a priest his life 
shows that a pure man in the Church of Rome has a 
hard time. No sooner had he begun his life in 
Illinois than he found a dissolute priesthood in antag 
onism to him and his work. They plotted against 
his reputation, and charged him with crimes which, 
if not disproved, would have incarcerated him in the 
State penitentiary for life. 

It was then he turned to Abraham Lincoln, who, 
first as a lawyer and afterwards as a friend, served him 
with matchless ability. Because of this, when Mr. 
Lincoln became President of the United States, and 


was threatened by Romish priests with assassination, 
Father Chiniquy came to Washington to warn him of 
his peril, and give him proof of a friendship that 
through years remained unchanged. As an evidene of 
their close intimacy turn back a little. We are in 
Urbana, Illinois. Behold Abraham Lincoln as the 
champion of the betrayed priest. 

A priest had accused Father Chiniquy of assault 
ing a woman, and had offered to give one of his dupes 
a large sum for swearing to the charge. Twelve 
men had proven the accuser to be a drunkard and a 
disreputable man ; and yet it seemed impossible to 
secure any testimony that would disprove the 

Said Abraham Lincoln : " There is not the least 
doubt in my mind that every word this priest has 
said is a sworn lie ; but the jury think differently. 
The only way to be sure of a verdict in your favor is, 
that God Almighty would take our part and show 
your innocence. Go to him and pray, for he alone 
can save you." 

All that night he spent in prayer ; at three o clock 
in the morning he heard knocks at the door. On 
opening it, he saw Abraham Lincoln with a face 
beaming with joy. The story of the trial had been 
published in the Chicago papers. His condemnation 
was prophesied. 

Among those who bought the papers was a man 
named Terrien. He read the story to his wife. She 
was much affected, and declared that it was a plot 
against a true man, saying : " I was there when the 
priest, Le Belle, promised his sister 160 acres of land 
if she would swear to a false oath and accuse Chini 
quy of a crime which he had not even thought of, with 

"If it be so," said Terrien, " we must not allow 
Father Chiniquy to be condemned. Come with me 


to Urbana." Being unwell, Mrs. Terrien said : "I 
cannot go ; but Miss Philomene Moffat was with me 
then, she knows every particular of the wicked plot 
as well as I do. She is well, take her to Urbana." 

This was done, and Father Chiniquy was saved. 
The joy of his deliverance was mixed with sorrow, 
because of what he feared his deliverance would cost 
his friend. Tears ran down his face. " Why weep ? " 
asked Abraham Lincoln. "Because," said Father 
Chiniquy, "of what it may cost you." There were ten 
or twelve Jesuits in the crowd who had come from Chi 
cago and St. Louis to see me condemned to the peni 
tentiary, but it is on their heads you have brought 
the thunders of heaven and earth ; nothing can be 
compared to the expression of their rage against you, 
when you not only wrenched me from their cruel 
hands,-but made the walls of the court-house tremble 
under the awful and superhumanly eloquent denun 
ciation of their infamy, diabolical malice, and total 
want of Christian and humane principle in the plot 
they had formed for my destruction. What troubles 
my soul just now and draws my tears is, that it seems 
to me I have read your sentence of death in their 
bloody eyes. How many other noble victims have 
fallen at their feet. He tried to divert my mind ; 
then became more solemn, and said : < I know the 
Jesuits never forget nor forsake. But man must not 
care how or when he dies at the post of honor or 
duty. " 

A few years pass. Abraham Lincoln is President 
of the United States. On his way to Washington a 
a Roman-Catholic plot to assassinate him was frus 
trated by his passing incog, a few hours before they 
expected him. In August, another plot was con 
cocted ; which, coming to the ears of Father Chiniquy, 
caused him to go to Washington. The story of his 


experience and the relation of what the President said 
to him is of thrilling interest. 

President Lincoln then told him : < We have the 
proof that the company which had been selected 
and organized to murder me was led by a rabid 
Roman Catholic named Byrne ; it was almost entirely 
composed of Roman Catholics. More than that, 
there were two disguised priests among them to lead 
and encourage them. Professor Morse, the learned 
inventor of electric telegraphy, tells me that recently, 
when he was in Rome, he found the proofs of a most 
formidable conspiracy against this country and all its 
institutions. It is evident that it is to the intrigues 
and emissaries of the Pope we owe, in great part, the 
horrible civil war which is threatening to cover the 
country with blood and ruin." 

Mr. Lincoln had been astonished by the statement 
published in the Roman Catholic papers that tie had 
been born into the Roman Catholic church and had 
been baptized by a priest. They called him a rene 
gade and an apostate on account of that, and heaped 
upon his head mountains of abuse. 

" At first," said Mr. Lincoln, " I laughed at that, 
for it is a lie. Thanks be to God, I have never been a 
Roman Catholic. No priest of Rome has ever had 
his hand upon my head. But the persistency of the 
Romish press to present this falsehood to their read 
ers as a gospel truth must have a meaning. What 
is it?" 

" It was this story," said Father Chiniquy, " that 
brought me to Washington. It means your death. 
It is told to excite the fanaticism of the Roman Catho 
lics to murder you. In the church of Rome an apos 
tate is an outcast who has no place in society and no 
right to live. The Jesuits want the Roman Catholics 
to believe that you are a monster, an enemy of God 
and of his church ; that you are an excommunicated 


man. Gregory VII. decreed that the killing of an apos 
tate is not murder, but a good Christian act. That 
decree is incorporated in the canon law which every 
priest must study, and which every good Catholic 
must follow. My dear Mr. President, my fear is that 
you will fall under the blows of a Jesuit assassin, if 
you do not pay more attention than you have done 
up to the present time to protect yourself. Remem 
ber, because Coligny was a Protestant, he was 
brutally murdered on St. Bartholomew s night ; that 
Henry IV. was stabbed by the Jesuit assassin, Rev- 
aillac, the 14th of May, 1610, for having given lib 
erty of conscience to his people ; and that William, 
Prince of Orange, the head of the Dutch Republic, 
was stricken down July 10th, 1584, by Girard, the 
fiendish embodiment of all that was crafty, bigoted, 
and revengeful in Spanish Popery. The church of 
Rome is absolutely the same to-day as she was then ; 
she does believe and teach to-day as then, that it is 
her duty to punish by death any heretic who is in her 
way, or an obstacle to her designs. 

" My blood chills in my veins when I contemplate 
the day which may come, sooner or later, when Rome 
will add to all her iniquities the murder of Abraham 

" Yes," said Abraham Lincoln, " Professor Morse 
has already opened mine eyes to this subject. He 
has truly said: Popory is a political system ; des 
potic in its organization, anti-democratic and anti- 
republican, and cannot therefore exist with American 

" The ratio of the increase of Popery is the exact 
ratio of the decrease of civil liberty. 

" The dominion of Popery in the United States is 
the certain destruction of our free institutions." 
"Popery, by its organization, is wholly under the 
control of a foreign, despotic Sovereign." " Popery 


is a union of Church and State ; nor can Popery exist 
in this country in that plenitude of power which 
it claims as a divine right, and which in the very 
nature of the system it must continually strive to 
obtain, until such a union is consummated. Popery 
is, therefore, destructive to our religious and civil 

" Popery is more dangerous and more formidable 
than any power in the United States, on the ground 
that, through its despotic organization, it can con 
centrate its efforts for any purpose with complete 
effect ; and that organization being wholly under for 
eign control, it can have no real sympathy with any 
thing American. Popery does not acknowledge the 
right of the people to govern, but claims for itself 
the supreme right to govern people and rulers by 
divine right. Popery does not tolerate the liberty 
of the press. It takes advantage, indeed, of our 
liberty of the press to use its own press against our 
liberty ; but it proclaims in the thunders of the 
Vatican, and with a voice which it pronounces 
unchangeable, that it is a liberty never sufficiently 
to be execrated and detested. It does not tolerate 
liberty of conscience or liberty of opinion. They are 
denounced by the Sovereign Pontiff as a most pesti 
lential error, a pest of all others to be dreaded in the 
State. It is not responsible to the people in its 
financial matters. It taxes at will, and is accounta 
ble to none but itself."* 

These utterances were based on undisputed facts. 
Abraham Lincoln believed them, hence he said : " If 
the Protestants of the North and the South could 
learn what the priests, nuns, and monks, who daily 
land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching 
their religion, were doing in our schools and hospitals, 

*Foreign Conspiracy of the United States, by S. F. B. Morse, 
p. 129. 


as emissaries of the Pope and the other despots of 
Europe, to undermine our institutions and alienate 
the hearts of our people from our Constitution and 
our laws, and prepare a reign of anarchy here, as 
they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and 
wherever there are people that wish to be free, they 
would unite in taking power out of their hands." 

If Abraham Lincoln had said this to the American 
people rather than to an individual, they would have 
taken this power out of the hands of Rome, and 
buried slavery and Romanism in a common grave. 

It is now known that the conspirators against 
liberty relied upon the support of Romanists in the 
North and in the South. But when the echoes of 
the guns of Sumter flew over the land, it called into 
active life the slumbering patriotism of a great peo 
ple ; the tide swept everything before it ; the people 
would brook no opposition. Romish priests and 
people bowed to the supremacy of the patriotic sen 
timent. Flags were unfurled from church-spire and 
from house-top. No Romish conspirator in the great 
cities of the North dared show his hand ; the people 
ran away from their priests ; their conduct was a 
revelation. It showed to papal emissaries that a 
people who had fled Europe because of despotism, 
were not ready to betray liberty in America, the 
land of the free. Hence Romanists who had enjoyed 
the blessings of liberty enrolled themselves under the 
star-spangled banner, and went trooping off to the 
war* for the Union. Romish priests were taken by 
surprise ; they bent before the swelling current. 
Flags floated from cathedral spires and parish stee 
ples until Rome was heard from, and then flags were 
pulled down, lest their church should ignore its sacred 
calling. They forgot that the Pope lived in Rome 
because of the help, not of spiritual power, but of 
the support of French bayonets ; that in St. Louis, 


Mo., when the great cathedral was dedicated, the 
host was elevated to the music of belching" cannon, 
flags were unfurled and lowered before the wafer- 
God of Rome, and that soldiers with drawn swords 
stood on each side of the high altar during service, 
claiming that in Roman Catholic St. Louis, or in 
Spain, the military is recognized as the right arm of 
the church. 

Romanism opposed the North because Romanism 
is the foe of liberty. Romanism encouraged the 
South because the corner-stone of the Southern 
Confederacy rested upon human slavery. How the 
colored people of the South or the North can forget 
this and unite with the Roman Catholic church is a 
mystery. It is the theory of Rome that the toilers 
should be kept in ignorance. Gentlemen for the 
palace and serfs for the field, is the spirit of Roman 
ism, incarnated in every despotic government where 
its power is supreme. 

Louis Napoleon, the ally of Pius IX., expected to 
build up in Mexico a Roman Catholic kingdom, and 
unite it with the Southern States, and so establish a 
Latin Empire in the new world. 

The Emancipation Proclamation spoilt the pro 
gramme. How strange, how inexplicable are events, 
when studied in the light of an over-ruling Provi 
dence ! For months, Abraham Lincoln had a vow 
registered before Almighty God to issue the Emanci 
pation Proclamation, and give freedom to the negro, 
providing a victory was won at An tie tarn. The vic 
tory came. But Wm. H. Seward and S. P. Chase 
objected to the issuance of the Proclamation at a 
time of general depression in military affairs. The 
President waited until he could wait no longer. He 
called a Cabinet meeting, read his paper, and de 
clared his purpose to send it forth. Suggestions 
were made. Some were received, some were re- 


jected. The Proclamation went forth, and winged 
its way over the world. It reached France at the 
time when Louis Napoleon had proposed, and was 
about sending forth a letter recognizing the South 
ern Confederacy. 

That morning the Proclamation of Liberty ap 
peared. Paris was ablaze with excitement. Vivas 
of liberty filled the air, and Napoleon, knowing that 
a recognition of the Southern Confederacy was 
impossible, Maximillian was surrendered to his fate, 
and the dream of a monarchy in Mexico was ex 


Claiming that Abraham Lincoln was an apostate, 
the plot was laid to destroy him. On Dec. 3rd, 
1863, Pius IX. uncovered his hand and heart in his 
letter to Jefferson Davis. That letter, after all that 
Abraham Lincoln had borne and was bearing for the 
brotherhood of man, was a severe sword-thrust at his 
heart and hope. 

Hear Pius IX. to Jefferson Davis : 

" Illustrious and Honorable President : We have 
just received, with all suitable welcome, the persons 
sent by you to place in our hands your letter, dated 
the 23rd of September last." 

He then takes ground, not for liberty, not for the 
deliverance of 4,000,000 bondsmen from the hell of 
human slavery, but for peace ; which meant, building 
up the Confederacy on slavery as a corner-stone. 

He added these words: 

" We, at the same time, beseech the God of mercy 
and pity to shed abroad upon you the light of his 
grace, and attach you to us by a perfect friendship," 


" Given at Rome at St. Peter s, the 3rd day of De 
cember, 1863, of our Pontificate, 18. Pius IX." 

This letter came like a clap of thunderin a clear 
sky. Let us keep a few dates in mind. The Eman 
cipation Proclamation was issued Sept. 22, 1862. 
This was followed by another, issued Jan. 1st, 
1863, giving freedom to all slaves, and also that such 
persons of suitable condition would be received into 
the armed service of the United States, to garrison 
forts, and man vessels of all sorts in said service. 
And upon this, sincerely believed to be an act of 
justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military 
necessity, "I invoke the considerate judgment of 
mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God." 

Deliberately and ostentatiously, the Pope on the 
December following recognizes the Southern Con 
federacy, sides with despotism against liberty, and 
takes under his protection the chief conspirator 
against the Republic of the United States ! 

" Have you read the Pope s letter?" said Abra 
ham Lincoln to Father Chiniquy, " and what do you 
think of it?" (p. 701). 

< < That letter is a poisoned arrow thrown by the 
Pope at you personally, and it will be more than a 
miracle if it be not your irrevocable death-warrant. 

" That letter tells logically the Roman Catholics, 
that you, Abraham Lincoln, are a bloody tyrant, a 
most execrable being, when fighting against a gov 
ernment which the infallible and holy Pope recog 
nizes as legitimate." 

In reply, Mr. Lincoln spoke with great feeling, 
saying : " You confirm me in the views I had taken 
of this letter of the Pope. Prof. Morse is of the 
same mind with you. It is indeed the most perfidi 
ous act which could occur under the present circum 
stances. You are perfectly correct when you say 
that it was designed to detach the Roman Catholics 


who had enrolled in our armies. Since the publica 
tion of that letter, a great number have deserted 
their banners and turned traitor ; very few compara 
tively have remained true to their oath of fidelity." 

There are some terrible facts hidden from the 
people. " It is known that when Meade, a Roman 
Catholic, was to order the pursuit of Lee, after the 
battle of Gettysburg, a stranger came in haste to 
head-quarters, and that stranger, said Mr. Lincoln, 
was a distinguished Jesuit. After ten minutes con 
versation with him, Meade made such arrangements 
for the pursuit of the enemy that he escaped almost 
untouched, with the loss of only two guns." (p. 702.) 

" This letter of the Pope has changed the nature of 
the war. Before they read it, Roman Catholics could 
see that I was fighting against the Southern Confeder 
acy, with Jefferson Davis at its head. But now they 
must believe that it is against Christ and his holy 
Vicar the Pope that I am raising my sacreligious 
hands. We have daily proof that their indignation, 
their hatred, their malice against me, are a hundred 
fold intensified. New projects of assassination are 
detected almost every day, accompanied with such 
savage circumstances that they bring to my memory 
the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and the gun-pow 
der plot. We find on investigation, that they come 
from the same masters in the art of murder, the 

Then Mr. Lincoln declared that the New York 
riots were a Popish plot, and that 


was their instigator. When told by the President 
that he would be held responsible if they were not 
stopped, Archbishop Hughes faced the rioters, 
addressed them as friends, and invited them to go back 
home peacefully, and all was ended, after the most 


fiendish manifestations of hate, seen in the burning of 
the Colored Orphan Asylum and the trampling out 
of the lives of helpless children in their mad fury. 
We will not recount the bloody deed, though in the 
terrible treatment of John A. Kennedy and the mur 
der of Col. O Brien and his mutilation, we are re 
minded of the horrid barbarities inflicted upon Col- 
igny in Paris, which shows that the spirit of Popery 
is unchanged. 


furnishes a terrible count in this indictment against 

"I have," said Abraham Lincoln, "the proof 
that Archbishop Hughes, whom I had sent to Rome 
that he might induce the Pope to urge the Roman 
Catholics of the North at least to be true to their oaths 
of allegiance, and whom I thanked publicly when 
under the impression that he had acted honestly, ac 
cording to the promise he had given me, is the very 
man who advised the Pope to recognize the legitimacy 
of the Southern Confederacy, and put the weight 
of his Tiara in the balance against us and in favor of 
our enemies. Such is the perfidy of Jesuits" (p. 70-4) . 

Two cankers are biting the very entrails of the 
United States, the Romish and the Mormon 
priests. Both are aiming at the destruction of our 
schools, to raise themselves upon their ruins. Both 
shelter themselves under our grand and holy princi 
ples of liberty of conscience, to destroy that very 
liberty of conscience. The more dangerous of the 
two is the Jesuit priest, for he knows better how to 
conceal his hatred, under the mask of friendship and 
public good. He is better trained to commit the 
most cruel and diabolical deeds for the glory of God. 

Abraham Lincoln had learned much, and unlearned 
much more. He declared himself to be 


of Roman Catholics. " Once I was ; now, it seems 
to me, that, sooner or later, the people will be forced 
to put a restriction to that clause of unlimited toler 
ation toward Papists." " I am for liberty of con 
science in its truest, noblest, broadest, highest sense. 
But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope 
and his followers the Papists, so long as they tell 
me, through their councils, theologians, and canon 
laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my 
wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when 
they find an opportunity" (p. 705). 

" This does not seem to be understood by the peo 
ple," continued Mr. Lincoln. " Sooner or later, the 
light of common sense will make it clear to everyone, 
that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men, 
who are sworn to obey a Pope who pretends to 
have the right to put to death those who differ from 
him in religion " (p. 706). 


is beginning to be discussed. Father Hecker says : 
" The Roman Catholic is to wield his vote for the 
purpose of securing Catholic ascendency in this coun 
try." They vote as servants of the Pope, not as 

It was stated by Pius IX : " The Catholic religion, 
with all its votes, ought to be exclusively dominant 
in such sort that every other worship be banished 
and interdicted." 

We are putting into hands those potential ballots 
which will be, and are being, used against liberty. 
A theocracy controls them against which there is no 
protection. Emile DeLaveleye, the celebrated Belgian 
Liberal, has shown that an extended suffrage gives 
unlimited power to Rome in all those countries where 


her religion is the religion of the large mass of the 
people, and Gambetta s last letter contained this : 
"Do not adopt universal suffrage in your country ; it 
will put you under the yoke of the clergy." 


"From the beginning of the war, there has been, 
not a secret, but a public alliance between the Pope 
of Eome and Jeff. Davis, and that alliance has followed 
the common laws of the world s affairs. The greater 
has led the smaller ; the stronger has guided the 
weaker. The Pope and his Jesuits have advised and 
directed Jeff. Davis on the land, from the first shot 
at Fort Sumter, by the rabid Roman Catholic Beaure- 
gard. They were helping him on the sea, by guiding 
and supporting the other rabid Roman Catholic, 
Pirate Semmes." 


was ever present. Warnings came to him from 
friends in America, and beyond the Sea. Secretary 
Stanton placed guards about him, at the Soldier s 
Home and at the White House. The President 
did not believe that these could secure him from 
harm. He lived with Christ and for men, and went 
on. Opening his Bible to Deut. 3 : 22-28, the words 
made a profound impression upon his mind: "Ye 
shall not fear them ; for the Lord your God shall 
fight for you." Then came the assurance that he was 
not to pass into the Canaan of peace. "Get thee up 
unto the top of Pisgah ; look abroad ; see the land 
and rest : for thou shalt not &o over this Jordan." 


His drawing near to God did him good. It is what 
we are, not what we profess, that tells the story. As 
Abraham Lincoln drew near to God, the people drew 
near to him. No longer was he called the horrid names 
which once characterized the opposition press. The 


God in him was conquering the devil about him. 
Each morning he gave a certain hour to reading the 
Scriptures and prayer, and came forth from his room 
ready for duty, with that light shining in his face 
which glorified Moses as he came down from the 
mount. This, while it made him friends with the 
soldiers and the people, maddened the Romanists. 

In the light of what was to come so soon, we delight 
to go back and read statements like the following : 

" When little Willie Lincoln died, the mind of the 
bereaved father was deeply affected by the thoughts 
of death. It was during the battle of Gettysburg 
that he shut himself up with God, and then such a 
sense of the presence of God and of his own un wor 
thiness came to him and took possession of his soul, 
as to overwhelm him. From that day he dated his 
entrance into a new life. A Christian friend delighted 
to relate how, in the carriage, Mr. Lincoln begged 
the visitor to describe as clearly as possible what 
was the peculiar evidence which one might rely upon 
as assurance that he had become a Christian." 

The simple story, as furnished by John, was 
repeated. It was explained, that when a poor sinner, 
conscious that he could not save himself, looked to 
Jesus Christ, saw in his death a full atonement for 
the sinner s sin, and believed that Christ s death was 
accepted as a substitute for the sinner s death, he 
felt himself to have been delivered from the Divine 
wrath, and to be at peace with God through our 
Lord Jesus Christ." The President, in a tone of 
satisfaction, said : " That is just the way I feel." All 
this paved the way for what was to come. The war 
was over," The soldiers of the Confederacy were 
going to rebuild their homes and to re-cultivate their 
fields, with blessings instead of cursings following 
them. Soup-houses had been placed for the starving 
at the base of nag-stafls, where the stars and bars 


had usurped the place belonging to the flag which 
is the ensign of hope for all lands and climes. 

Friday, the 14th of April, 1865, had come. It 
was a day memorable in many ways. On this day, 
Beauregard had fired on Sumter. On this day, 
General Anderson, amid the thunder of cannon and 
the cheers of loyal hearts, had again raised the flag 
over the ruins of Sumter. 


is noteworthy. He had written to a friend that he 
was going to use precaution. He had said: "The 
Jesuits are so expert in their deeds of blood, that 
Henry IV. said it was impossible to escape them, 
and he became their victim, though he did all he 
could to protect himself. My escape from their 
hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff. Davis has 
sharpened a million of daggers, is more than a 

He breakfasts with his son, Captain Robert 8. 
Lincoln, who was on General Grant s staff, having just 
returned from the capitulation of Lee, and the Presi 
dent passed a happy hour listening to all the details. 
At eleven o clock he attended his last cabinet-meet 
ing. When it was adjourned, Secretary Stanton said 
he felt that the Government was stronger than at any 
previous period since the Rebellion commenced ; and 
the President is said, in his characteristic way, 
to have told them that some important news would 
soon come, as he had a dream of a ship sailing very 
rapidly, and had invariably had that same dream 
before great events in the war, Bull Run, Antietam, 


THE invitation for President and Mrs. Lincoln, 
General and Mrs. Grant, Speaker Colfax and wife, 


to attend the theatre, is now known to have been a 
part of the plot. Lincoln, not because he loved the 
theatre or cared for the play, but to please the people 
and obtain needed rest, yielded to the persuasion of 
his wife, and to the sentiment which rules very largely 
the crowned heads of Europe, when the king 
goes to his box in the theatre that the people might see 
him and that he might see the people. General Grant 
did not go, nor did Mr. Colfax, and other invited 
guests. Lincoln was disappointed ; rode around with 
his wife and invited Colonel Rathbun and his wife to 
seats with them : they accepted the invitation and 
saw the horrid deed performed. 

The box of the theatre was made ready for his 
assassination. John Wilkes Booth, an illegitimate 
son of his father, had been boasting for days in 
drunken moods of what he was to do. He had united 
with the Roman Catholic Church, though he was 
drinking to excess and plotting the murder of 
America s noblest citizen, with Roman Catholic 
priests, who instructed him and inducted him into the 
Church, and promised him protection and support in 
his nefarious crime. 

In the book of testimonies given in the prosecution 
of the assassins of Lincoln, published by Ben Pitman, 
and in the two volumes of the trial of John Surra tt, 
1867, we have the legal and irrefutable proof that 
Rome directed the movements of Booth ; that the plot 
was matured in the house of Mary Surratt, 561 H 
Street, Washington, D. C. ; that Father Lehiman, a 
priest, made her house his home ; that Father Wiget 
and other priests were constantly going in and out : 
and that all the details of the conspiracy were 
planned there and provided for. Booth was made 
to feel that he was the instrument of God in ridding 
the world of Lincoln. The day before his death, he 
wrote : "I can never repent, though I hated to kill. 


Our country owed all her troubles to him, Lincoln, 
and God simply made me the instrument of his pun 
ishment." So thought Ravillac, the assassin of 
Henry IV. Both were trained to believe that there 
was no sin in killing the enemy of the holy church 
and of the infallible Pope. 

Let us draw aside the curtain : 


The evening came. The President is sitting in his 
box in the theatre. He is resting in a rocking chair. 
A man enters the door of the lobby leading to the 
box. He closes the door behind him. He draws a 
pistol, and shoots the President in the back of his 
head. The shriek of Mrs. Lincoln pierces the ears 
of all. Booth leaps upon the stage, brandishing a 
dasrger, and Hies, saying as he does, " Sic semper 
tyrannis." His horse at the door is held by a Roman 
Catholic. He leaps upon, it and rides away. 

Preof that Rome directed the arm of J. Wilkes 
Booth is seen : 

First. In the fact that the house of Mrs. Surratt, 
a Roman Catholic, where the plot was laid, swarmed 
with priests. 

Second. The Mr. Lloyd, who kept the carbine 
which Booth wanted for protection, was a Roman 

Third. Dr. Mudd, who set the leg of Booth, was 
a Roman Catholic. 

Fourth. Garrett, in whose barn Booth took 
refuge and where he was shot, was a Roman Catholic. 

Fifth. All the conspirators, says General Baker, 
the great detective, were attending Roman Catholic 
services, or were educated as Roman Catholics. 

Sixth. Priests sheltered and spirited away John 


Surratt, and Pope Pius IX. gave him a place among 
his guards, 

Seventh. The plot was known as far away as St. 
Joseph, Minn., 40 miles from a railroad, and more 
than 80 miles from a telegraph. Rev. F. A. Con- 
well, late chaplain of a Minnesota regiment, was told 
at that place at six P.M. on April 14th, the night of 
the assassination, by the purveyor of the monastery 
filled with priests, that President Lincoln and Secre 
tary Seward had been killed, four hours before the 
deed was attempted. How was it known? There 
is but one answer. The conspiracy which cost 
Abraham Lincoln his life was resolved upon by the 
priests of Washington and communicated to priests 
in far-away St. Joseph. Charles Boucher, a priest 
in Canada, swears that John Surratt was sent to him 
by Father Lefierre, the canon of the bishop of Mon 
treal. For months he concealed him, and then ship 
ped him to Rome. Why ? Because it was in the 
bond. They promised the murderers protection on 
earth, so far as they could give it to them, and a crown 
in heaven if they died in the attempt. 

Eighth. The rejoicing of Romanists* at the outset, 
and until they saw their peril. Mrs. Surratt, the 
day after the murder, said, without being rebuked, in 
the presence of several witnesses: "The death of 
Abraham Lincoln is no more than the death of any 
nigger in the army." 


Why is not more made of it ? Cowardice explains 
it all. Fear was on every side. The leaders declared, 
We are just through with one war ; if we make an 
attack on the Roman Catholic church and hang a few 
of their priests, who could be proven guilty of par 
ticipating in the plot, a religious war would be the 
result. Nothing would have been easier than to have 


proven the criminality of the priests ; but this was 
carefully avoided, from the beginning to the end of 
the trial. When their eyes were opened to their 
peril, the fear of the priests was pitiable. They say 
that their damning deed had frozen the milk in the 
breasts of millions. Jesuitism, with the tread of a 
panther and the cunning of a sleuthhound, shrank 
away, and hid from sight for the time. Alas ! poli 
ticians seemed smitten with the same dread. Father 
Chiniquy declared that, when, not long after the 
execution of the murderers, he went incognito to 
Washington, to begin his investigations about the true 
and real authors of the deed, he was not a little 
surprised to see that not a single one of the men con 
nected with the Government to whom he addressed 
himself would consent to have any talk with him on 
that matter, except after he had given his word of 
honor that he would never mention their names in 
connection with the result of the investigation. He 
says: "I saw with profound distress that the 
influence of Rome was almost supreme in Washing 
ton. I could not find a single statesman who would 
dare face the nefarious influence, and fight it down." 
This was the policy of Lincoln. On this rock his 
bark struck, and went down. 

The Romanism that assassinated President Lincoln 
is in our midst, unchanged in spirit and in purpose. 
Upon the American people devolve fearful respon 


First. " We can tell the truth about Roman 

Second. " We can tell the truth to Romanists." 
Third. " We can hold America for Americans." 
Had Abraham Lincoln voiced the utterance, it 
would have made him the evangel that would have 


carried hope to the millions of earth. The work he 
left undone we must undertake, and then shall 
Romanism find here a grave, into which the roots of 
liberty shall go and find nutriment, while above shall 
tower the hardy trunk, from whose wide branches 
shall hang fruits which, gathered by God s best 
children, shall fill the garners of hope, and make 
this ImmanuePs Laud, 



Tt will surprise the people of the great free republic 
of the United States to learn that 


are under the surveillance of Eome. This seems 
like a strange statement. The many will say it cannot 
be true. The fact remains. Romanism is the domi 
nant power in the Capital of the United States. The 
war which Rome helped to bring on, and which she 
hindered as best she could when she saw it was to 
eventuate in liberty, resulted in her advantage rather 
than to her detriment. The reason for it is difficult 
to explain. Had Abraham Lincoln told the truth 
about Romanism to the people, the curse would have 
been wiped out. The reason he did not, and gave 
for not doing it, influences thousands at the present 
time, viz. : fear of a religious war. 

It seems inexplicable that the power which assas 
sinated Abraham Lincoln should have been fostered 
and aided by the people who slew slavery and who 
recognized the fact that Romanism was its chief ally. 
Who can think of Thaddeus Stevens patting this 
monster that slew the great Emancipator, without a 
shudder of horror, mingled with a feeling of incred 
ulity. A strange fear of Rome came upon the poli 
ticians of all parties after the civil war was over. 
Proofs abounded of the disloyalty of this life-long 


foe of liberty. They were unheeded. They 
remain unheeded. From dozens of letters, and 
from unnumbered clerks in the departments, 
information is furnished that, after the 1st and 
15th of every month, nuns have the free run of the 
departments, and can ask every clerk and every head 
of a department for money to help on the Church of 
Kome. Some of these letters are sad beyond expres 
sion. The wife of a Union soldier writes : " I am in 

Department. There are nine Irish toone Amer- 

can. The persecution to which I am subjected, in 
hopes of driving me out, is difficult to describe and hard 
to bear. They preach their religion and their poli 
tics. If a word is said against it, the air is made blue 
with profanity, and such words as, Get out, you 
heretic; we ll make it hot for you, are heard on 
every hand." 


to any of the Departments, and can do what she 
desires. Any one without the black robe and bonnet 
would be thrust out by the door-keepers. These 
are admitted by special order. Must this be borne? 
Is not this an outrage to Christian employees in a free 
Government? Drop the word "Christian." Is it not 
an outrage on American citizenship? Has Rome 
any claim upon these clerks in the service of the 
Government? Suppose Baptists or Presbyterians 
should ask the privilege of going through the depart 
ments to solicit funds for church purposes, would 
the request be granted? Most assuredly not. 

We have said the clerks were under the surveil 
lance of Rome. Suppose they do not like it? What 
can they do about it? Seven men, members of the 
Grand Army of the Republic, some from Northern 
states, some from Southern, told how they were not 
only asked by these nuns to give twice a month, but 


that they were afraid not to give. They related how 
the heads of the departments are very largely either 
Roman Catholics, or afraid to antagonize them, and 
because one of their number expressed his mind in 
regard to the outrage of having these black-robed 
minions of Rome tramping through the departments 
and asking American citizens to contribute to the 
support of " The Harlot of the Tiber" his name 
was handed in as a man who had insulted a saintly 
nun, and at the close of the month his dismissal came, 
and no reasons given. They who refuse to give are 
reported, and when vacancies are required, their 
names are ready for use. The result need not be 
described. Fear of losing their places is everywhere 
apparent. It affects society, muzzles the press, and 
chains the pulpit. 

If there is one doctrine distinctively American, it is 
that there must be a separation between church and 
State. If there is one doctrine distinctively demo 
cratic, it is that the State must support the rep 
resentatives of the Church of Rome. 


for Ireland, we need it in Washington. The Capi 
tal, the Departments, the President s House, the 
Post Office, the Foreign, and now the Interior 
Department, are under the domination of Roman 
Catholics, the instigators of the Civil War and the 
assassins of Abraham Lincoln, the life-long foe of 
liberty here, and throughout the world. 


lies in the fact, that the men in office live, when at 
home, in different places, which are also under the 
dominance of Rome. 

Several members of Congress related that it is 
the custom of the nuns to visit every member o f 

The White Slaves to Kome. 
(Seepage 138.) 


Congress soon after he arrives : they ask for a con 
tribution. If they give, well. If not, it is reported. 


A Northern lady, a good Baptist, whose husband 
is independent of public patronage, rented rooms to 
a member of Congress. Hardly had he got his 
trunk unstrapped, before two nuns came. The girl 
let them in. They were asked to call again after 
the gentleman got settled. They were no sooner 
out, than the lady of the house said: "If those 
women come again, seat them in the hall, and don t 
let them in until I see them." The next day they 
were seated in the hall, and she came down. The 
lady is utterly fearless, and has no respect for, nor 
fear of black-robed Sisters of Charity. 

What do you want ? " 

4 To see the Member of Congress" 

"What for?" 

" To see him." 

"He has a wife, and don t need the attentions of 
other women." 

" We wish to see him for the church." 

" He is not a Roman Catholic, and has a better 
church, which he helps support." 

Then the old nun claimed she wished to go into a 
private room to fix her shoe. " Fix it here : you are 
not afraid of me, are you ? " 

Then she spoke up, and asked : " Do you refuse to 
let me see a Member of Congress in this house ? " 

"I do." 

" Then we will take the number of this house, and 
it may be to your injury."- 

"All right ; take it, and advertise it, if you choose ; 
my house cannot be made a run-way for Romish 

It is a simple fact, that the house is always full of 


occupants, and is felt to be a retreat from the incur 
sions of Romanists. 

Is there any good reasons why the Roman Catholic 
church should become a universal beggar, and yet 
house the Pope in the largest palace in the world, 
and feed her cardinals, bishops, lady-superiors, 
priests and nuns on the fat of the land? 

Was there ever a set of dupes like Romanists, who, 
as a rule, live in squalor, while the money drawn 
from the poor is placed on the largest structures of 
the land. 


More wealth is under her control than is possessed 
by the representative of any nation, sect, or faith. 
Her wealth is a secret. Out of Peter s Pence comes 
a great patrimony. Rome claims to be beneficent, 
and so becomes the recipient of bounty from the 
State, as well as from individuals. No sect is less 
so. No people give so little to any object outside of 
their own communion. 


fifteen hundred feet in length, eight hundred in 
breadth, with twenty courts, miles of galleries filled 
with pictures and statuary, two hundred stair-cases, 
eleven hundred rooms, the construction of which has 
cost more than one hundred millions of dollars, and 
yet he is the pensioner of the whole world ! 

As a rule, the people who belong to the Church of 
Rome are poor. In Roman Catholic countries where 
Romanism rules supreme, they are very poor. In 
Ireland, in the Roman Catholic districts, the men 
and women sleep in ditches and herd with pigs. It 
is surprising that, in New York, Romanists, living in 
tenement houses, in garrets and cellars, are content 
to abide in squalor, while the archbishop, whose 


iron hand was laid on every free impulse, and all 
who sympathized with it, lives in a palace, and is 
fed on food that befits the table of a king. The Pope 
has for his own use four Palatine cardinals, three 
prelates, and a master, ten prelates of the private 
chamber, amongst whom are cupbearers and keepers 
of the wardrobe, two hundred and fifteen domestic 
prelates, and more than four hundred women. Then 
follows two hundred and forty-nine supernumerary 
prelates of the private chamber, four private chamber 
lains of the sword and cloak, Roman patricians, a 
quarter-master, major, a correspondent-general of 
the post, one hundred and thirty fresh private 
chamberlains of the sword and cloak. Next come 
two hundred and sixty-five honorary monsignori, 
extra urbem, six honorary chamberlains of the 
sword and cloak, then eight private chaplains ; 
then two private monsignori of the tonsure, or, 
barbers in short, but monsignori just the same ; then 
eighteen supernumeraries. In all, one thousand and 
twenty-five persons ; besides the Palatine adminis 
tration and the tribunal of the major-domo, the 
Swiss guards the gens d arms, and a legion of 
servants. Does it not need a brazen effrontery, which 
is astonishing, to send priests and nuns all over the 
world to extract the pence from the pockets of the 
poor, to keep in luxury this army of men, for the 
most part privates, who earn not a dollar, 
and are utterly worthless as aids to humanity? 
If it be difficult for a rich man to enter into the 
kingdom of heaven, how shall he who inherits the 
Vatican enter there, who has treasures of all sorts, 
many precious gems, countless works of art, vessels 
of silver and gold, and more than a thousand 
servants? On his head is not one crown, but three. 
He is borne on the shoulders of men. He compels 


his votaries to kiss his toe, and enjoys an income of 

In the United States, the attempt is being made to 
rival Europe. The Cardinal s palace in New York, 
built of marble, tilled with choice works of art, 
cost an immense sum. The dwellings of bishops 
and priests are planned on a magnificent scale. The 
gate into Rome is not strait, and the way is not 
narrow. They can carry with them bad politics, 
bad principles, bad practices and bad lives, and yet 
if they will give their consciences to the priests, and 
believe what they are taught concerning penance, 
absolution, forms and ceremonies, the conditions of 
becoming a Roman Catholic are met. A change of 

O O 

heart is not in the programme. A blameless, pure 
life is not in the bond. It is not strange that error 
thrives beneath the shadow of Romanism. Rum- 
selling is not a sin, and if rum-drinking were even a 
disgrace, few are the priests who would be respect 
able. Mormonism fattens on polygamy, and Moham 
medanism, that painted a heaven in which lust 
should have full play, and the bestial nature suprem 
acy, won a large following, and holds it, because the 
carnal heart can there find full play for passion and 
desire. Romanism is a match for either Mormonism 
or Mohammedanism. The priests practice polygamy 
under another name, and find in the church a carte 
blanche for the promptings of the natural heart. 


A deception, because it claims to have been built 
on St. Peter in Rome ; when there is not a scintilla 
of evidence that Peter ever saw Rome. He was the 
apostle of the circumcision. He went to Babylon, 
and from there wrote his epistles. Paul went to 
Rome, and called the names of the prominent ones he 
met ; but never mentioned Peter, who lived and died 


in the East. Bat Romanism without Peter in Rome 
is a failure ; and so the lie, that he came to Rome, 
lived there twenty-five years, was in the Marmantine 
Prison over which St. Peter s towers, and died cruci 
fied head downwards, in the place upon which the 
Vatican stands, where the Pope lives, all this is 
unblushingly lifted into prominence as if it were a 
truth, when all history knows it to be false. 

Romanism is a fraud because it pretends to have 
power which does not belong to it. Tradition usurps 
the place of Scripture, it subordinates the inward 
and spiritual to the outward and visible ; it 
obscures and stifles the life of faith and love, by its 
absorbing attention to the things of sight and show ; 
instead of relying on Jesus, who is the Christ, and 
was offered once for all, it makes a new Jesus and a 
new atonement at every Mass ; instead of having one 
mediator between God and man (1 Timothy, ii. 5), 
it makes the mother of Jesus both a mediator and a 
God, and treats, likewise, its thousands of other can 
onized (real or unreal) saints as mediators, to be 
prayed to and honored for their superhuman merit 
and power. By its connected doctrines of confession 
and penance, and absolution and indulgence, it places 
the consciences, persons, and property of many 
women and children in the power of the priest ; it 
speaks lies in hypocrisy, sears the conscience as with 
a hot iron ; it changes the truth of God into a lie, 
and worships and serves the creature more than the 
Creator ; it turns the consolations and comforts of 
religion, the means of grace, and the hope of glory, 
into so much merchandise, to be disposed of accord 
ing to the vender, and the ability or necessity of the 
purchaser ; in fine, it sets forth another gospel than 
the free gospel of Christ, another standard than the 
perfect law of God, other ordinances and other con 
ditions of salvation than those which the Lord Jesus 


has established. It has fellowship with darkness 
.rather than light, and is in affinity with Satan and his 
angels, rather than with Jehovah. And yet, bad as 
it is in character and in practice, the Republic of the 
United States gives to this assassin of President 
Lincoln, to this enemy of all righteousness, to this 
instigator of the civil war, rights denied to the repre 
sentatives of Jesus Christ s Gospel, and compels fif 
teen thousand employees of the Government to give 
to its support, or to have their places endangered, 
and their living confiscated ! 

Eomanism is a fraud, because it claims to be in line 
with apostolic succession, when there have been at 
least thirty schisms in the church. Two popes 
have claimed St. Peter s chair at one and the same 
time, and fought and led armies to maintain the 
supremacy. In 1414, the Council of Constance 
cashiered three popes, John XXIII., Gregory XIII. 
and Benedict XIII. as deserving the deepest execra 
tion, and as guilty of most horrible crimes. 

Popes have been guilty of the most horrible prac 
tices. What matters it though Pope Joan was taken 
with the pains of childbirth on a public parade, 
though mistresses and harlots had control of the 
Chair, Rome as unblushingly holds out her pauper 
hand and cries Give ! as if she had a good history, 
and was backed by a decent life ! Romanism is 
indifferent to Scripture and public opinion. 

Romanists want a Peter for Rome, and they get 
him. In spite of Scripture, they will hold on to 
him ; and for all Scripture can do, Peter may yet 
become a second Romulus, suckled by a wolf, and 
the founder of the Eternal City. It would be as true 
as much of the history they are making for the youth 
of America. 

Is it not enough to tolerate Romanism? Shall 
the free people of America be compelled to give to 


its support ? Shall this church be permitted to dom 
inate the State ? This is being done in many portions 
of the Eepublic. Shall a halt be called? 

This question must be answered. Romanism is for 
the first time uncovering its intent in America, and 
revealing the fact that the spirit of hellish hate which 
dominated the organism in Spain, and also in Italy, 
characterizes it in the Republic, where, it was said, 
free institutions were to change its purpose and mod 
ify its nature. A good time to answer the question 
has come. Freemen are at last beginning to under 
stand that freedom is in peril. Romanists who hope 
for better things are tiring of the old despotism, and 
are beginning to seek for the new life. 



In a city cursed with malaria is a cesspool, so 
large that it spreads contagion through many cellars, 
up into offices, into stores, and infects the town. In 
winter, they do not clean it out, because of the cold. 
In summer, they have another excuse. It is covered 
with boards. Ever and anon one rots. A horse 
breaks through and is ruined. A man falls in and 
dies. Then comes a spasm of indignation, and many 
declare the cesspool must go ; but it stays 5 it is 
working mischief. 

Romanism is much like it. It poisons the air and 
affects the health, wherever its virus is inhaled. It 
is bad, and bad continually. Eew care to touch it, or 
describe it. The cesspool is covered over. It ought 
to be cleaned out, but it is not. There are reasons why 
the many fail to attack the error or fight the sin. It 
controls votes how many, few know. The leaders 
of the Romish cohort are astute, far-seeing and brave. 
They work together, strike an organized blow, are 
conscienceless, and so are never hindered by principle 
or restrained by honor, rightness or righteousness. 
They are a bandit against virtue, education and 
progress. They are not ashamed of it. They will 
shut the best histories out of the school. There is 
a spasm. Meetings are held ; Rome is attacked, and 
Rome is silent ; but the books stay out, and Protestant 
teachers turn Catholics for place and pelf, and Rome 
laughs and moves on, securing the acquiescence, if 


not the favor, of politicians. So in regard to moral 
ity. A man breaks through into the cesspool. He 
is covered with filth. Romanism is revealed, and the 
people declare now it must go ; but a new board is 
laid over the hole ; lime is thrown in ; the stench is 
killed for the moment, and Rome increases in power. 
Rome stands by Rome as true men would do well 
to stand by true men, but as true men seldom do, 
while the emergency is on, and help is needed. 

Why Priests Should Wed, " was written to save 
women and girls threatened by the filth of the Con 
fessional. Much that is vile, and too filthy to be read 
with pleasure or profit to the individual perusing it, 
has been omitted. For this, the author has been 
blamed by good men and women. " We do not 
know about it, " they say. " You say, there is a 
cesspool. You say it is beyond human belief for 
vileness. We do not have more than the words of 
men like you. The offensive matter is locked up in 
Latin. It is beyond our reach. This thing of Roman 
ism concerns Americans. Romanism is doing all in 
its power to capture the United States. It will suc 
ceed, unless the truth be told concerning it." Such 
is the view of good Christian men. 

Romanism is bringing forth as bad fruit in Wash 
ington as elsewhere. Assaults are made on virtue. 
Nunneries are used as assignation houses there as 
elsewhere, because Romanists live there as elsewhere. 
This ought to be brought to the attention of the peo 
ple, if they are to be delivered. It is fashionable to 
speak of Romanism as a part of the Christian world. 
Encyclopedias do it ; so do ministers of Evangelical 
denominations. It is a shame that this is true, yet 
true it is. Romanism is the "mystery of iniquity." 
It is a horrible stench in the nostrils of humanity, 
borne because of the lack of power to remove it. 
Hated of God, it is yet to be hated of man. 


But, in the meantime, the people have a battle 
to wage with error, and a duty to discharge. Roman 
ism must be exposed. Uncover the cesspool, and it 
shall bring upon itself destruction. 

In "Why Priests Should Wed," Dens and Lig- 
uori were quoted, and all that could be decently writ 
ten was put into type, and a challenge was sent forth 
asking Romanists to deny it, if they could ; or for 
Congress to appoint a Commission to investigate the 
charges brought against the priesthood of the Roman 
Catholic church because of the practice of Auricular 
Confession, and to demand persons and papers com 
petent, in evidence, to declare whether such confession 
al is calculated to pollute the minds of the people, and 
undermine the foundation of our Republican institu 
tions. Thousands and tens of thousands of these 
petitions were signed and sent to and read in the 
Senate and House of Representatives, and nothing 
has been done about it. 

In the meantime, the author congratulates himself 
as having " built better than he knew," because 
Romanists know what is left out in the blank spaces 
as Protestants do not, and the effect of the book has 
been helpful to Romanists, great numbers of whom, 
because of its appalling revelations, have abandoned 
Rome forever. It has been charged that, in " Why 
Priests Should Wed," the quotations are largely from 
Dens and Liguori, and not from theologians of the 
Roman Catholic Church in America. This was 
because Dens theology has been endorsed by the 
prelates in Ireland as "the best book on the subject that 
could be published, as late as Sept. 15th, 1808, and 
by the Archbishop of St. Louis, Mo., in Feb. 1850, 
by Bishop Kenrick of Philadelphia, in 1861 . A 
thousand dollars reward was offered in 1873 to any 
Accredited Roman priest or bishop y^ho will disprove 
the horrible disclosure contained in a book trans- 


lating the Latin into English and German, from 
the Secret Theology of Peter Dens and Francis P. 
Kenrick, published in Chicago, 111. No reply has 
been made, because a refutation is impossible. 

The truth is not hidden ; but it is not scattered. 
Show what Romanists are, what they teach, and how 
they live, and decent people will cut loose from it ; 
and the President, unless he be lost to all self-esteem 
and sense of decency, and the respect of mankind, 
would as soon walk the streets with a painted repre 
sentative of the house which is " the way to hell, going 
down to the chambers of death," as to lock arms 
with the Red-Robed Cardinal, the representative of 
the Harlot of the Tiber. 

It is not necessary to confine attention to the works 
of Dens and Liguori. John Hughes, archbishop 
of New York, and Francis Patrick Kenrick, arch 
bishop of Philadelphia, have sanctioned all the vile- 
ness of the past, and sent forth contributions as vile 
as any that preceded. These are accessible. In the 
book, "Theology in Use in the Theological Semi 
nary and Sacred Theology for Students," by Francis 
Patrick Kenrick, are descriptions of " adulterers with 
the mouth" (p. 130) , of the manner in which the mar 
riage bed is to be used and is defiled (1. vi., n. 917), 
and suggestions concerning intercourse too filthy to 
be written ; of the sin of evading offspring, and the 
means employed to produce the result ; of the guilt 
of Sodomy, and how the sin is committed between 
husband and wife (1. vi., n. 916) ; of the sin of ren 
dering one s-self impotent, and much more in the same 


Because this is frequently denied, we quote in full ; 

"VIII. Of Luxury. If, however, it should be 

foreseen that pollution will ensue from some cause 


that is necessary, or useful, or advantageous to some 
body, although the mind is averse to it, there is no 
sin, so long as there is no danger in consenting to it. 
Hence, even though involuntary pollution should be 
foreseen, it is proper for 

"1. Parish Priests, and also other confessors, to 
hear the confessions of women, to read treatises on 
obscene subjects, to touch the parts of a sick woman, 
to accost, kiss or embrace women according to the 
custom of the country, to wait on them in . bathing, 
and other things of a similar character. 

1 2. It is lawful for any one who suffers great itch 
ing in the privates, to relieve it by touching, although 
pollution may follow. 

"3. So also it is useful to ride on horseback for a 
person, even though pollution should be foreseen, "and 
much more of the same character. 

"4. It is lawful to lie in any position to rest more 

"5. To take warm food or drinks, in moderation, 
and to lead in decent dances." * 

Into this lap of Kome, look. The Parish Priest 
is given absolute control of the bodies of the women 
of the Roman Catholic church, and of all others he 
may capture. Liguori grants a priest two women a 
month. Kenrick permits a lascivious scoundrel to 
gratify his lustful inclinations. When wife or daugh 
ter is the victim, does not the permission given in the 
theology place the entire church under suspicion? 
Somebody s daughter, somebody s wife shut up with the 
priest in the Confessional, or in his home, is his victim. 

Let us turn now to the " Garden of the Soul," a 
prayer-book commonly used in the Roman Catholic 
churches, and for sale at all Roman Catholic book 
stores, and commended by Archbishop Hughes, and 
on pages 213 and 214 are these questions, to be asked 
* Francis Patrick Kenrick s Theology, vol. 3, p. 172. 


by a Roman Catholic priest of any female, from seven 
up to seventy. 

" Have you been guilty of fornication, or adultery, 
or incest, or any sin against nature, either with a 
person of the same sex, or with any other creature ? 
How often? Or have you designed or attempted any 
such sin, or sought to induce others to it ? How often ? 

"Have you been guilty of pollution, or immodest 
touches of yourself? How often? 

"Have you touched others, or permitted yourself to 
be touched by others immodestly ? or given and taken 
wanton kisses, or embraces, or any such liberties? 
How often? 

"Have you looked at immodest objects, with pleasure 
or danger? read immodest books, or songs, to your 
self, or others? kept indecent pictures? willingly 
given car to, and taken pleasure in hearing loose dis 
courses ? or sought to see or hear anything that was 
immodest ? How often ? 

"Have you exposed yourself to wanton company? 
or played at any indecent play ? or frequented mas 
querades, bulls, comedies, with danger to your 
chastity ? How often ? 

"Have you been guilty of any immodest discourse, 
wanton stares, jests, or songs, or words of double 
meaning ? and how often ? and before how many ? and 
were the persons to whom you spoke or sung married 
or single ? For all this you are obliged to confess, by 
reason of the evil thoughts these things are apt to 
create in the hearers. 

" Have you abused the marriage-bed by any action 
contrary to the order of nature ? or by any pollu 
tions ? or been guilty of any irregularity, in order to 
hinder your having children ? How often ? (Ways 
to ascertain all this are pointed out by Bishop F. 
P. Kenrick, in the theology which every priest 
must study) . Have you, without just cause, refused 


the marriage debt? and what sin followed from it? 
How often ? 

" Have you debauched any person that was innocent 
before? Have you forced any person, or deluded 
any one by deceitful promises, etc. ? or designed, or 
desired to do so ? How often? 

" Have you taught any one evil that he knew not of 
before? or carried any one to lewd houses?" etc. 
How often ? " 

Page 216. " Have you willingly taken pleasure in 
unchaste thoughts or imaginations? or entertained 
unchaste desires? Were the objects of your desires 
maids, or married persons, or kinsfolks, or persons 
consecrated to God ? How often ? 

" Have you taken pleasure in the irregular motions 
of the flesh ? or not endeavored to resist them ? How 

"Have you entertained with pleasure the thoughts 
of saying or doing anything which it would be a sin 
to say or do ? How often ? 

" Have you had the desire or design of committing 
any sin, of what sin? How often?" 

Can an unmarried priest ask these questions of 
the women of his flock, full of life, of blood, of 
impure thoughts, without finding out all he wants to 
know to ascertain where victims for his lust abide ? 
These questions are asked in every town where is a 
Roman Catholic church, and lives growing out of them 
are lived ; and this places the cesspool, full of con- 
contagion, in juxta-position with us all. Paul asked : 
" Shall I then take the members of Christ, and make 
them the members of a harlot? God forbid. What ! 
know you not that he which is joined to a harlot, is 
one body?"* The fact is apparent, whoever toler 
ates Romanism tolerates harlotry of the worst and 
vilest descriptions. 

*1 Cor. 6: 15, 16. 



"A confessor has seduced his penitent to the com 
mission of carnal sin, not in confession, nor by occa 
sion of confession, but from some extraordinary 
occasion. Is he to be denounced? 

"A. No. If he had tampered with her from his 
knowledge of confession, it would be a different 
thing, because, for instance, he knows that person, 
from her confession, to be given to such carnal sins." 

Imagine a girl, fallen through the misconduct of 
a priest. She becomes alarmed. She goes to another 
confessor ; tells her story. Confessors are advised 
not lightly to give credit to any woman whatsoever 
accusing their former confessor, but first to search 
diligently into the end and cause of the occasion, to 
examine their morals and conversation. In other 
words, break doiun the witness. "For which reason, 
observe, that whatever person, either by herself or 
by another, falsely accuses or denounces a priest 
as a seducer, incurs a case reserved for the supreme 
Pontiff." (Antoine, p. 428.) There is no pro 
tection for virtue in the Roman Catholic Church. 
The priest tells the woman she does not sin by 
yielding. He confesses to a priest and is absolved. 
All unite against virtue. Is not the window open? 
Cannot men see the character of Romanism to which 
the Republic and the United States surrenders ? 


This is the question which must be answered by 
Christian men and women. 

Nuns walk the streets of Washington in procession, 
with smiling faces, and defiant, don t-care look: 
sleek priests dwell in palatial residences, and have 

* P. Antoine, 1. 4, p. 430. 


things their own way. Members of Congress sur 
render their wives and daughters to their care. Vast 
sums are given to propitiate the favor of Rome. The 
peril increases ; not because Romanists outnumber 
Protestants, but because Protestants are silent who 
ought to speak. 


in Washington ! The Nation s Capital has fallen into 
it, and ministers are as silent about it as if there were 
no peril. For shame ! ! ! 

All this shows, as was said in "Why Priests 
Should Wed," that Francis Patrick Kenrick and 
John Hughes, who wrote, must have had an acquain 
tance and a practice in indulgence entirely opposed to 
the profession of celibacy or the existence of virtue. 
The book of Kenrick and the "Garden of the Soul " 
ought to be sup pressed by legal enactment, and 
Auricular Confession should be banished from the 
Roman Catholic Church in America. Polygamy 
among Mormons is virtue personified, in comparison. 
Auricular confession is now the prolific source of 
gross licentiousness, and is destructive of virtue in 
the hearts of the priests who officiate in the Confes 
sional. These infernal questions, framed by Bishops 
Kenrick and Hughes, propounded by bachelor priests 
to females of all ages, from seven years and upwards, 
and the obligation of the Confessional, binding them 
under pain of Eternal Damnation to eternal secrecy, is 
bringing forth a terrible harvest of lust and crime. 

Rome does not preach, she plots. Rome cares 
not for public opinion or public remonstrances, so 
long as she can control votes, and get on increasing 
in wealth and power. In Eugene Sue s " Wander 
ing Jew," Jesuits are uncovered in their hellish 
plottings and intrigues. The American of to-day 
ought to read that book of yesterday, for it reveals 


what practices, what machinations, what slavery, 
what abject ruin confronts the young men who shall 
a"ive themselves to the control of the Jesuits in the 


American University now being built at Washington. 
One of the most beautiful characters in literature is 
" Gabriel the priest ." An orphan, placed in the care 
of good and honest Catholics if such there are is 
surrendered by them to the Jesuits, because of facts 
which came to them concerning property on the Avay 
to a certain family, which the Jesuits determine to 
obtain and hold. As a result, for years, the plottings 
go on, that orphans may be robbed, and good and 
innocent people may be deprived of their rights. 

Of the general course of education, it is not neces 
sary to speak. It has been described a, thousand 
times. It is the same at this time as in the days that 
are gone. But of the training much ought to be said. 
Gabriel enters the college. He says : " On the day 
of my joining it, the Superior said to me, in pointing 
out two of the pupils a little older than myself, These 
are the companions with whom you are to associate : 
you will walk with them always, but all three together ; 
the rules of the House forbidding any conversation 
between two persons alone. " The students from the 
Jesuit College in Washington go in threes, not in 
twos. Americans see it, and do not fight it. 


" The same regulation enjoins, that you should 
listen attentively to what your companions may say, 
in order that you may report it to me, for those dear 
children may have, unknown to themselves, evil 
thoughts, or may contemplate the committing of a 
fault ; but if you love your comrades, you must 
apprize me of their evil inclinations, in order that my 
paternal remonstrances may spare punishment, by 


preventing offence ; for it is always better to prevent 
a fault than to punish it. 

i It happened sometime after, that I myself had 
been guilty of an infraction of the rules of the House ; 
on which occasion the Superior said to me : My 
child ! you have deserved a severe punishment, but 
you shall be pardoned, if you will promise to detect 
one of your companions in the same fault that you 
have committed." And all this is done in the name 
of all that is most holy. 

Gabriel ashamed of such conduct, asked if it were 
wrong to be an informer. The answer: "A stu 
dent has no right to discriminate between right and 
wrong, but only to obey ; that to the confessor 
belonged the responsibility," uncovers the fetters 
that binds those under the control of Jesuits. His 
life was spent in an atmosphere of terror, of oppres 
sion, and suspicious watchings. Every effort is made 
to close the heart against all the gentle and tender 
emotions ; to make of every young man a sneak, a 
hypocrite, a traitor. 

Lying follows in the wake of such teaching. 
According to the Constitution of the Society of Jesus, 
this is trivial. Now let us see the outcome. The 
education in the college is finished. Into the semi 
nary Gabriel went, comparatively innocent. He was 
now to be prepared for the holy ministry. Let us 
see how the work goes on. 

" You placed in my hands a book, he said, " con 
taining the questions that a confessor should put to 
young men, to young girls, to married women, when 
they presented themselves at that tribunal of peni- 
tance. " " My God," exclaimed Gabriel, trembling, 
" I shall never forget that terrible moment. It was 
in the evening, I withdrew to my room, taking that 
book with me, composed, as you told me, by one of 
the fathers, and revised by a holy bishop." "It is 


impossible," said Eugene Sue, writing for the French, 
" to give even in Latin an idea of the infamous book." 

Said Mr. Given, in his bold, excellent work, " Of the 
Jesuit and the University :" " I experience consider 
able embarrassment in commencing this chapter, as it 
has to treat of a book that it is impossible to translate, 
and difficult to cite from its text ; because the Latin 
insults modesty by its plain speaking. I must, there 
fore, crave the indulgence of the reader, and will pro 
mise him in return to withhold as much obscenity as 
I can." Further on, in reference to the question 
imposed by the compendium, Mr. Given exclaims, 
with generous indignation : " What then must be the 
conversations that pass, in the retirement of the Con 
fessional, between the priest and a married woman? 
I forbear to say more." 

The author of the "Discoveries of the Bibliophi- 
list," after having literally cited a great many pas 
sages from this horrible catechism, says : "My pen 
refuses to proceed further in this encyclopedia of 
every baseness, and I am sorry that it has gone so 
far ; but I can only say, that though a mere copyist, 
I feel as much horror as if I had been touching 
poison. And yet, nevertheless, it is this horror 
that gives me courage. In the church of Jesus 
Christ, agreeably to the order established by the 
Divine will, that evil is good which leads one from 
error ; and the more prompt the remedy the more 
it is efficacious. Morality can never be in danger 
so long as truth raises its voice and makes itself 

Gabriel describes the effect upon him as he read 
the book: "Full of respect, confidence and faith, 
I opened its pages. At first, I did not understand it ; 
but at last I did. Struck with shame and horror, 
and overcome by astonishment, I had hardly strength 
to close, with trembling hand, this abominable text- 


book. I immediately came to you, my father, to 
ask pardon for having involuntarily cast my eyes on 
its pages, which, by mistake, I supposed you had 
put into my hands." 

< You may also remember, " said the priest, < that 
I quieted your scruples, explaining to you that it 
was necessary that a priest, who was destined to 
hear all things under the seal of confession, should 
know all, with the power of appreciating it; 
that the Society imposed the reading of the com 
pendium as a text-book on you deacons, seminar 
ists and priests, who might be called to the sacred 
duty of confession. " 

" I believed you, my father ; the habit of passive 
obedience was too strong upon me, discipline had so 
utterly deprived me of all self-examination, that 
spite of my horror, for which I then reproached 
myself as for a heavy fault, in remembering your 
words, I returned with the book into my room. I 
read it ! Oh ! my father, what a revelation was there 
of the excessive refinements of criminal luxury ! 
Then in the vigor of youth, I had been alone upheld 
by my ignorance, and the assistance of God, against 
sensual struggles. Oh, that night, that night! in 
the midst of the deep silence of my solitude, tremb 
ling with fright and confusion, I spelt over that 
catechism of monstrous, unheard-of, unknown de 
baucheries ; in proportion as its obscene pictures of 
frightful lust were presented to my imagination 
till then chaste and pure, you know, oh God ! that 
it seemed as if my reason had become weakened ; yes, 
and had entirely gone astray ; for although I desired 
utterly to fly from this infernal book ; yet, I know 
not by what awful, frightful attraction, by what 
devouring curiosity, I was still held breathless over 
its infamous pa>-es. I felt as though I should have 

A O O 

died from shame and confusion ; and yet, in spite of 


myself, my cheeks were burning and a corrupting 
warmth circulated through my veins, and these 
terrible allusions assisted to complete my wander 
ings ; it seemed as though lascivious phantoms were 
starting from its accursed pages, and I lost my 
recollection in seeking to avoid their burning 

" * The terms in which you speak of this book are 
highly blameable, said the priest; you were the 
victim of your own excited imagination, and it is to 
that alone that you ought to ascribe those fatal 
impressions, instead of imputing them to a book, 
excellent and irreproachable for its purpose, and 
authorized by the church. 

" Truly, my father, " replied Gabriel, with the 
most profound bitterness, " 4 1 have no right to com 
plain that my mind, till that time innocent and pure, 
should henceforth be polluted with deformities that 
I should never even have dreamt of; for it is not 
likely that any who could have given themselves over 
to such horrors would have asked pardon from them 
of a priest. 

" * These are matters on which you are not com 
petent to judge, angrily replied the Father d Aig- 

" Then I will say no more on that subject, " said 
Gabriel, as he proceeded. 

"A long illness succeeded this awful night." 

After it, he went as a missionary to America. It 
is refreshing to read his description of his enjoyment 
of freedom : 

"From my childhood, I had always either lived in a 
college or a seminary, in a state of oppression and con 
tinual dejection ; and from being always accustomed to 
keep my eyes upon the ground, I had never known 
what it was to contemplate the heavens, or the splen 
did beauties of Nature. Oh, what profound, what 


religious happiness I enjoyed on first suddenly find 
ing myself transported amongst the imposing gran 
deurs of the ocean, when, during the voyage, I con 
templated myself between the sea and sky ! Then it 
seemed as if I had quitted a place of thick and heavy 
darkness. For the first time for many years, I felt 
my heart freely beating in my bosom. For the first 
time, I felt that I was master of my own thoughts ; 
and I then dared to examine my past life, as one who 
looks from a precipice into the deep and darkened 
valley beneath him. Then strange doubts came 
across my mind. I inquired of myself by what right, 
or to what end, I had been so long a time oppressed 
and borne down ; deprived of the exercise of my 
free will, of my liberty, of my reason. Since God 
had endowed me with all these, then I reasoned, 
that perhaps the ends of that grand, beautiful and 
holy work to which I had dedicated myself, would 
one day be developed, and compensate me for my 
obedience and resignation. 

On my arrival at Charleston, S.C., the Superior of 
the establishment in that town, to whom I had com 
municated my doubts as to the object of the Society, 
took upon himself to clear them up. With a fearful 
candor he unveiled their ends ; not perhaps as un 
derstood by all the members of the Society, of whom 
a great many partook of my ignorance, but such as 
the principals of it had undeviatingly pursued from 
the foundation of the Order. I became terrified. Iread 
the casuists. Oh, my father ! what a new and frightful 
revelation for me, when at every page of these books, 
written by the fathers, I read an excuse indeed a 
justification of robbery, calumny, violation, adultery, 
perjury, murder, regicide, as follows : 

" Violation. He who, either by force, menace, 
fraud, or importunity, seduces a virgin, without 
promise of marriage, must indemnify the girl, or her 


relatives, for the wrong that may result from it, by 
giving her a dowry, by which she may get a hus 
band ; or marrying her himself, if he cannot otherwise 
indemnify her. If, hoiuever, the offense remains an 
absolute secret, the seducer is not bound to make any 
restitution" This is Romanism. 

"Adultery. If any one has a guilty connection 
with a married woman, not because she is married, 
but because she is handsome setting aside the cir 
cumstances of her being married such connection, 
according to many authors, does not constitute the 
sin of adultery, but merely that of fornication." 

After reading this, Gabriel said : "When I thought 
within myself, that as a priest of the God of charity, 
of justice, of pardon, I yet belonged to a society 
whose chiefs propounded such doctrines and boasted 
of them, I made an oath before God, to break for 
ever the bonds by which I was attached to it." 

Is it probable, is it possible, that Jesuitism has 
improved? Is such a school or university a desidera 
tum in this land? Do we need to have American 
youth doomed to such a discipline? Father Chiniquy 
declares, that students in this land seek to escape this 
sea of nastiness. The effect of such teaching is hor 
rible. It undermines and degrades manhood. It is 
time that this truth was brought home to the con 
sciences of men. They have got to be made to see 
that Romanism is not a religion, but a plot an 
adjunct of hell ; and that it has nothing whatever to 
do with heaven. 

Now it is admitted, that the most revolting and 
degrading scene of the confessional is that of the 
prescribed treatment of females. On the mind of 
every Roman Catholic the conviction is fastened, 
that damnation is sure to come to those who go to 
confession and do not confess every sin they have 
committed. Further, that if a female appears mod- 


est, the confessor is instructed that her modesty must 
be overcome, or else he is authorized to deny her 

"But," it has been well asked, "what modesty 
in a young lady, or any other person, is in danger of 
being offended, if the priest s conduct is directed by 
God s word ? For then he would think of and practice 
naught but whatsoever things are true, whatsoever 
things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, what 
soever things are lovely, and whatsoever things are 
of good report/ It is, however, because of the oppo 
site of those things, especially in things that axe pure, 
that the modesty of the most hardened sinner must 
at times be shocked in the confessional ; of course, we 
need not be surprised to learn that a young lady can 
be offended there. Indeed, in looking over a pamph 
let, containing lengthy extracts from theological 
works used in seminaries, not in Ireland, but in the 
United States, that part of the confessional having 
reference particularly to females, in single life, in the 
marriage state, and in widowhood, it is impossible 
to conceive of any thing more vile, more outrageously 
offensive and abominable, to any mind not steeped in 
the lowest depths of sensualized life. " Ought not 
these facts to be placed within reach of the fathers 
and mothers whose children are exposed to such perils 
because the Roman Catholic Church is permitted 
unmolested to do its hellish work ? Approach it and 
try to write the words, and the hand pauses, the heart 
sickens, and it seems impossible to proceed. 

How husbands can allow their wives to go to con 
fession, fathers their daughters, brothers their sisters ; 
or how an intelligent and thoughtful people can look 
with favor upon the building up of an institution 
in which these debasing and polluting utterances are 
taught, passes comprehension. 

The Rev. Pierce Connelly, a domestic chaplain to 


the Earl of Shrewsbury, in a letter published in the 
London Times, says: "I have had experience in 
the confessional, from princes downwards, and out of 
it, such as perhaps has fallen to the lot of no other 
living man ; and my solemn conviction is, that a celi 
bate priesthood, organized like that of Rome, is in 
irreconcilable hostility with all good human interests. 
I have seen clerical inviolability made to mean noth 
ing less than license and impurity. Ihavereadto the 
simple-minded Cardinal-Prefect of the Propaganda a 
narrative written to a pious lady friend, by a respected 
Roman priest, of such enormities of lust in his fellow- 
priests around him, that the reading of them took 
away the breath ; to be answered, Caro Mio 
T know it, I know it all, and more and worse than 
all ; but nothing can be done ! I have known a 
priest practice Ligouri on his client simply as an 
amateur of wickedness, apparently without conscious 
malice, just as he would try poison upon dogs and 
cats ; an lago, without even an imaginary wrong from 
anybody,* and I have seen priests of mean abilities, 
of coarse natures, and gross breeding, practice upon 
pure and highly- gifted women of the upper ranks, 
married and unmarried, the teachings of their treach 
erous and impure casuistry, and with a success that 
seemed more than human. I have seen these priests 
impose their pretended divine authority, and sustain it 
by mock miracles, for ends that were simply devilish. 
I have had poured into my ears what can never be 
uttered, and what ought not to be believed, but was 
only too plainly true. And I have seen that all that is 
most deplorable is not an accident, but a result, and 
an inevitable result, of the working practical system of 
the church of Rome, with all its stupendous machinery 
of mischief. And the system is irrevocable and irre 

* Letters of Marcus, p. 122. f H> id , P- 122. 


Yet this is not all. It is even not the worst. Man 
is what woman makes him, and the priest unmakes 
the woman and subverts the solid edifice by the ruin 
of the foundation. What shall be done about it? 
Shall the truth be scattered? The need of it is 
apparent in this and other lands. 

The Chairman of the Chili Mission of the Presby 
terian church, writes as follows : 

" My Dear Brother : I have read your book * Why 
Priests Should Wed, and beg to say it is just what 
is needed. I wish you had the power of reading the 
secrets of the greatest secret society in the world 
the Roman Catholic Church, as these secrets are hid 
den to-day in the United States. I could give you 
some live facts of the present moment concerning 
the great Harlot as this immense institution has devel 
oped here. 

" I will write my request, and then give you a fact 
or two illustrative of the BEAST you are trying to 
destroy : 1. Have you any objections to our translat 
ing and printing your book in Chili ? 2. Would you 
object to its coming out in Spanish in an unmutilated 
form? and if so, would you be willing to supply us the 
suppressed matter so that it could be restored in the 
translation? Let me add now a fact or two that will 
illustrate, 1st : Your theme, Why Priests Should 
Wed; and secondly, The benumbing influence of 
this horrid system, on not only the conscience, but 
also on the moral sense of the Romanist, and the 
manliness and womanliness of the members of this 
depraved society. 

6 The Sota-Cura, or Yice-Cura, in Parral, ruined, 
sometime ago, one of the teachers in the public school. 
The lady lives now in San Carlos, and the child is in 
Chilan, and the Cura still performs his functions. 

" The Principal Cura of Parral says, that it is of no 
consequence, that he is ugly ; give him but two hours 


with a woman, and he can destroy her. This beast is 
in full charge of the parish church of Parral, and had 
been transferred to that church because of complaints 
against him for seducing women. 

" Another eura came one night to a house where 
two young men were visiting two young ladies. He 
called the young ladies to sit one each side, and spread 
ing a manto in front of the three, began under the 
manto to handle the girls. The young men saw him 
do it, and had not spunk enough to kick the drunken 
rake out of doors. The mothers do not seem to make 
much objection to such actions. The mothers know 
of the unhappy relations of the priests with their 
daughters, and say nothing. 

" In Cauquenes, the other day, a young woman ran 
into the chancel, just after the priest had consecrated 
the wine, and was about to drink it. She snatched 
the chalice from his hands, and in the presence of the 
congregation shouted, You are a bad man, and not 
worthy to drink that cup, and at the word she drank 
the wine herself. The next Sunday she was in her 
place in the choir and nothing was done to her ; though 
she had done a deed that would have put her in prison. 
But the priest retired from the church and went some 
where else. The parents of the young woman say, 
she was justified in this act. The account was pub 
lished one week ago in El Sur, a paper of Concepcion. 
It was not long ago that the Bishop of Concepcion was 
the cause of the ruin of a young woman of high par 
entage : the facts were known to all Concepcion, but 
the Bishop still served. The mouths of friends were 
hushed. The bishop has since died of cholera. A 
gentleman in La Serena told me of the fact that a 
servant girl in his house was found in the family- way , 
and the author of her shame was an official member 
of the Bishop s house. 

" This gentleman went to the Bishop and had the 


delinquent discovered and transferred to some 
other part. Had the child been born alive, it was his 
intention to make the priest support it. 

" When after a long vacancy the present archbishop 
was called to fill the See, at the installation or conse 
cration, a woman was observed to hold a child of two 
years up above the crowd, and was heard say to it, 
"That man [the new archbishop] is your father." 
She was followed to her house, and it was discovered 
that she was indeed a mistress of the high functionary. 
This account was published, and the address of the 
one who noted the fact given, yet no notice was taken 
of it. Not a single Eoman Catholic paper said a word 
or referred to it; much less uttered an indignant 
denial, and demanded proof, or the punishment of the 

"Your book covers a wider ground, and deals also 
with fundamental questions in such a way that we 
would see it in the hands of every intelligent Roman 
ist, and for this reason have written you. 

I am, 


Santiago, Chili, S.A., May 4th, 1888. Casilla 912. 

While it may not be wise to do more than has been 
attempted in "Why Priests Should Wed," it does 
seem important that the truth be given to the men 
and women of this Western world, that they may 
judge truly the character of Romanism, the life-long 
foe of morality, of virtue, and of Christianity. 





It is idle to dream of the purity of men who are 
accustomed to mouth words full of vile suggestions. 
4 As a man thinketh, so is he." This had been the 
ory. When the lecture entitled : 


was delivered in one of our great cities, a storm of 
opposition was raised by Koine. The lecture was 
called " foul-mouthed" by leading Roman Catholics, 
and the nuns were spoken of as immaculate and 
above suspicion. A lady who had been ten years in 
one of the nunneries of the town, came to a subse 
quent lecture, and sent a friend to the platform of 
the crowded hall, who said : "I am authorized by a 
lady now in this audience, a member of a Congrega 
tional church" giving her name, and the locality 
where she resided " to say, that she has been ten 
years in a a convent in this city, and for eight years 
wore the black veil as a nun ; and she declares that 
all that has been said, charging incontinency upon 
priests and nuns, is true, but that the half has not 
been told." That was much. This that follows is 

A gentleman occupying a distinguished posi 
tion in the Christian world, brought the following 
statement. It seemed incredible, and was not used 
until it had been attested on oath. With feelings 


bordering on horror, it was read word for word ; and 
if after reading this, that is faithfully copied, and the 
chapter preceding, there are those who claim that 
Eomanism is worthy of regard, should they not be 
classed with those who gladly "believe a lie that 
they may be damned " ? 

A young man of seventeen years is walking the 
deck of an excursion steamer. Two men, dressed as 
priests, are on the deck. One of them bows to the 
young man. lie returns the salutation. Where 
upon one of the priests steps up and says : "I am 
glad, my son, to note your reverence for the fathers 
of your church." I said : " My custom is^ to treat 
with respect any professed teacher of Christian tl-ulh." 
He asked me to sit down beside him, and He en 
quired my name, age, occupation, parentage,, pur 
pose in life, etc. ; and on my telling him that I 
expected to study law, he gave me much sound and 
wholesome advice. Finally he asked me if I knew 
him. I said: "No." He said he was His Grace 
the Archbishop of Toronto ; and that the priest who 

was with him was Father . I expressed my due 

recognition of the honor of a conversation with His 
Grace ; whereupon he said, he had taken quite an 
interest in me, and would like to grant me an abso 
lution for my past sins, if I would confess them to 
him ; and that he had no doubt he could get the key 
of the Captain s stateroom for the purpose. I replied 
that it would be useless, because I had no faith in 
the efficacy of any such pardoning. 

He asked me to take off my hat and pray with him ; 
and the three of us removed our hats, and he offered 
up a very earnest, brief prayer there upon the deck 
the place where we were sitting being quite secluded, 
and we remained sitting during the prayer. After 
the prayer, he contiuued talking to me for an hour, 
giving me excellent advice on my life and habits, 


especially warning me against the gratification of 
sensual passions, either by self-abuse or harlotry. 

From the steamboat they pass to a parlor-car ; and 
there, the door being locked, the youth was asked 
to make himself comfortable on a couch at the side 
of the Archbishop. He then led the conversation 
into special lines. For example, he asked me : "If 
in school I had not often had my passion aroused by 
the legs of the girls being visible below their short 
dresses, and if I had not known boys who were seated 
across the aisle from the girls to deliberately drop 
pencils or books on the floor, so that, when picking 
them up, they might look under the skirts of the 
nearest girl." This is surprising language for an 
Archbishop to address to a youth of seventeen. It 
is but the prelude to the nastiness that follows. 

This was one of the illustrations upon which he 
built skilful and forcible arguments against the Pro 
testant public school question. 

As a further illustration this time on the line 
of the open Bible he referred to Luke 1 : 23 : 
" Every male that openeth the womb, shall be called 
holy to the Lord ; " and he said that he knew of hun 
dreds of instances where young men had twisted that 
passage into an excuse for immoral connection. And 
upon this, and other illustrations of a like nature, he 
erected what he thought an impregnable barrier 
against the free use of the Bible, apart from priestly 

The Archbishop having attempted to awaken dis 
trust in the mind of the youth in regard to the most 
pertinent and solid grounds of Protestantism, very 
quickly developed " a careful, elaborate and attrac 
tive description of the Roman Catholic Church, its 
universality, the grandeur of its history, its glorious 
ritual, its magnificent conquests in the past, the sanc 
tity of a priest s life, the unequaled advantages for 


study which it offered, the high positions which faith 
ful energy could achieve within its bounds, and par 
ticularly did he dilate on the opportunities which 
there were given for a complete education, a finished 
course of knowledge." 

He dazzled me with a glorious view of Catholic 
scholarship, claiming that all truth lay within the 
reach of a priest, while the wonderful statement 
which he made of their communion with God seemed 
to clothe them with a halo of divinity. They were 
said to be above truth, because they were the com 
panions of God, who was the Author of truth. 

His portraiture of the Pope was dazzling. He was 
the monarch of emperors ; his subjects were num 
bered by hundreds of millions. He was infallible, 
and the authorized representation of the Godhead on 
earth ; and his treasures, whether viewed financially 
in gold and silver and precious stones, or spiritually 
in the worship given to him by his subjects in any 
light, his treasures were infinite ; and this, he said, was 
possible to me, though, of course, not probable. 
But he pointed out to me, that in the lawful struggle 
for ascendancy in the Catholic Church, my ambition 
could be satiated to its fullest fruition, and the greatest 
glory of my proudest desires could be more than satis 
fied; while even if I never became more than a com 
mon priest, my power and influence would be far 
greater than that of the highest judge in the land ; 
and all these glorious possibilities would be laid open 
to me then and there, if I would but humbly and 
penitently become a convert to the truth. I could go 
straight to Toronto with him, and within twenty-four 
hours could be safely under the fold of the only and 
everlasting church of God. 

The triune oath required of me, he said, was very 
simple. Poverty, chastity, and obedience were then 


described ; and so skilfully was the web laid that he 
thought my entanglement was complete. 

It was at this juncture that I expressed my fear 
that, with my passionate nature, I could not keep 
pure the second vow, and that I had a great dislike 
to any pursuit in life that would quench the lire of 
my passion. This, I candidly stated to him, was a 
most serious obstacle ; whereupon he gave me the 
following explanation of the vow, stating that it 
followed and was intimately connected with the first 
vow, and could be only thoroughly understood in 
that light; and that "when these two vows were 
properly understood, it was quite consistent with 
them that the priest and the nun should mutually 
gratify the sensual desires of the other." 


(1) All priests and nuns must take the vow of 
poverty. (2) This vow means, the yielding to the 
service of the church of God, not only your property, 
but your body and your mind ; that is to say, your 
affections and your very thoughts. (3) Therefore, 
you, as a person, no longer exist; both priest and 
nun are an inherent part of the church. (4) 
Hence, physical coition between the two was no 
more sin than the contact of the opposite organs of 
an hemaphrodite, or the mingling of the various 
robes of priest and nun it was simply the contact 
of various parts of the one organization. 


(1) The Church was the bride of Christ. (2) 
The priest was the representative or local vicar of 
Christ. (3) It followed, that every nun, by her 
marriage with the Church, became a part of the body 
of Christ s bride. (4) Hence, physical connection 
between priest and nun is not only the privilege, but 


becomes the duty, of those connected with the 


( 1 ) The Word of God, and especially the epistles 
of Paul, particularly insist and teach, that every 
believer in Christ, becomes an organ in the body of 
Christ. (2) Hence, all members of the true 
Church of Christ become equal members of the one 
body. (3) Hence, as stated by Paul, in 1 Cor. 
11 : 21 , " The head cannot say lo the feet, I have no 
need of thee." So neither can the priest or nun. 
(4) Hence, it follows again, as laid down by Paul 
in the same chapter, "that there should be no 
schism in the body, but that the members should 
have the same care one for another." (o) Hence, 
he concluded, that the coition of priest and nun for 
mutual comfort, was as natural as the chafing 
together of the right and left hand in cold weather. 

The Archbishop was ably seconded in the matter 
by Father , whose role appeared to be the insert 
ing of complimentary remarks concerning the Arch 
bishop, and extolling his wisdom, learning, zeal, 

After this came the suggestion that the young man 
should leave gun and rod in the passenger coach, 
and drop his hat out of the window ; which would 
lead his parents to believe that he had fallen from the 
train; while the non-discovery of his body would 
always remain with them as a hope that he was not 
dead and might ultimately return; while he was to 
proceed with the Archbishop to the city, where, after 
being admitted i nto the Catholic Church, he would 
be provided with a first-class passage to Rome, and 
a recommendation to an eminent official there ; from 
which time onward, all the scholarships of Christen 
dom would be within his grasp, while the only limits 


to his towering ambition would be the energy and 
ability which he should display to entitle him to it, 
and the fullest gratification of all natural desires 
could be accomplished in a manner perfectly consis 
tent with a holy and sanctified life, the service of 
Christ and his fellow-men, with the certain guarantee, 
of eternal life. 

Such was the Archbishop s scheme. If anything 
more devilish can be devised, it proves great capac 
ity in that line. The youth was earnestly persuaded 
not to reject the truth. See him ! He is in the car 
without a friend. The Archbishop and priest are 
his keepers. All knelt together in prayer. The 
prelate prayed for his conversion. A few minutes 
might have sealed his doom ; when, in the mercy of 
God, the locomotive s shrill whistle blew for his 
home station. That sudden shriek brought him back 
suddenly to reality and decision. One thought of 
home, of mother, of Bible and Christ, and the temp 
tation was gone. Thanking the Archbishop for his 
kindness, he sprung to the door, turned the key, 
retired from the car, and in a moment was upon the 
platform saved from popery and hell ! 

Does such a statement throw any light upon the 
conduct of priests? Is it strange that men thus 
taught so often fall? " Oh," said a young priest to 
Blanco White, with tears in his eyes, after having 
for four or five years discharged the duties of his 
station, " God only knoWs what I have suffered dur 
ing this time ! And if I have fallen, it is not with 
out fighting. Had I been allowed to choose a wife 
as it is the law of God, who destines man to mar 
riage, whatever our rules teach to the contrary, I 
should have been the happiest man in the world ; I 
should be a good, a holy priest ; while now, I am 
oh, I am ashamed of myself!" This is really the sad 
history of all their falls ; for, let us be just, no men 


are tempted like priests. Their passions are often 
necessarily aroused. The demon of bad thoughts 
takes possession of them. Their ministry drives 
them into such relations with women, into whose 
most secret thoughts they are obliged to enter, that 
their virtue receives many shocks. Admit that in 
the beginning they try to be faithful. They nutter, fall, 
reform again, go on, fall again, and at length, to fin 
ish this horrible struggle, abandon faith, and sink 
into Atheism ; because of the impossibility of recon 
ciling their faith with conduct so vile, and yet so 
common to the class. 

If the statement of the Archbishop contains the 
truth, what a horrid light it sheds upon the conduct 
of priests ! 

A gray-haired mother who had fled from Rome to 
Christ, came and said : "My granddaughter is being 

wooed and won by Father .* She spoke as if 

the priest was a lover, and not a minister. 

" Can priests win hearts? Is that their voca 

4 * They were nominally for the church; but really 
for themselves," was the sad reply. 

They had read "Why Priests Should Wed," and 
were startled by its terrible revelations. The young 
lady accompanied her grandmother to the house of 
God. Beautiful in face and form, attractive in 
manner, soft-toned in speech, she seemed fitted to 
make some man a good wife, and to become the 
centre of a pleasant home. She had determined to 
become a nun. The cloister was not in her thought, 
nor was religion. She was in love with the priest, 
and thought of passing into the cloister that she 
might have him, so soon as she became a spiritual 
sister. Then came Gavazzi s words of warning to 
the nun. He said: "The Jesuits, too, have nuns. 
For almost every order of monks there is a corres- 


ponding order of nuns. If monks are useless and 
dangerous, what are nuns ? They are very gentle- 
speaking ladies, very delicate ladies; but, are they 
Scriptural ? No ! Christ never instituted nuns ! 
He came alike to men and women, and all the human 
race. Among his followers were humble and devout 
women, Mary Magdalen and Martha and others, to 
whom he spoke of things eternal ; but did he ever say 
to any of them : I wish you to become a nun ? 
Never ! He said : Come and follow me ; but never, 
Go to a cloister ! * And yet nuns swarm in Wash 
ington. They ride in carriages ; they walk in proces 
sion ; they fatten at the public crib, and are treated 
by Congressmen as if they were worthy of supreme 
regard. Their names we need not give, nor describe 
the great establishment. Do parents understand, 
in the light of the Archbishop s statement, the charac 
ter, standing, and habits of these "Sisters" so-called, 
who with the gratification of every passionate desire 
are promised eternal life? 

It is time the iniquitous character of these institu 
tions were made known. If nuns are what the 
Archbishop describes them, the mistresses of priests, 
let it be known, 

Do parents consider the terrible meaning of the 
conduct of a priest when he makes love to a girl and 
obtains her consent to abandon home and friends, 
and immure herself in a convent, and become in her 
full maturity, in her ripe beauty, the slavish subject 
of the priest ? 

In " Why Priests Should Wed," the warnings of 
Wm. Hogan and Maria Monk are given, but the 
words of the Archbishop, and the argument by which 
the position is maintained, throw light upon this 
subject. As educators, nuns are failures. They 
live under the influence of their father-confessors, 

*Gavazzi s Lectures, pp. 87. 


These are generally Jesuits, or Jesuitically educated ; 
the nun will impart to her pupil the same education 
she receives from her spiritual director, a poor, 
bigoted, contemptible, anti- American education. 
This is the education given by those nunned and 
cloistered teachers, the willing subject of the priests, 
and who by example, if not by word, make a pro- 
tension to virtue a play, if not a by-word and a 

Beware for your homes. Nuns are to be found 
not only in monasteries, but abroad ; they travel in 
disguise, like Jesuits. They enter homes as servants ; 
and though often deemed a great blessing in a 
Protestant family, they are at times just the reverse. 
They know how to peep through the keyhole, and 
carry all information they can obtain to the father- 
confessor. Would you have in your families an 
adroit, consummate spy? Take a servant educated 
by nuns, and your wish is gratified. It is beginning 
to be fashionable to think that hospitals and asylums 
are sure to be well cared for if given into the charge 
of Sisters of Charity. Before they were introduced, 
hospitals and schools were well attended ; and were 
they now extinct, American institutions would be 
well cared for ; while what good they do is more than 
outweighed by the unmitigated evil of the general 
aim and tendency of monastic institutions. 



It would require the genius of a Disraeli to do 
justice to the many-sided characteristics of fashion 
able life in Washington. More and more, throng 
there, during the winter months, the women of 
fashion and the men of note, who make Saratoga, 
Newport, and Long Branch places of attraction and 
repute during the summer. Washington is becoming 
a great winter resort. People come there, some for 
politics, some for office, some for patronage, and 
others for the rich pickings or plums of party favor 
bestowed by their representatives in the House and 
Senate, by the men whom they have been delighted 
to honor with their support at home, and who feel 
that obligation and interest alike, compel and com 
mand them to do for them all in their power to make 
their sojourn in Washington a delight. 

The receptions at the White House, the spreads 
given by the members of the Cabinet and other 
officials of high life, foreign and home, furnish 
abundant entertainments to which entrance is not 
difficult, and is within the reach of the deserving. 
In fashionable life, a re many citizens of Washington 
who understand etiquette, and are leaders and 
directors of the movements which bring pleasure or 
pain. Some ambitious relative- of a distinguished 
official gets her name on the page of the Court paper, 
and becomes a ruling star. Round her gather lesser 
lights. Ambitious young men connected with the 


army or navy, with foreigners of distinction, or 
attaches of the ministers who represent foreign 
countries, rival the young Congressman, the son of 
a senator, or mayhap a President, or the bright and 
noble array of newspaper men, who hold in their 
hands the making or unmaking of reputations, the 
successful writer, orator, or financier, who are there 
with an eye to business, and are regarded as a great 
catch at home, and therefore as objects of regard 
abroad, share in the pleasures of the dance, chat at 
the supper, and play their part in the saloon of 
fashion, brilliant with light, and radiant with the 
confiscated rays flashing from brilliant diamonds 
worn in profusion by the attractive American women, 
who are becoming each year sought after by the 
titled and great of this and other lands. Among 
these are Jesuits, without the name, dressed in the 
height of fashion, capable of conversing in any 
tongue, and so able to bring together the Cuban 
and the pride of Paris, the German and the sweet- 
toned Italian ; standing as an intermediate not only 
between different nationalities, but different sects and 
classes. They know life. They have influence 
with the great. They sport in the light of the Red- 
Robed Cardinal, who keeps his high place as prince 
of the church, and as ruler in the political world, to 
an extent little appreciated by the uninitiated. Ever 
on the watch to bring a Protestant of influence, or of 
wealth which in Washington creates influence into 
association with a Roman Catholic of prominence 
and position, it is not difficult- to see that on this 
continent Washington opens to Romanism a field 
of richest possibilities. Beside them, and working 
with Brothers of the Order, are female Jesuits, as 
well-trained ; distinguished for skill in diplomacy, in 
finesse, always ready to leave any ordinary occupa 
tion to further the interests of the church. 


At their head for years and years, ranked that 
cultured and famed wife of a great general who wears 
on her breast the " Golden Rose," presented by the 
Pope of Rome. Associating with her are ladies who 
rank high in Evangelical associations, and who are 
always ready to accept a second or a subordinate 
place on boards of hospitals or homes ; where they 
vote as they are bidden, and help to place power 
and patronage under the control of that one great 
organism which works parties, senates, and supreme 
courts, with an eye not to God s glory, but the good 
and growth of the party of Rome. As proof, read a 
few well-known facts. 

It was at a magnificent party, a beautiful girl, on her 
father s arm, paused, and shook the hand of a distin 
guished gentleman whose prospects brightened every 
hour as the probable nominee for the presidency. 
He made a passing and complimentary remark, which 
brought a blush to the cheek, brightness to the eye, 
and a thrill of joy to the heart. Not far away stood 
a young man, the son of a Protestant, a student at 
Princeton, enamored of her beauty and glad to hear 
her praises spoken by one so highly esteemed. In a 
little time he was at her side. They were together 
evening after evening. Every hindrance was removed. 
Room was given them. Invitation followed invita 
tion to places where pleasure reigned. There were 
those who saw the game and wished it well. The 
Jesuits were delighted. The President had placed 
the church of Rome under great obligations, by hav 
ing his Secretary of State address a letter to the Ital 
ian government, asking that the American College 
be saved from confiscation. It was done ; and the 
name of the President, as his own successor, was 
taken up on the tongue of the press, and rolled like 
a sweet morsel for months. He deserved what was 
said of him. He was an honest, true, and good 


President, and proved that he was an exception to the 
rule, that a Vice-President succeeding to the presi 
dency must be a traitor to the party who elected 

It was thought that he could be used as an instru 
ment in furthering a scheme upon which thought, 
money, and much planning had been bestowed. He, 
the son of a Baptist minister, had married an Epis 
copalian, and had been led by his wife into the more 
fashionable church, and was one of the most devout 
of worshippers. The Jesuits saw in that step but 
the beginning that might lead hini into the fold of a 
church in which apostolic succession was a claimed 
verity, and not a pretence. Along this path thou 
sands had marched into the embrace of Rome. Why 
not this cultured man ? Up came the happy couple 
to this polite and clear-sighted man, who, handsome 
in face, faultless in dress, dignified in mien, and 
courteous in speech, is the centre of attraction. 

As the young and happy couple pass, a friend to 
the President remarks : "A most desirable match ! " 

61 She is a Roman Catholic," replied the President. 

" What of that ?" was the outspoken ejaculation, 
as a shadow of disappointment swept over the faces 
of the Jesuitical throng; "surely, that would not 
form an obstacle in the opinion of a gentleman who 
allowed his heart-love to rule so much of his life as 
was shown in his devotion to his wife." 

The President s face flushed, and his eye flashed, 
as he replied: "It would make a vast difference. 
Between a girl professing faith in Christ and a 
member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and a 
Roman Catholic, is a wide remove. Should the 
young man marry into that home, they will be com 
pelled either to be married in a Roman Catholic 
church with its attendant display, or an altar must 
be built in the home, and the bridegroom must con- 


sent to having their offspring given up to the church 
of Rome. This would, in my opinion, be an insepar 
able barrier to the union." 

A polite acquiescence was given. 

In another part of the room was a hurried conver 
sation. That woman distinguished in securing the 
advancement of any one connected with the Roman 
Catholic church, from a man who empties ash-barrels 
to one seeking a Cabinet appointment, spoke warmly 
and wisely : " Sound him. Find out if those are his 
views. If so, we will have done with him." 

To the girl the words were recited. She would 
gladly have turned from Rome. She was tired 
of its empty mummeries, and longed for something 
better. These men, who know so well the weak 
nesses of w r omen, knew how to manage her. She 
soon found herself fenced in to Jesuitical influences, 
and apart and away from Protestant associations. 

A Jesuit took the young man to ride, and there 
learned that he would stand with his household 
that he would not surrender to Rome. 

The father of the girl, a devout Roman Catholic, 
believed he could remove the hindrance. The house 
hold quoted the words of the President in approval. 
To the President went the Congressman, assured of 
his power to carry all before him. The son of a Bap 
tist minister, born in the north of Ireland, and know 
ing Romanism as it is, and hating it because of its 
deserts, was firm and decided. Archbishop, bishop, 
priest and Jesuit, tried to persuade, and finally to 
compel. In vain ! Rome had reached a stone wall ! 
It could not go over it. It was difficult to go around 
it ! At this time the President was riding on the 
high and crested wave of popularity. A second term 
was an assured fact, in the estimation of the million. 
His name was on the world s broad tongue like the 
sound of the falling of a force. His praises filled 


the press, and rolled like a tide current over the 
world. He was honest, capable, industrious, and a 
mighty manipulator of men. His knowledge of the 
requirements of high life surpassed all his predeces 
sors. As a club man, he was an authority ; and as a 
referee in difficult cases, his decisions were marked 
by sound judgment and fairness, and were not ap 
pealed from. To break such a man, seemed like a 
herculean task ; but the Jesuits said it should be 
done, if he did not bow to Rome. 

The health of the young lady gave way. The Jes 
uits made the most of it. The father and the mag 
nates of the church grew desperate. There was great 
commotion in fashionable life. Rome had never 
been baffled before. Could she be baffled now? 

The Congressman, beaten and almost broken, took 
his daughter to his home, where she died, it is said, 
with a broken heart. This was as the Jesuits de 
sired. Then came the organizing against the Presi 
dent, and in favor of a man more subtle, more com 
plaisant, more ready to yield. 

As was natural, thought turned towards a General 
of the army, the friend and companion of Grant, and 
the most popular man in Washington. His tall form ; 
short, quick, nervous step ; always well dressed, but 
never gaudily ; a hater of new clothes, and of new 
ways ; with an extraordinary head, big and full at 
the top ; with a brain that had been too big for the 
body, had not the latter been developed into a bun 
dle of iron tissues by the hardest of physical exer 
tions, he was a man to be pointed out as the com 
manding feature of any gathering. His " great cam 
paigns, in which he generally slept on the ground 
without a tent, in the earlier part of his military 
career, gave him a constitution which served him 
well. His face was rough, and it had a strong ex 
pression. He was pat-tongued. Epigrams flew 


from it like sparks from an anvil. Though nominally 
a member of the church, he was noted for his pro 
fanity. He carried a cigar in his mouth almost as 
much as Grant. When he smokes he smokes all 
over, so to speak. He seems to be disgusted with 
his cigar, and sucks in its nicotine as though it was 
the hardest thing in the world to get it to draw. He 
brushes off the ashes with a quick, nervous gesture, 
and throws away the cigar when it is only half 
smoked. He uses the weed fully as much as any 
man in the army. 

" The shape of his head was much discussed at the 
time it was alleged he was a lunatic. This was when 
he told Simon Cameron and Lorenzo Thomas that it 
would take 200,000 men to drive the rebels out of 
Kentucky. These two gentlemen laughed at the 
idea, and would not accept his advice concerning 
Kentucky. He then asked to be relieved. He was 
ordered elsewhere, and another took his place. This 
was on November 30, 1861 ; and on the same night, 
the report that he was crazy was sent out by a cor 
respondent of one of the New York papers. 

"During the first part of Andrew Jackson s term 

he lived in the family of Senator , at , O. , 

a sleepy country-town of perhaps a couple of thou 
sand inhabitants, where the boys loafed about the 
stores and listened to the older loafers tell stories. 
His comrades called him * Gump, and one of them 
says he was among the laziest of them, and that he 
could always be found at the stores of an evening. 
4 He was a different fellow/ says this gentleman, 

6 from , who was a great reader, and a sort of 

plodder. Gump had a great idea of going to West 
Point, and he talked of it continually. I shall never 
forget the day his uncle finally got him his appoint 
ment. He was so happy he could hardly contain 


himself, and he almost walked on the air for several 

"He graduated at the early age of 20, and entered 
the artillery, serving first in the Florida war, as first- 
lieutenant during the Mexican war, in California as 
adjutant-general. Ten years after he graduated he 
married his patron s daughter, who was then Secre 
tary of the Interior, and the wedding came off in grand 
style at Washington. Clay, Webster, Calhoun and 
Tom Beiiton were all present, as was also the Presi 
dent and his cabinet. He was thirty years old then. 
His beard was a dingy red, and he had a face bronzed 
with service in the West. The couple went to New 
York, Niagara Falls, and then to Washington. He 
stayed in the army three years after his marriage ; 
but in 1853 resigned, and went to San Francisco, 
where he opened a broker s shop. He afterward had 
a bank at No. 12 Wall Street, New York City. But 
neither of these ventures could have paid very well ; 
for very shortly after, we find he left for Kansas, 
where his brothers-in-law were practising at the bar. 

" His family are missed, in a social way, for the 
general was the life of many a dinner table. He 
lived very nicely here, in a three-story building, on 
street, very near the White House, Worrnley s Hotel, 
and the Riggs. Here he had an office in the base 
ment, where you could find him at odd hours work 
ing away. At the War Department he was, perhaps, 
the most busy man in the great building. He seemed 
to be always going at lightning speed. In his eyes 
the department clerk was as good as the long-winded 
United States senator, and if he were in a good humor, 
the clerk would be just as well received. If he were 
in a bad humor and this was by no means uncom 
mon both had better keep away. This quality of 
the general has tended much to the good of the 
army. Military men, especially of the lower orders, 


are inclined to pomp and snobbery. His blunt, 
off-hand ways, his plain, practical ideas, and his bold 
way of calling a spade, a spade, has done much to 
foster common sense among the military men here. 

"His habit of sometimes letting his feelings carry 
him away came near being his ruin in the days fol 
lowing the accession of Andrew Johnson. Johnson, 
you know, repudiated his agreement with Joe Johns 
ton at the time, though he afterwards practically 
adopted it. One of the leading war correspondents 
of the time tells the story. He says : 

" Sullen at the repudiation of his agreement with 
Johnston, angry at the interference of Gen. Halleck 

with the co-operative movements of himself and , 

furious at the countermanding of his orders by the 
Secretary of War, he marched to Washington with his 
army, breathing vengeance upon Halleck, and hate 
and contempt upon Stanton. No nation safely before 
witnessed such a spectacle a victorious general, at 
the head of 80,000 men devoted to him and jealous 
of his fame as a part of their own, marching to the 
capital of the country, with threats against his mili 
tary superiors breathing from his lips and flowing 
from his pen. For days he raved around Washing 
ton, expressing his contempt for Halleck and Stanton 
in the strongest terms, and denouncing them as mere 
non-combatants whom he despised. He wrote 
to his friends, and through them to the pub 
lic, comparing Halleck and Stanton to cowardly 
Falstaffs, seeking to win honor for the deeds he 
had done, accusing the Secretary of War of sup 
pressing his reports and endeavoring to slander 
him before the American public in official bulle 
tins. For days his army roamed the streets of the 
capital with the same freedom with which they had 
roamed through the fields of war, and no man dared 
to raise his voice in condemnation of their leader or 


approval of the superiors who had opposed him. No 
Republic ever was in such danger before, and yet 
the danger was hardly suspected. 

"This affair, however, blew over, and he never 
was called to account for his actions. No record was 
made of the offense against discipline, which in any 
other country would have cost him, not merely his 
position, but his reputation, and in many armies his 
life. Still, in all this he never meditated anything 
against the Government and never forgot his alle 
giance." * 

The timber out of which to make a President was 
clearly in this mm. The wife being approached was 
not averse to whatever might give power to the 
church, and so readily yielded consent. It was 
believed that the manner in which the father had sur 
rendered his idolized son to the Romish priesthood, 
was an indication of his readiness to yield compliance 
to their demands. 

He was in St. Louis when the proposition was 
broached. "It won t do," replied the great General. 
"My wife is a Roman Catholic, and most devoted to 
the interests of the church. That is enough. The 


country would never give its support to a man 
who, when elected, would be compelled to see the 
White House overrun with priests." That outspoken 
man was abandoned. 

There was another ready. A man born a Roman 
Catholic, converted to the Protestant faith, pro 
fessedly, and having united with the Congrega 
tional church, and having a wife devoted to Christian 
work, moving in the first circles, seemed to be 
fitted, if it could be managed. 

There was much in his favor. His relatives were 
all Roman Catholics. His mother died in the 
church, and he had said that for a "dozen presiden- 

*Frank G. Carpenter, in Special Correspondence. 


cies, he would not say a word against the religion of 
his mother." His two sisters were at the head of 
two convents. His brother was a devout Romanist, 
and it was said that his father died in that faith. 
In the town and much in society, was a man sixty 
years of age, who was noted for wearing on his 
breast a medal given him by Pio Nono, because he 
belonged to his Pontifical Guard. 


Turn to this man as suited to their plan. He is 
introduced into the family of the senator. He 
becomes acquainted with the daughter. Barriers are 
removed. The way is open. Marriage is proposed. 
The daughter joins the Roman Catholic church, and 
an altar is built in the home, and the "medal" 
soldier of Pio Nono marries the daughter of the most 
magnetic man of the age. 

At once his name is taken up. Banners are worked 
for him. "Tlie dividing of the Irish vote is spoken 
of as a desirable result. Here is a man, born a 
Roman Catholic, and becoming a Protestant, and 
yet supported by Romanists for the Presidency. Is 
not thut a proof that in this land there is no danger 
from Rome? That Romanists can separate church 
State, and vote for a man who left them, and yet not 
so bigoted as to oppose them? It seemed as it the 
American people were dead to apprehension. The 
Pope was spoken of as a well-meaning gentleman. 
Romanists in high positions began to be consulted by 
politicians. The bargain was made. The goods 
were not delivered. Never was a more propitious 
time to act. The guns of Protestantism were still. 
In all the land, with here and there an exception, 
those who had fought Romanism had grounded 
arms. Romanism was a menace, no more. From 
every altar the nominee was praised, and tickets 


were given to the faithful to be deposited in the bal 
lot box. 


There is but one answer : God was against the 
sale. At a great reception, which was claimed to 
be a spontaneous outpouring of the ministry con 
nected with the Evangelical denominations, to offset 
any fear arising from the statement which was 
going abroad, that the proposition had been made 
to the Vicar- Generals of the Archbishop of New 
York and Brooklyn, "Give me the Roman Catholic 
vote, and I will do for Romanism what has never 
been done before" 

So the ministry came from far and near. The 
gentleman expected to deliver the address was called 
away. The Rev. Dr. Burchard was invited to take 
his place. He was an old man, given to allitera 
tions. He said, in a low voice, so low that few 
heard it, " We are Republicans, and don t propose 
to leave our party and identify ourselves with the 
party whose antecedents have been Rum, Roman 
ism and Rebellion." 

A reporter of the Press overheard these words, 
took them down, sold what he claimed would defeat 
the Republican and elect the Democratic candidate, 
and having pocketed his money, gave them wing. 

The words were caught up and flashed over the 
world. Had the nominee said, That is true, all 
would have been well. Why did he not say it? 
He could not ! Behind him was the altar, the giving 
away of his child, the bargain, the Jesuit host all 
about, the demand that he prove himself true to 
Rome, however false he might be to the principles 
professed when he turned from Rome and gave him 
self professedly to Christ. The next day it was 
printed ; and he said : "For a dozen presidencies, J 


would not say a ivord against the religion of my 
mother." Why not? If the religion of his mother 
was so bad that he decided he ought to turn from it, 
it wus so bad that it ought to be opposed, no matter 
who professed it. 

Defeat came. Why? One paper called it " bad 
luck." The candidate said, " It was because it 
rained ; " and other excuses were given. 

Was it " bad luck," or God? It is a question 
which Americans will do well to answer. 

On the deck of an ocean steamer, men discuss the 
probable chances of prominent men for the presi 
dency. Among them is a Jesuit, who keeps his 
own counsel. Just opposite the Never Sink, as they 
approach the harbor of New York, the Jesuit asks 
one who has been foremost in the discussion, " Do 
you know who selects your President?" 

"The people," was the swift reply. 



"The Pope of Rome. Everyman who succeeds 
has to have his endorsement." 

" My friend, "said the politician, " your words re 
mind me of a story. A Quaker friend was in conver 
sation with a neighbor who was addicted to falsehood. 
One day, when he had told a whopper, he said : 

Friend A , I do not like to call thee a liar, but 

if the Mayor of Philadelphia should ask me to show 
him the greatest liar I ever knew, I would go to thee 

and say, Friend A , the Mayor wants to see 

thee. And so, sir, though I would not like to call 
you a liar, this I will say, never was a man more 
mistaken. Let it be known whom Rome wants, and 
the American people will want and have the other 
man, and the history of our late conflict proves it. 
Eome may conspire against, and perhaps defeat, but 
cannot elect. She may hinder, but cannot control." 


" As an illustration, who is more popular than this 
man? For whom was such a welcome ever pre 
pared? True, Home did her best, and pulled the 
wires well, and the menials who do her bidding 
thought to throw the nominee of the party into the 
shade, and foist this man to the chief place again ; 
but once more a power they could not control took 
charge of affairs. Seventy-five thousand people 
looked and waited ; some of them tossed on the 
waves grew sick and weary, and he did not come. 
The play came on with Hamlet left out, and once 
more the Hand which wrote on the palace-wall, 
" Mene, mene, tekel, apharsin," appeared, the plan 
was marred, and the scheme was ruined. 

Will this teach the people that it is safe to be true ? 
Jesuitism is potent, but not all-potent. God Almighty 
has managed the affairs of this world a good while. 
As a result, the Pope is a prisoner in the Vatican, 
and Romanism needs only to be exposed to be 
expurgated from the plans of politics, and the pur 
pose of this great free nation, 



Shall Americans contend for the truth or betray it? 
This is the question of this hour, and of all hours. 

Men are created for God s glory. God does not 
waste his time or energies in holding up and bless 
ing those who refuse to glorify him. He gives them 
up. He lets go of them. If they insist on going to 
the Devdl, to the Devil they go, and make out of it 
what they can. 

It is a glorious privilege to know God. It is the 
manifest duty of those who know him to be thankful 
for the knowledge, and to use it wisely and well. 
Whoever fails to do this, makes a loss. The Hugue 
nots, in their folly and their fall, illustrate this truth. 
There was a time when those who professed the 
religion of Jesus Christ w^ere in the majority in 
France. Then they had an open Bible, a Sabbath 
sacred to holy uses, the wealth, the culture and the 
government. They lost all because they did not 
champion and proclaim the truth God had intrusted 
to their care. 

When Henry IV., in 1598, issued the Edict of 
Nantes, and acknowledged God, and evidenced his 
gratitude by giving to Christianity, as taught by the 
Gospel, a place in the lives, thoughts and plans of 
men, he enriched France. 

When Louis XIV., in 1(585, revoked the Edict 
of Nantes, and gave his country over to the black- 


hearted villainy and terrible despotic hate of Roman 
ism, to be despoiled and degraded, he brought ruin 
upon the State, and eternal infamy upon his name. 

Then France was taken off the list of God-fearing 
States, and was enveloped in night, shrouded in su 
perstition, that begets ignorance, poverty and death. 
In 1537 there were eight hundred and six churches 
in France. A bright future awaited them. France 
has known three periods in her religious life. Let 
us name them : 

/. The Period of Repression, 15121559. 

The attempt was made to reform the Papal church. 
It was in vain. As well might the attempt be made 
to clean out sin. It is ours to come out from it, and 
bring others out. This we can do. It is what men 
are within that makes them. It is what Romanists 
believe that damns them. The cry should be, 
44 Come out from her, my people, that ye be not 
partakers of her sins." Protestants hoped that error 
unrebuked would be dispersed by the truth. This 
is the dream of thousancls in America. It is a false 
dream, built on a false hope. 

II. The Period of Organization, 1559-1562. 

This was the hour of battle. The Huguenots 
named as torch-bearers for Christ Jesus. The min 
istry and nobility revealed courage, and as the 
churches followed, effective work was done for God. 

III. The Period of Resistance, 1559-1662. 

This period deserves a book rather than a paragraph. 
Figures, some fearless and uncompromising, others 
devilish and malignant, are on the stage. Gaspard 
de Coligni, Charlotte Laval, Jeanne d* Albert, mother 
of Navarre, how grandly they stand forth for God 

and the right ! 


Over against them are, Charles IX., Catherine 
do Medici, Alva, the Duke of Guise and others, whose 
deeds blacken the page of history. See them at 
work ! " Bring out the books and burn them," is 
the savage demand of the Duke of Guise, as he reins 
up his horse in front of the barn where 3,000 have 
gathered to hear Leonard Morel as he preaches 

" In whom do you believe?" is the question asked 
of the watchman at the door. " In the Lord Jesus 
Christ," is the brave answer. " Cut him down." 
"Dogs, rebels, Huguenots, heretics, "are the appella 
tions thrown at the worshippers of Christ. The 
watchman is slain. Leonard Morel is struck with 
a musket. He falls on his knees and prays for his 
enemies. "Bring out the book/" The Bible is 
handed him. He opens and looks at the date. "This 
the Bible? It is 1500 years and more since this book 
was written. It was printed within a year. Won 
derful truth ! The Bible is old and yet new ! 
Huguenot was, at the onset, a term of reproach. After 
wards, it became an honor. About the origin of the 
name there are various legends. 

Davila finds a derivation for the name in the fact 
that they worshipped in cellars near Hugo s gate. 
Others declare, the name came from Hugh Capet, 
from whom they claimed descent. It was not his 
origin, but his deeds, that made the Huguenot a 

He has been described as a "soldier with the Testa 
ment in his knapsack, the Psalms on his lips, the 
name of Jehovah on his banner, the conviction of the 
Divine Presence as his leader" that made him a 

On the field of battle the vision of liberated France 
was ever before his eye. His enemies were the 
enemies of God, who began each new war for the 


Papal idolatries. He fought them for Christ s sake, 
and fired each shot with a prayer, and saw with 
thanksgiving a routed foe. He rushed to the charge 
without fear ; he cut right and left with unsparing 
severity ; he made it his work until the order was 
given to desist. He held every truce and treaty 
sacred. He had mercy for the prisoner, the maimed 
and the dying. He forgave as generously as he 
fought grievously. He boasted not of his own valor, 
if he was the conqueror ; he had no despair if he was 
the vanquished. He murmured not if he must die for 
Christ and country. He gave his soul to God, 
expected his pockets to be rifled, his body left 
for the eagles, and his bones to bleach under a sun 
that might yet shine upon a liberated kingdom. 

"Honest as a Huguenot," was the proverb coined in 
his honor and made current through long genera 
tions, because of what he was when he was at his 
best God s child, fearless for the truth, the foe of 
Eomanism, the champion of liberty, at any cost or 

Gaspard d Coligni was the flower grown on the 
stem of a Huguenot s faith. He was born Feb. 16, 
1517, at Chatillon sur Laing. He c;ime from good 
stock. His father was a brave soldier and an incor 
ruptible patriot. He trained Gaspard to be brave. 
There were three boys, who loved each other, Odet, 
Gaspard and Francis. The star of the Eeformation 
shone in the mother s heart. The senior, Gaspard, 
chief marshal of the army, while hastening to relieve 
a beleaguered town, became overheated and died. 
He made a will commending wife and children to the 
king and brother-in-law Montmorency, and died on 
the ninth day of his illness. 

The grief of the fatherless lads found some solace 
in their mother s love, and in their affection for each 
other. Whoever was loved by the one was loved by 


the other two, and whoever offended one had an affair 
to settle with the entire three. 

The mother of Coligni, in the home of Margaret 
Navarre, became the governess of Jeanne d Albert, 
the mother of Henry IV. It is probable that she 
made much of the friendship of this wonderful womnn, 
who, for diversion, read the Holy Scriptures, saying, 
" In perusing them, my mind experiences its true and 
perfect joy." His uncle was a rough soldier. 

Coligm s conversion to Christ was the foundation 
of his strength. It was in the castle at Ghent, while 
a prisoner, that he received a copy of the Scriptures, 
while on the brink of the grave. Audelot his brother, 
a prisoner at the same time, was released because ho 
permitted the mass to be said in his cell. Coligni 
paid his ransom, and retired to his castle at Chatillon. 
There Charlotte Laval, his good wife, became his 
teacher. When urged to profess Christ, he replied : 

"It is wise to count the cost of being a true 

"It is iviser to count the cost of not being a true 
Christian. In the one case, the cost is temporal. In 
the other, it is eternal. In the one, the body pays it ; 
but in the other, the soul pays it for ever." 

"You are right," replied the Admiral, "and if 
you are ready for the sacrifice, so am I ; " and from 
that time he professed the reformed creed. He gave 
the Scriptures to his servants, forbade profane swear 
ing, engaged pious teachers for his children, and 
established schools among the poor. One day, being 
at Vaterille, listening to the word of God, the truth 
broke in upon his mind. He then saw that the true 
preparation for the Supper is not in the elements used, 
but in the person using them ; he must have faith in 
Christ. It was then he came into the full fellowship 
of the church. 

The influence of this act was felt far and wide. 


Happy for France if there had been a John Knox 
at the head of the Reform, a man bold in the face 
of royalty, scathing upon usurpers, reading the 
tendency of political schemes, so that he could 
march abreast of events, the standard-bearer of the 
truth ! 

The Reform-movement went on. Churches mul 
tiplied. A fourth of the kingdom became identified 
with the churches of Christ. 

The uprising of (he Huguenots called for Coligni. 
He hesitated. His wife knew the struggle in his 
soul. She could not sleep. She thought of them 
enjoying every blessing in the palace, while their 
brethren were in dungeons, or on the bare fields with 
the storm beating on them. He urged that war 
might only increase the number of the sufferers. 
k Your argument leaves your brethren hopeless. It 
does not show a strong faith in God," said the good 
wife. "He has given you the genius of a great 
Captain. You have confessed the justice of their 

"Lay your hand on your heart, wife, and tell me: 
Could you receive the news of defeat without a 
murmur against God, and a reproach upon your 

"I could." "Are you prepared to see your hus 
band branded as a rebel and dragged to a scaffold, 
while your children are disgraced and begging their 
bread of their enemies, or serving them as scullions 
and slaves ? I give you eight days to reflect upon 
it, and if you are prepared for such reverses, I will 
march." "The eight days are already expired," 
said the intrepid wife. "Go sir, where duty calls." 
He went. We cannot follow him. From camp to 
cabinet ; from cabinet to camp : now wounded, now 
defeated, but always undaunted, he went forth, until 
August 24, 1572, when, on the night of St. Barthol- 


omew, he was murdered while a guest of the king; 
his body thrown from the window to the ground, 
had its head severed, and then was placed upon a 
gibbet ; afterward his body having been dragged 
about the streets, put over a fire and scorched, and 
thrown into the river, taken out again as unworthy 
food for fish, dragged again by boys and lewd 
fellows of the baser sort, was hung up again on 
the gallows, feet upward, where it remained for two 

All this, and volumes more, was the background 
of 1637. 

Now, look forward. Dark grows the night because 
God s children withhold the light. Bright grows the 
day whenever the messengers of Christ have the 
courage of their convictions. 

So long as the Huguenots filled out in their lives, 
and by their proclamation of the truth, the concep 
tion which the world still cherishes of them, they 

Henry IV. illustrates, in his life and in his death, 
the uselessness of cowardice. He had courage on the 
battlefield, a rough wit, and in some circumstances 
would have shone as a leader. But in that age he 


lacked the faith which was essential to victory. He 
did not see Him who is invisible. His life was not 
built on Christ, the corner stone. The trial came. 
He was weighed in the balance and " Mene, mene, 
tekel, upharsin" was as true of him as of Belshnzzar. 
He was found wanting in steadfastness of purpose. 
He surrendered to Koine when a lad. He dared not 
be a Daniel. He trifled when he should have been 
resolute and firm. Brave and skillful in war, he 
lost the advantage of his splendid victories by trying 
to serve both parties. At last, he tore himself 
treacherously from the faith of his mother, and from 
all the associations of his early years. On the 25th 


of July, 1593, he knocked on Sunday morning at 
the Cathedral of St. Dennis. The door was opened, 
and upon the bishop demanding his errand, he re 
plied, " To be admitted into the church of Rome." 
He bowed at the altar, and swore allegiance to the 
Roman fai th . He acted a lie . He thought the t hrone 
of France worth a mass, and consented, because Rome 
would not assent to his ruling on any other con 
ditions, to become a godless king. He had asked 
once before, "Could you confide in the faith of an 
atheist? And in the day of battle would it add to 
your courage to think you followed the banner of a 
perjured apostate ?" Brave words, had he followed 
them ; but he surrendered, and lost all. The Rome 
he sought to placate, turned from him with fresh 
aversion in 1598, when he issued the Edict of Nantes, 
twenty-six years after the massacre of St. Barthol 
omew. The essence of the edict was limited tolera 
tion. Liberty of conscience was permitted to the 
Huguenots ; but except in special parts of France, 
they could not exercise their religion. They were 
declared eligible to office. Their poor were admit 
ted into the hospitals ; but they were required to 
keep the Romish festivals and pay tithes. For a 
time the edict was observed, and under its shelter the 
Huguenots pursued their way, enjoying a measure 
of quiet and liberty. Then, had they preached the 
truth, they might have achieved a victory. But they 
suppressed it. They lacked the courage which was 
displayed by Antonio Court, w T ho gathered little 
crowds about him, and went on until there were thou 
sands listening to his voice. 

The History of French Protestantism from the 
promulgation of the Edict of Nantes, by Henry IV., 
in 1598, to the revocation of the same edict by Louis 
XIV., in 1685, naturally divides itself into three 
periods. In the first, extending from that great 


religious transaction which marks the end of the 
civil wars of the sixteenth century, to the taking of 
Rochelle in 1629, the Protestants were at one time 
by their own fault, and at another by the artifice of 
the nobles, involved in the troubles which agitated 
the regency of Maria de Medici ; and in the first years 
of the majority of Louis XII., beheld themselves 
deprived of the fortresses or towns yielded to them 
in pledge for the fulfillment of treaties of their polit 
ical organization, and of their influence in the State. 

Had they resisted this inroad, they could have 
held Romanism in check. But when the Huguenots 
allowed a solemn compact to be trifled with, Rome 
believed her hour had come, and marched boldly on. 

God gives every body a chance. Accept it, and 
salvation is assured. Reject it, and all is lost. 

In the second period (1629-1662), which extends 
from the taking of Rochelle to the first persecutions 
of Louis XIV., the Protestants lived as Protestants 
in America are trying to live. They surrendered 
their influence as a religious party. Their chiefs 
pulled down the banner of a protest against the 
aggressions of Rome and sought for quiet and pros 
perity and thrift. 

They disturbed France no longer, as their ancestors 
had done, by incessant armed risings, but enriched 
themselves by their industry. 


Deprived of their cautionary fortresses and of their 
political organizations, gradually excluded from 
employment at Court and from nearly all civil offices, 
they turned to agriculture and to manufactures, 
and amassed fortunes. They redeemed lost pro 
vinces from sterility. 

The Protestant burgher-class in the towns applied 
itself to industry and commerce, and displayed a 


degree of activity and intelligence coupled to integrity 
such as never have been surpassed in any country. 
In Guienne it nearly monopolized the wine trade ; in 
the two governments of Brouoge and Oleron, a dozen 
Protestant families held a monopoly of the trade in 
salt and wine which amounted yearly to twelve or 
fifteen million livres. 

Those of Caen, sold to English and Dutch merchants 
linen and clothes manufactured at Vive, at Falouse, 
and at Argenton ; thus securing a rich outlet for this 
branch of national industry. Though bad Catholics, 
Eomanists were compelled to admit that the Reformed 
were excellent men of business. 

Swamped by a ruinous legislation to which they 
assented, and tolerated in the midst of a population 
entirely outnumbering them, which ever regarded 
them with suspicion, constantly the butt of all calum 
nies, subjected to the control of imperious laws which 
compelled them to exercise perpetual constraint upon 
themselves, they forced public esteem by their aus 
terity of morals and irreproachable loyalty. By the 
confession of their enemies, they respected law, they 
obeyed God, loved their fellowmen, and were true 
to them. They lived as seeing Him who is invisible. 
"Renowned for their commercial intelligence and 
activity, they were no less famous for their industry. 
More devoted to labor than other subjects of the 
rsalm, because they could only hope to equal them by 
surpassing them in the quality of their work, they 
were still further stimulated and advanced by the 
principles of their religion." Those principles forbid 
their inaction in thought. Compelled to enlighten 
themselves by diligent study, there came necessarily 
the superior light, which spread itself over all their 
actions, and rendered their spirit abler to grasp all 
ideas the application of which would tend to the 
advancement of their weal, 


Besides, the working year of the Protestants con 
tained three hundred and ten days ; because they set 
aside only the fifty-two Sabbaths and a few solemn 
holidays, which gave their industry the advantage of 
one sixth over that of the Catholics, whose working 
year contained but two hundred and sixty days, inas 
much as they set apart to rest above one hundred and 
five days. 

They adopted the system of combined labor. They 
organized their establishments on the principle of the 
subdivision of labor, directed by skilful directors, 
who employed thousands of workmen, whom they 
stimulated by the lure of salaries duly proportioned 
to their services, thus offering the surest and most 
ready method of arriving at the most perfect, most 
abundant, and most economical production. As a 
result, France possessed the finest manufactories of 
wool, and shared the rich commerce in broadcloth 
which belonged to the English, the Hollander, and 
the Italians. 

The invention of the stocking loom increased the 
number of the manufactories of stockings, of wool, 
silk, thread, and cotton. The Protestants distin 
guished themselves in this new art, and propagated it 
in the district of Sedan and Languedoc. A portion 
of that province, the upper Gevaudon, a mountainous 
and sterile region, almost entirely inhabited by the 
" Reformed " was celebrated for the serges and cod- 
dices made. In that region all the peasants had 
trades. The children spun from the age of four 
years and upward, and the whole of the family thus 
found occupation. 

It was the Protestants of France who gave the 
world the best linen cloth. The tanneries of Touraine, 
the silk factories of Tours and Lyons, were all owned 
and worked by Protestants. 

Nor did the Protestants confine themelves to maim- 


factures and commerce, but entered largely into all the 
liberal careers. Numbers of the Reformed distin 
guished themselves as physicians, as advocates, as 
writers, as well as preachers, and contributed largely 
to the glory of the age of Louis XIV. The eloquence 
of the pulpit at this date owed to the Protestants its 
extraordinary success ; for while with Romanists 
preaching was but an accessory part of worship, it 
had become with their adversaries its most important 

" They ask only their bellyful of preaching," said 
Catherine de Medici, sneeringly, while she Avas yet 
vacillating between the two creeds. Having charge 
to teach the religion of the gospel, culture was essen 
tial, then as now. Hence, there shortly arose a riv 
alry between the two religions, from which the 
pulpits reaped good results. Because of the power 
of the pulpit, Bossuet, Massilon, Bourdalue and Fen- 
elon became famed in the Catholic world as preachers 
more than priests. In all the principal cities of the 
kingdom, the Protestants maintained flourishing 
schools of learning. Grand as was this period in 
many respects, it was wanting in fidelity to the truth. 
When they knew the truth and had the opportunity, 
they failed to glorify it, neither were thankful. 

The same men who had braved death and torture 
were found to be unarmed against Court favor. They 
had not the courage of their convictions. Expediency, 
rather than principle, ruled them. 

In this land a similar state of things exists. Men 
are silent in regard to the aggressions of Home, when 
a proclamation of the truth would overthrow error 
and cause errorists to flee. The surrender to Rome 
on the part of politicians was only matched by the 
conduct of the French when they might have spoken. 
The consequences of this betrayal can only be 
described in part. 


An edict of the 17th of June, 1681, permitted 
boys at fourteen, and girls at twelve, to abjure the 
Protestant religion, and re-enter the bosom of the 
Romish church. 

This law was attended with terrible results. It 
undermined all parental authority in Protestant 
families. It is in line with the Romish claim 
that all sprinkled children are Romanists. It was 
enough that any one should affirm to the authorities 
that a child wished to become a Roman Catholic, 
having joined in prayer, or made the sign of the 
cross, or kissed the image of the Virgin, to cause his 
abstraction from the care of his parents, who were 
forced besides to pay him a pension ; so that the loss 
of the child was followed by the loss of property. 

The synods received an order to accept neither 
legacies nor donations. The ministers were for 
bidden to speak in their sermons of the wretchedness 
of the times, or to attack, directly or indirectly, the 
Roman Catholic religion. To all this the "Reformed" 
assented without remonstrance or resistance. They 
surrendered their liberties, and by so doing were 

After this, came the systematic attempt for the 
conversion of the Protestants. Troops were quar 
tered upon them. 

In many villages the priests followed the soldiers 
through the streets, crying, "Courage, gentlemen ! 
it is the intention of the king that these dogs of 
Huguenots shall be pillaged and sacked." 

The soldiers entered the houses, sword in hand, 
sometimes crying: "Kill, kill!" to frighten the 
women and the children. So long as the inhabitants 
could satisfy their rapacity, they suffered no more 
than pillage. But when their money was expended, 
the price of their furniture consumed, and the orna 
ments and garments of their wives disposed of, the 


dragoons seized them by the hair to drag them to 
church ; or, if they suffered them to remain in their 
houses, made use of threats, outrages, and even 
tortures, to compel them to be converted. They 
burnt, at slow fires, the feet and hands of some ; 
they broke the ribs, legs, or arms of others with 
blows of sticks. Others were cast into damp 
dungeons, with threats of leaving them there to rot. 
The soldiers said that everything was permitted to 
them except murder and rape. 

On the 28th of July, 1681, Charles the Second 
was compelled to sanction a bill which granted the 
most extensive privileges to those French refugees 
who should demand an asylum in England. From 
Holland, and from Germany as well, a cry of indig 
nation arose. Louis XIV. called a halt. The perse 
cutions stopped for a time ; but in 1684 they began 
again, and then it went from bad to worse. 

New tortures were tried. Families were deprived 
of sleep by the noise of soldiers. The voice of 
drums, blasphemies, hideous cries, the crash of fur 
niture, and constant shaking, by which they compelled 
these miserable wretches to stand up at night and 
keep their eyes open, were some of the means 
employed to deprive them of sleep. To pinch them, 
to prick them with sharp instruments, to pull them 
about, to suspend them with cords, and a hundred 
other cruelties, were the sport of these executioners, 
by which their hosts were reduced to such a state 
that they were glad to promise whatever they wished, 
to escape these barbarians. The soldiers offered 
indignities to women. They spat in their faces, they 
made them lie down on hot coals, and put their heads 
in heated ovens in which the vapor was enough to 
suffocate them. 

As a result, thousands succumbed. It is a terrible 


picture, and the sufferings God s children were com 
pelled to undergo are too horrid to relate. 

Is there not a lesson for us ? Can we not see the 
peril in surrendering to such a foe ? 

There was no pity in their hearts. They had no 
respect for citizenship. Bigotry ruled. 

On the 22d of October, Louis XIV. signed at Fon- 
tainbleu, the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. The 
principal provisions of the revocation edict were the 
following : The Protestant temples were to be demol 
ished, and the exercise of their religious worship was 
to cease, as well in private houses as in the castles of 
the nobles, on pain of confiscation of property and 
personal arrest. The ministers who should refuse to 
be converted, were warned to leave the kingdom 
within fourteen days, on pain of being sent to the 

Protestant schools were to be closed ; the children 
who were born after the publication of the edicts 
were to be baptized by the priests of their parishes 
and brought up in the Roman Catholic faith. A term 
of four months was granted to refugees wherein to 
return to France and apostatize ; that time expired, 
their property was to be confiscated. Protestants 
were formally prohibited from leaving the kingdom 
and carrying their fortunes abroad, on pain of the 
galleys for men, and confiscation of their property 
and personal arrest for the women. All the provis 
ions of the law against relapsed converts were 

The Reformed " who had not changed their 
religion, were to remain in the kingdom until it 
should please God to enlighten them. 

On the same day that the edict of revocation was 
registered, the destruction of the temple of Charenton, 
built by the celebrated architect Jacques Debrosse, 
and capable of containing 14,000 persons, was com- 


menced. Five days afterward, no trace of the edifice 
remained. The church at Caen, which had so many 
times re-echoed to the eloquent voice of Dubas, fell 
in ruins, to the flourish of trumpets and shouts of joy. 
At Nimes, Cheyrau was permitted to preach a last 
discourse. He did so, and appealed to his hearers to 
persevere in the faith unto death. The temple was 
torn down and became a heap of ruins. In the midst, 
could long be remarked a single stone, beneath the 
overthrown front, bearing this inscription : 


The Protestants who had believed Louis XIV. to 
be the greatest king of the age, and that he would 
yet see his mistake, had their eyes opened to the 
actual condition of affairs when they saw 800 temples 
destroyed, and learned that troops had been ordered 
into the North of France to complete the work done 
in the South. 

Protestant servants were denied employment, and 
noblemen were compelled to employ Roman Catholics. 
These severities bore fruit. The galleys were filled 
with prisoners. Everybody that could escape, did so. 
To London, to Germany, to America, they came in 
uncounted numbers. France was emptied of its best 

Over 1,300,000 of the good and well-to-do citizens 
went forth as exiles. In a celebrated memoir 
addressed to Louvais, in 1688, Voubon deplores the 
desertion of 1,000,000 men, the withdrawal of $60,- 
000,000 of money, the ruin of commerce, the ene 
mies fleet increased by 9,000 of the best sailors of the 
kingdom, and their armies by 600 officers and 12,000 

The north of France became depopulated, as well 


as the south. Of 1998 Protestant families who 
dwelt in the district of Paris, 1202 emigrated. 

The priests celebrated the day of revocation by 
public thanksgiving. What sorrows followed in that 
train ! A law passed by the constituent assembly of 
1790, restored to the descendants, now dispersed over 
the face of the globe, the title of French citizens, on 
the simple condition of returning to France and ful 
filling the civil duties imposed on all Frenchmen ; 
but it could not bring back to France the loss which 
it had sustained. For almost a century the Eoman 
Catholic church had full sway in the whole of France. 
It possessed all the edifices of worship, all the 
schools, the press, the government. The Protest 
ants had lost the right of possessing their creed and 
the right of existing. 

Treachery never pays, and wrong-doing secures 
terrible harvests. After St. Bartholomew came re 
morse to Charles IX. He lived but twenty-one 
months. He could not get away from the horrid 
memory. The man who had boasted on the fatal 
night that there should not be a single Huguenot left 
to reproach him with the deed, was waited on at his 
death-bed by a Huguenot nurse. "Alas, nurse, dear 
nurse," he would say to her, " what blood, what 
murders ! Oh, my God ! forgive me. What shall 
I do? I am lost." And the nurse would point him 
to God as the only hope. 

Henry IV., after betraying his mother s and his 
soul s highest interests, was smitten by an assassin s 
dagger, and died as the fool dieth. 

Louis XIY. saw his kingdom impoverished, his 
commerce gone, his name execrated throughout the 
world, and lay in his magnificent palace at Versailcs 
dying. He is utterly wretched. The people curse 
him, and hurl stones and mud at his coffin. 

The church of Home gains nothing but infamy. 


The Revolution struck with awful justice and rent 
the fetters of French Protestantism, smiting into 
the dust the throne which had so long oppressed 

And so Protestantism is revived. There are about 
1,000,000 Protestants. Many of them have ac 
quired a distinguished place in the Church and in the 

1. France lost the light, because Christians hid it 
beneath a bushel. They forgot that they were the 
light, and if they refused to let their light shine they 
increased the gloom. They enjoyed the truth ; but 
they did not preach it. The aggressive gospel of 
Luther and Zwingle was set aside. They turned to 
money-getting and thrift, and left the affairs of State 
to others. 

John Knox, with his words, spoken and written, 
drove his enemies into their retreats. By his ad 
dresses and sermons he made public opinion, roused 
the popular heart, and directed the popular will. In 
France there was no such man. There was too little 
enlightened opinion. The military spirit died with 
the moral. It was not the call to arms, no more than 
the call to repentance. It was not the fight for lib 
erty, because it was not the good fight of faith. 

2. Their second great mistake was in proclaiming 
the possibility of a Itomanist being saved while he 
clings to the errors of Rome. 

For this the leaders argued, even as men argue it 
now. In our churches are ministers and men who 
claim that the Roman Catholic church stands in asso 
ciation with evangelical churches as a church of 
Christ. In the discussion of the Freedom of Wor 
ship Bill, this position was maintained. 

Romanists are treated not as errorists ; but as if, 
despite their errors, they are Christians. In faith 
and practice they are Pagans. We are not speaking 


against them as citizens, but denying that they are 
Christians, while they are Romanists. They are in 
peril because tradition is preferred to Scripture, 
Mary to Jesus, and the decrees of the church to the 
commands of Christ. They must have the Gospel 
brought to them, and they must believe it to the 
saving of their souls, or they must be lost. 

"Venerable ministers of the Gospel," exclaimed 
Eev. Charles Chiniquy, "Rome is the great danger 
ahead for the church of Christ, and you do not un 
derstand it enough. The atmosphere of light, hon 
esty, truth, and holiness in which you are born, and 
which you have breathed since your infancy, makes 
it almost impossible for you to realize the dark mys 
teries of idolatry, immorality, degrading slavery, 
hatred of the Word of God, concealed behind the 
walls of that modern Babylon. It is that ignorance 
which paves the way for the triumph of Rome. It 
paralyzes the arm of the church of Christ." 


The answer of this man, who was fifty years a 
priest, is : " Because modern Prostestants have not 
only forgotten what Rome was, what she is, and what 
she will forever be, the most irreconcilable and pow 
erful enemy of the gospel of Christ ; but while she is 
striking Christians to the heart, by cursing their 
schools and wrenching the Bible from the hands of 
the children ; while she is battering down and scaling 
the walls and storming the citadel of their faith, they 
are recognizing her as a branch of the church of 


Rome, that shed the blood of our forefathers, that 
refused to keep faith with heretics, that fired the 
inquisition, and lit its fires with devilish and malig- 


nant joy, is in our midst, attempting to chain our 
people to the feet of her idols. 

Romanists, that murdered Henry IV. , that stabbed 
Coligni to the heart, that burned a Huss, a Ridley 
and a Latimer, and that plotted the death of Abra 
ham Lincoln, and attempted to stab Liberty, are 
here to fight with desperation, and do their utmost 
to destroy the liberty our fathers fought for, and we 
have defended. 


Upon the ministry of this hour, a fearful responsi 
bility is devolved. Let them reckon Roman Catho 
lics as a part of the religious world, who can be 
saved while they adhere to the errors of Rome, and 
the people will see no cause for alarm, and no rea 
son why efforts should be made to rescue the millions 
in our midst from the grasp of the destroyer. 

Let them proclaim the truth, that Rome hates the 
Bible, destroys the Sabbath, apologizes for crime, 
and teaches that a criminal coming to the confes 
sional may, by the act of a priest, become white 
as a saint, and the people will see a reason for jails 
and penitentiaries being filled with members in good 
standing of the Roman Catholic church. They will 
see that honesty and integrity are imperilled by such 
teaching. Romanism is a lie, coined in hell, and 
built up as a system through the machinations of 
Satan. It must be resisted, and Romanists must be 
warned of their peril, because they who believe in 
such error are damned. It is our duty to preach the 
gospel to our prisoners. This may be their only 
opportunity to hea-r the truth. Romanism cannot 
usurp the place of Christianity without destroying 
the foundations of liberty. The Christians of this 
land must fearlessly proclaim the truth, if they will 
save the State. 


It was the boast of Napoleon that he made way 
for the talents. But such talents ! Talents wrig 
gling to a height where the lion could scarcely find a 
foothold, or the eagle a place to perch ! 

It was, and is, the Bible that opens the way for the 
talents. Because of this redemption has come, and 
where it is welcomed, and loved and used, there is 
prosperity. Life tells. God takes care of his own. 

III. A third mistake was made when they con 
sented, for any reason, to be silent concerning the 
errors of Rome. 

This peril confronts us. Pulpits are closed ngainst 
this. Professors of religion apologize for, it they 
do not champion, the errors of Rome. While the 
Huguenot consented to be silent, Rome worked on. 
The result was seen not only in the Revocation of the 
Edict of Nantes, but in the state of affairs which 
made that revocation a possibility. 

It is not safe to forget the drift and trend of 
Romanism. All who keep their eye on public 
affairs, know that Romanism is organizing for the 
battle of Armageddon. The Watchman u St. Louis 
boldly says : " There are indications that before the 
next half century has passed, the two great bodies 
into which Christianity is divided will engage in a 
real conflict, in which the strength of the seminal 
principle of each communion will be put to a real 

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and 
in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor 
of God, that ye may be able to stand against the 
wiles of the devil." Some one must fight, if truth shall 
reign. Americans have great trusts committed to 
their keeping. 

The need of the hour is an awakened church. 
Luther could not have got on without the Elector of 
Saxony. John Wicliff would have been a failure had 


not the Duke of Lancaster stood by and for him. 
Pray that some of our mighty laymen, now giving 
money for colleges and churches, may lay their 
offerings on this altar, and help us to sow the broad 
fields of our American life with Gospel seed. 

At the battle of Gettysburg, one hundred and fifty 
cannons poured their leaden and iron hail upon our 
men. It seemed difficult to live in the galling fire. 
Our soldiers were burrowing in the ground, hiding 
behind what they could place before them, when 
they heard a band of music. At its head rode Han 
cock, hat off, saying to the men : " Gentlemen, that 
cannonade means that our enemies are getting ready 
to attack us. Be ready. Prove to be men." Our 
boys were ready ; and when the battle-wave struck 
the Rock of Patriotism, it broke, and victory came, 
in which the South glories now equally with the 

So shall it be in this fight with Eome. The defeat 
of Rome is the salvation of the Republic, and the 
deliverance of Romanists from superstition, that pro 
duces the sleep of death. Let us glorify God as 
God, and work while it is day. 



Rome is an old fighter. In the battle now raging 
for the utter overthrow of the public school system in 
the United States, Rome is managing her forces and 
planting her blows in accordance with well-defined 
plans ; which, having won victories elsewhere, she 
iDelieves are sure to produce the same results in her 
present desperate encounter. Thousands in pulpits 
and in pews, in shops and on farms, think resistance 
worse than folly. This class are either betraying the 
youth of America, or are silent while others are doing 
the infamous work. It is time to call a halt. For 
more than fifty years, because of this false security 
which has held the church in the arms of a delusive 
slumber, and through the cowardice or ambition of 
party leaders, this nation, with all its unparalleled 
opportunities and responsibilities has been drifting 
toward a surrender of the children to the control of 
the priests of Rome. Rome s opposition is open and 
defiant. It has assumed four distinct phases : 1. In 
1840, Archbishop Hughes gave this order : "Take the 
children out of the public schools, as you would take 
them out of devouring fire ; " that was to get them 
away from Bible influence. First, denounce the 
schools because the Bible is read ; then banish the 
Bible and denounce them as godless is the pro 
gramme of Rome. 

2, The Bible having been removed as a text-book, 
Rome fought general education, and became the open 
and avowed champion of illiteracy. 


3. In 1884, the Plenary Council ordered the build 
ing of parochial schools. The decree was mandatory ; 
save in cases where a sufficient cause can be shown, 
satisfactory to the bishop. Neglect of this require 
ment subjected the offender to the usual penalties of 
disobedience. This was the beginning of the trouble 
with Edward McGlynn. Educated in the public 
schools, he believes in them and fought for them. 

4. The children of Roman Catholics have been 
taken out of the schools, and now they claim the 
right of giving direction as to how the children of 
Protestants shall be educated. The inquiry has been 
raised, If the schools are so bad that Roman Catho 
lic children cannot attend them, are they not too bad 
for Roman Catholic teachers to teach in them ? If 
Romanists insist on educating their children, ought 
they not to stop all interference on their part with 
the educating of children not belonging to them ? 

Vicar-General Brady, of St. Louis, declares : "We 
are doing all that we canto prevent our children from 
going to the public schools. We must educate our 
own children. They are educated in the public 
schools merely as animals would be educated. Their 
souls are not attended to." 

In Monseigneur Segur s " Plain Talk About Prot 
estantism, "there is this language (p. 98) : "The free 
dom of thinking is simply nonsense. We are no 
more free to think without rule, than we are to act 
without one." Page 105 : " We have to believe only 
what the Pope and the Bishops teach. We have to 
reject only that which the Pope and the Bishops con 
demn and reject. Should a point of doctrine appear 
doubtful, we have only to address ourselves to the 
Pope and the Bishops to know what to believe. 
Only from that tribunal, forever living and forever 
guided by God, emanate true judgment on religious 
belief, and particularly on the true sense of Scripture." 


The Roman Church, claiming to understand the 
secrets of God and to have the keys of heaven and 
hell, and blasphemously presuming that it can con 
trol the destinies of men to save eternally or damn 
forever in a life to come undertakes to bestow for 
money the joys of the former, and inflict the pains of 
the latter, on those who refuse credulity and cash. 
To make this trade prosperous, ignorance is a neces 
sity. "It uses money, mendacity and pretended 
miracles, to capture and enslave the ignorant. It 
assails everything tending to enlighten the masses, on 
whose ignorance it feeds. Italy, Spain, Ireland, 
Mexico and Lower Canada sufficiently illustrate its 
terrible work. Human vitality and intelligence have 
probably been brought to a lower point in Spain than 
in any other civilized nation on the globe, and the 
Roman Church is largely, if not solely, responsible 
for this national degradation and ruin. It seeks to 
do is most successfully preparing to do is doing 
slowly for the United States what it has done for 
Spain. Our free-school system destroyed, political 
integrity destroyed and parties corrupted, the goal is 
not far away." 


The trouble in Ireland to-day is, that England is 
dealing with a people who believe that all is right 
which is done to advance the power of the Church. 
Hence, there, as here, jurymen utterly ignore the 
value of their oath where the interests of the Church 
require it. For this reason alone, the right of " trial 
by jury" is threatened. 


in some way or other, every precept of the Deca 
logue. If men who are Romanists are truthful, hon- 


est and upright, it is because they are better than 
the religion they profess compels them to be. 

Rome teaches that the Sabbath may be set aside 
after hearing mass. Merchandizing and the selling 
of goods at auction is permitted on the Sabbath. He 
who performs any servile work on the Lord s Day or 
on a festival day, let him do penance three days on 
bread and water. If any one breaks fasts prescribed 
by the Church, let him do penance on bread and 
water twenty days. Three days on bread and water 
for disobeying their God ; twenty days for disobey 
ing their Church ! Absolution is given for stealing 
small amounts to pay for masses, though the law is, 
that masses shall be given without pay. The com 
mand : " Thou shalt have no other gods before me," 
is blotted out of the Bible by papal hands. Children 
trained in these schools can lie, steal, break the Sab 
bath, and commit sins of any kind, and obtain abso 
lution from a man no better than the guilty party. 


The oath of allegiance, by which the thousands ot 
Romanists have obtained the rights of the ballot, 
citizenship and office, which, if regarded as obliga 
tory, would bind every one of them to support the 
principles of Republican Government, is valueless ; 
because, whenever Roman officials shall see fit to 
require this oath to be disregarded, every good 
Romanist, to a man, is bound by his allegiance to the 
Pope, which he believes more binding than his alle 
giance to the Government, to disregard it. As proof, 
we quote from " Abridged Course of Religious In 
struction for the Use of Colleges and Schools," by the 
Rev. Father F. X. Schouppe, of the Society of Jesus, 
with the imprimateur of H. E. Cardinal Manning, 
London Burns and Gates, 1880, p. 203: " The 
Church can dispense from a promissory oath. This 


power belongs to the Pope and bishops, who exercise 
it either themselves or by their delegates." 

Page 278 : " The civil laws (of Christendom) are 
binding in conscience so long as they are conform 
able to the rights of the Catholic Church." 

This gives a warrant to the false swearing which 
floods our cities with voters who have passed from 
their landing in this free country to the courts where 
they take a false oath, to the polls, where, with 
another false oath, they swear in their vote, and to 
the confessional, where their oath is held to be a jus 
tifiable, " dispensable" lie for the benefit of the Holy 
Koman Catholic Church, whenever it shall chance so 
to regard it, or order him so to regard it. He also is 
taught, " that the Sacrifice of the Mass remits sins 
and the punishment due them" (p. 210). "The 
power to remit sin is judicial. The priests are made 
judges of the sin and the disposition of the sinner. 
Their absolution is just as efficacious as would be that 
of Jesus Christ." 

Educate the youth in this way, and " repeating" 
at the polls becomes an act of grace, and honest elec 
tions become an impossibility. As has been said : 
" A ship-load of foreign Romanists lands in New 
York ; indulgence in the lump is by the Cardinal or 
Archbishop granted, to swear that they have resided 
here long enough to become citizens ; they go before 
the court, become naturalized, get their final papers, 
and at once go to the polls and help elect the Cardinal s 
candidate for Mayor. Thus perjured citizens capture 
polling places and carry elections in the interest of 
Romanism." * It does not stop here. 

Dissimulation is lawful, according to Liguori, as 
is gambling. " Laymen, or even the clergy, do not 
sin if they play cards principally for the sake of 

* Romanism, by A. J. Grover, p. 18. 


recreation, or for a moderate sum of money. Plence, 
gambling among priests is extensively practised. 


"It is lawful to administer the sacraments to 
drunkards, if they are in danger of death, and had 
previously expressed a desire of receiving them." 
Hence, the murderer executed in the Tombs October 
18th, 1883, cried for whiskey at the last, though he 
had partaken of the Eucharist. Priests are known 
to drink to excess. One, in a country town, rode 
home drunk almost every Sabbath evening after per 
forming vespers in the chapel. All knew it, and it 
w r as tolerated because the guilty debauchee was a 
priest. It was Liguori who said: "Among the 
priests who live in the world, it is rare, very rare, to 
find one that is good." 

Alexander Campbell, in his discussion with Arch 
bishop Purcell, read from Liguori the permission for 
priests to keep nieces, or concubines. Archbishop 
Purcell denied that Liguori ever taught anything so 
abominable, and that all who say so are guilty of a 
flagrant violation of the commandment which says, 
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy 
neighbor." The book was brought in, and another read 
therefrom these words: "A bishop, however poor 
he may be, cannot appropriate to himself pecuniary 
fines without the license of the Apostolical See ; but 
he ought to apply to pious uses that which the Council 
of Trent has laid upon non-resident clergymen , or upon 
those clergymen who keep concubines." Marriage 
is a mortal sin. Adultery is pardoned. 


* < What answer ought a confessor to give when 


questioned concerning a truth which he knows from 
sacramental confession only ? " 

" He ought to answer that he does not know it, 
and, if it be necessary, to confirm the same with an 

" Is it lawful, then, to tell a lie?" 

"He is questioned as a man, and answers as a 
man. As a man he does not know the truth, though 
he knows it as God." 

* What if a confessor were directly asked whether 
he knows it through sacramental confession ? " 

" He may reply, t( I know nothing. " 

Is such a religion good enough for the youth of 
America ? It is the true position that the nation has 
no right to give children into the hands of Roman 
Catholics ; and that prisoners in our penal institu 
tions ought to be taught and helped by men who be 
lieve and teach the Word of God ? 


Jerry McCauley, the river thief, and a most des 
perate character, went to Sing Sing as a member of 
the Roman Catholic communion, in full and in good 
standing, as are the majority of our prisoners in all 
our penal institutions. It was because Jerry Mc 
Cauley heard the Gospel and found a Bible in his 
room that he was converted, came out of the Church 
of Rome, and became a benefactor to hundreds of 


If the Court of Special Sessions can commit to a 
Roman Catholic institution children between seven 
and fourteen years of age, as idle, truant, vicious, 
or homeless, then the State can put its neck into the 


yoke Rome has been framing for many years, with 
the consent of a silent Christianity and a crafty 
political sentiment. The law says, 


The free exercise and enjoyment of religious pro 
fession and worship, without discrimination or 
preference, shall forever be allowed in this State for 
all mankind. 

The Constitution of these United States, in pro 
viding for religious liberty, expressly declares that 
no restraint should be exercised: "that Congress 
should make no law respecting an establishment of 
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" 
but recognizing the principle introduced to the notice 
of mankind by Roger Williams, who repudiated 
toleration, because the right to tolerate implied the 
right to persecute ; who would not accept as a favor 
from man what had been given to him as a right by 
God ; who held that, when God made the eye he 
conferred the right to look, and when he made the 
Bible he conferred the right to read it, or have it 

Gambetta, in France, saw this peril, and warned 
the State against giving over children to the control 
of priests to be educated and guided by them. " I 
am," said the great French statesman, "for the sep 
aration of the schools from the churches. I consider 
this not only a question of political, but of social 
order. Let not Catholics, with their claims to ex- 
clusiveness, have anything to do with the propaga 
tion of necessary knowledge, which it is the State s 
duty to see imparted to every citizen." 

Gambetta knew Romanism as we in this free land 
do not know it. Let us hear, and heed his manly 

The parochial school, notwithstanding the disposi- 


tion of the American people to try and conciliate their 
Roman Catholic fellow-citizens, is a fact. The decree 
has gone forth from the Provincial Council, sanc 
tioned by the Pope, that such schools shall be built 
in every parish. Compromise is a failure. Not 
only does Rome seek to take her children out of our 
public schools ; but, under one pretence or another, 
she seeks to fill these public schools with Roman 
Catholic teachers. Let us have done with this. 
Put the Bible back where it belongs. Let it become 
a text-book for the children of America. Teach 
them to be good readers of the Scriptures. Said 
Sir William Jones, who was familiar with Greek, 
Roman and Oriental literature: " The Bible, inde 
pendently of its Divine origin, contains more sublim 
ity, purer morality, more impartial history and finer 
strains of eloquence than can be collected from any 
other book, in whatever language it may have been 
written." John Jay, in an admirable address on 
" Rome, the Bible and the Republic," quotes the dis 
tinguished Robert Hall as saying : " Wherever the 
Scriptures are generally read, the standard of morals 
is raised," and adds : 4 The indebtedness of this coun 
try to the Bible, and its recognition by our Govern 
ment in other days, are things not to be forgotten ; 
and it is well to keep permanently before our people 
this distinguishing feature of our history." The 
great body of the original settlers on our newly dis 
covered continent were men whose ancestors had 
fought for civil and religious freedom on the various 
battle-fields of the old world. They loved liberty, 
and loved God s Word. Is it not true that their 
love of liberty sprung from the influence of the truth 
upon their hearts? Follow the Bible around the 
world, and in its trail you find liberty, progress and 
enlightenment. The Bible ought to be made a text 
book in every institution helped by the State, be- 


cause of what the Bible does for the State. " There 
never was found," said Lord Bacon, " in any age of 
the world, either religion or law that did so highly 
exalt the public good as the Bible." If Romanists 
do not like it, let them dislike it. What they love, 
hurts liberty. What they hate, helps it. It is our 
duty to make our schools so good that no ambitious 
child of the State can afford to be educated elsewhere. 
I make my appeal to you, not as religionists, but as 
citizens, Do more than refuse to divide the School 
Fund. Do this : from this time on, provide for chil 
dren between seven and fourteen years of age who 
may be idle, truant, vicious or homeless, better 
places in which to educate them than the protecto 
ries or convents under Romish control. They are 
children of the State. Give them religious instruc 
tion, by giving them access to the Word of God. It 
is our bounden duty to teach them Christian moral 
ity, essential to their education as good citizens. In 
the words of Ulysses S. Grant: 

" Let us labor to add all needful guarantees for the 
most perfect security of free thought, free speech, 
and free press, pure morals, unfettered religious 
sentiments, and of equal rights and privileges to all 
men, irrespective of nationality, color or religion. 
Encourage free schools, and resolve that not one 
dollar in money, no matter how raised, shall be ap 
propriated to the support of any sectarian school. 
Resolve that either the State, or nation, or both com 
bined, shall support institutions of learning, sufficient 
to afford every child growing up in the land the 
opportunity of a good common school education." 


is little known. It is hidden. It works in darkness. 
Such is the courage and faith of the American people 
that they consent to the existence of Roman Catholics, 


and to carry out their purposes and plans as they do 
the existence of Methodists or Baptists, or any reli 
gious denomination. They act as if it were ungen 
erous and unfair to uncover the wiles of Jesuitism, 
and disclose the perils which threaten the nation 
because of the doings of Romanism. In Canada, the 
actions of this desperate foe can be studied in detail. 
The programme with which the people of the United 
States is confronted has been carried out. There, 
Rome is dominant. The harvest of Rome has ripened, 
and Rome is consolidated. 


under the sanction of the law. They are sustained 
by taxation, as are Protestant schools ; and there are 
many ways in which Roman Catholics are permitted 
to place Protestants at a disadvantage : 

1 . Five Roman Catholics can petition for a sepa 
rate school. The petition being granted, all Roman 
Catholics within a radius of three miles every way 
can be compelled to support it. No matter if they 
prefer the public school, the law compels them to 
support the Roman Catholic school. All known to 
be Roman Catholics, and all believed to be Roman 
Catholics, are taxed, and deliverance from the same 
can only be obtained by a process of law, which is 
irritating, if not dangerous. 

2. All Protestant teachers are compelled to go 
through a public examination, and must measure up 
to a certain grade, or fail in obtaining a school. In 
Roman Catholic schools, the Christian Brothers and 
Nuns can be appointed without examination. To 
day, the teachers of parochial schools are not exam 
ined in the United States, and the schools are not 
inspected ; the youth are surrendered to Rome. 

3. For the Protestant schools, books are selected 
by the Board of Public Education. In Roman 


Catholic schools, they select their own, and may fill 
them with treason, with superstition and paganism, 
and there is none to say them Nay. 

4. In the public schools the Bible is read ; not in 
Roman Catholic schools. 

5. The public schools are inspected; not the 
Roman Catholic. 

6. In the election of trustees for public schools, a 
secret ballot is used. In Roman Catholic school 
districts, the trustees are elected by their signing 
their names, and voting Aye or Nay. This is the 
fight now going on. The laity want the secret ballot, 
that they may get rid of priestly control. The open 
ballot is kept, to preserve the control of the priests. 

As a result, Roman Catholic children are growing 
up in ignorance. It is proven in Canada, as in 
Ireland, or Spain, or Mexico, that Rome hates edu 

Doctor Maguire, a Roman Catholic professor of the 
University of Dublin, and one of the senators of the 
Royal University of Ireland, has written a pamphlet 


in which he declares "that a large and logical section 
of the Roman Catholic Church is conscientiously 
opposed to the spread of education." He quotes the 
Dublin Review (vol. xx., p. 192, second series), in 
which it is contended, that the absence of higher 
education is a powerful preservative against apos- 
tacy," and tells a story of the Archbishop of Tuam, 
who closed a school, and when one of the villagers 
asked how he was to send his children to school, 
replied: " What do they want with a school? Let 
them learn their Catechism." 

Cardinal Cullen, in 1870, before the Educational 
Convention, said : " It is admitted that the Scotch and 


the Irish are of the same origin, and shows that since 
the Scotch embraced the Reformed religion they have 
outrun even the English ; while, wherever the Irish 
embraced Romanism, they have retrograded." What 
a contrast between exclusively Roman Catholic Con- 
naught and Protestant Ulster ! 

Education is the basis of national liberty and 
prosperity. In elementary instruction, Protestant 
States are incomparably more advanced than Roman 
Catholic, and representative governments are the 
natural outgrowth of Protestant populations ; while 
despotic governments are the congenial governments 
of Roman Catholic populations. 

DeLavelieye declares, that " the control of edu 
cation by the Roman priesthood leads inevitably to 
illiteracy, with its tendency to degradation, pauper 
ism and crime." 

The Roman Catholic Review for April, 1871, 
said : * We do not indeed prize as highly as some of 
our countrymen appear to do, the ability to read, 
write and cipher. Some men are born to be leaders, 
and the rest are born to be led. The best ordered and 
administered State is that in which the few are well 
educated and lead, and the many trained to obedi 

Said a priest: "I would as soon administer the 
sacraments to a dog, as to a Catholic who sent his 
children to a public school." 


It ought to be fought ; not for the sake of Protest 
ants alone, but because of the imperilled interests of 
the children of Roman Catholics. Illiteracy imperils, 
here and everywhere. 

In Canada, one-sixth of the population furnishes 
more than five-sixths of the crime. Occasional 
disclosures reveal this peril. When the bill was 


introduced into the Legislature of New York, pretend 
ing to secure freedom of worship, it was proven to 
have been proposed by a Jesuit, and was introduced 
by Senator Gibbs ; " because," as he said in a letter 
to the New York Evening Post, Oct. 27, 1875, "of 
certain pledges made by the leading Republicans to 
the Irish Catholic voters for their support of James 
G. Elaine." If in America, with our centuries of 
training in the principles of Republican government, 
with our hereditary devotion to the elementary prin 
ciples of civil and religious freedom, such bargains 
can be made, and Irish votes can be sold in blocks for 
the betrayal of the principles of the Constitution, is 
is not time to ask if Popery be not in the way? 

The American people are generous to a fault. 
They have treated Romanists as if they were 
brothers. They have been slow to believe they were 
tolerating an enemy. They are waking up. They 
are seeing the peril threatening liberty. They are 
getting on their armor, and they will fight the good 
fight of faith ; and, though a little slow in starting, 
they will get there all the same ; and will yet have 
the honor of digging as deep a grave for Romanism 
as they have furnished for human slavery. They are 
becoming weary of such sentiments as, that " Too 
much education would make the poor discontented 
with their lot, and unsuit them for following the 
plow, using the spade, hammering iron, or building 
walls." It is American to believe in education for 
the people ; and to thank God that the path opens to 
the highest positions from the door of a hovel as well 
as from the door of a palace. In our public schools, 
the rich and poor are equals. As Macaulay said : 

4 During the last three centuries, to stunt the 
growth of the human mind has been her chief object. 
Throughout Christendom, whatever advance has been 
made in knowledge, in freedom, in wealth, and in the 


arts of life, has been in inverse proportion to her 
power. The loveliest and most fertile provinces of 
Europe have, under her rule, been sunk in poverty, 
in political servitude, and in intellectual torpor ; 
while Protestant countries, once proverbial for ster 
ility and barbarism, have been turned by skill and 
industry into gardens, and can boast of a long list of 
heroes, statesmen, philosophers and poets." 


Rome will soon have her children housed in the 
parochial school buildings. Then will come the 
refusal to pay taxes. Property will be levied and 
held up for sale. Who will buy it? They who do 
so, will run the peril of losing their lives. The 
scenes of Ireland will be re-enacted in the United 
States. Then will come the end. The American 
people will make short work of Romanism, when 
once they understand its motives, its animus and 


Resist this devil of Romanism and it will flee. 
Put the Bible back where it belongs ; and make it a 
reading-book for the youth of America. Adopt the 
Prussian system, or devise a better, and see to it 
that the children of the State are given religious 
instruction ; so that they shall know the chief doc 
trines of the Bible, the life and teachings of our 
Lord, the history of the Christian religion in connec 
tion with contemporary civil history. Let there be 
no sectarianism taught, and no antagonism engen 
dered, and then shall our schools become the bulwark 
and defence of liberty. 



The morning cometh ; and with it, and before it, the 
struggle. In Pennsylvania, and notably in Pittsburg, 
Romanism is doing its worst. Bless God for a 
McCrory, a Riddle, and many more brave and elo 
quent men, who have sounded out the bugle-call 
to action. There they seek to take possession of 
the public school buildings for parochial school 
purposes. The language of Superintendent Higbee 
furnishes good reading. He says : 

" In the case submitted to us, it is stated that the 
Board of Directors have rented or leased a public 
school building for the use of a parochial school, 
where the peculiar dogmas and usages of a particular 
church, or where only a certain distinct class of 
children, are admitted. In this case, granting the 
statement of facts, there is not only an unauthorized 
violation of trust, but a seeming indifference to what 
is explicitly forbidden by the constitution of the 
Commonwealth itself. A school is not sectarian be 
cause taught by a minister, or priest, or any church 
official ; but a school controlled or managed in the 
interest of any particular church organization, up 
holding its peculiar confession and ecclesiastical prac 
tices, and used for any class of pupils exclusive of 
others, is certainly sectarian. It does not in any 
sense belong to our system of public schools ; on the 
contrary, no money raised for the support of the 
public schools can be used for its support without 
a direct violation of the constitution. Were school 


directors permitted to lease our public property thus, 
at their own will, for the use of parochial schools, 
the ecclesiastical convictions of the directors could 
turn our public schools into as many different kinds 
of church schools as there are different denominations 
in the Commonwealth." 

If the opinion of the State Superintendent of schools 
should fail to induce the offending school board 
to abandon their position, the case will be appealed 
to the courts. 


The home is being stirred. In New York, the im 
perilled condition of the little ones is coming to the 
surface. It is found that in New York and Brook 
lyn, and many of our large cities, Romanists find it 
convenient to have the children shut out of school 
privileges. In New York, after counting noses, it is 
found that there are 20,000 children of school-age 
in this city for whom no room is provided in the 
school buildings. These little ones are of the class 
who most need to be provided for, being the children 
of poor people, who cannot afford them private in 
struction, and whose education must necessarily be 
completed by the time they are fourteen years old. 
None of the grammar schools are crowded, but in all 
the primary schools the pupils are huddled together 
like sheep, and are left always to the care of the least 
experienced teachers. 

The City says, it cannot afford to build school- 
houses enough to supply the demand, or at least its 
Board of Education says so. Yet it maintains a free 
college, with a big faculty, where only twenty out of 
every class remain to graduate, and pays for a nor 
mal school which has 2,000 girl pupils, only one- 
seventh of whom remain for the four years of the 
course. These two institutions are the special pets 


of the Board, and everything else is sacrificed to 
them. If any of the English nobility are in the town 
they are taken up to the normal school to see 1,000 
bright-faced American girls go through their calis- 
thenic exercises, and are gravely told that this is a 
specimen of our educational system. They are never 
taken to the primary schools. 

In Boston, another line of attack is being made by 
the church of Rome. " Swinton s Outlines of His 
tory " has been removed from the Boston schools on 
the vote of the majority of the School Committee, 
of whom 13 are Protestants and 11 liberal Roman 
Catholics. The passage which caused the exclusion 
of the work is the one relating to the institution of 
the sale of indulgences. This is the beginning of 
another grand assault, in a different direction, upon 
our American free school system. First, it was the 
Bible that Papists couldn t tolerate, and miserably 
weak-kneed, compromising Protestants all over the 
land were willing to expel the Bible from the schools 
in order to placate the Papists. But it was soon dis 
covered that it was not the Bible, but the schools, 
which Roman prelates and priests disliked so much. 

Now these men, who cannot tolerate our public 
school system, begin to find fault with the text-books, 
claiming that our books on history do not teach what 
is true. They say, the facts of history concerning the 
Roman hierarchy are falsified, and the best way to 
remedy the matter is to bundle the books right out of 
the schools ! 

The Evangelical Alliance uttered their protest. 
Brioe S. Evans, and other patriotic citizens, called a 
meeting in Faneuil Hall, and uttered their protest, 
asking that the Swinton s book be put back. This 
is their reply : 

"The Board has been asked by a petition from mem 
bers of the Evangelical Alliance, to reverse its deci- 


sion and restore the book to the list. By reference, 
this request has been considered by the Committee, 
and a hearing has been given to the representatives 
of the Evangelical Alliance. In the judgment of the 
Committee, no reasons have been presented which 
should determine the Board to change its action. 

The reasons assigned are as follows : 

" 1. The book . . . has in its favor ten years of 
public indorsement and use. It has had a long and 
honorable tenure of our public schools." 

To retain books in the schools on this ground, 
would be to resist all improvement in the quality of 
text-books, and deprive the pupils of the benefit of 
progress in the provision of new matter, and better 
forms of instruction. 

"2. The paragraph and footnote, on account of 
which the book has been rejected, contain a true 
sta tement of h is tory . " 

They do not contain an ample and definite state 
ment of the topic concerning which complaint has 
been justly made, to the effect that it was incorrectly 

"3. The book ejected is upon the expurgatory 
list of books of a certain religious sect." 

The Committee were not aware of this fact ; it did 
not enter into the grounds or affect the motives of 
their action. 

Quoted from " Instructions to Catholics," by Eev. 
Xavier Donald Macleod. Boston : Murphy Mc 

" By an indulgence is meant the remission of the 
temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven. 
Every sin, however grievious, is remitted through 
the sacrament of penance, or by an act of perfect 
contrition, as regards its guilt and the eternal pun 
ishment due to it. But the debt of temporal pun- 


ishment is not always remitted at the same time. 
The latter is done away with by deep penitence, or 
by works of satisfaction, e.g., prayers, alms, fast 
ing, etc., or by patient endurance of troubles and 
adversities sent us by God, or by the satisfaction of 
our Lord Jesus Christ and the saints, applied to us 
by the church under certain conditions, which appli 
cation we call an indulgence. 

"An indulgence, then, is not a pardon for sin; 
because sin must be remitted before an indulgence 
can be gained. Much less is it a permission to com 
mit sin, . . . for even God himself could not give 
such permission. 

"In order to gain any indulgence whatever, you 
must be in a state of grace." 

But it is added : i For this Committee of free citi 
zens to put its expurgatorial stamp upon the book 
for the reasons alleged, is for it to ally itself with 
that religious sect." 

In the judgment of your Committee, the course of 
action they have recommended was in the direct 
line of their steadfast purpose not to ally themselves 
either with or against any religious sect whatever. 
The Committee, therefore, recommend the following : 

The School Committee have given careful consider 
ation to your petition and to the reasons presented 
by your representatives as to the grounds on which 
it is based, and respectfully reply to the same : That 
they are not able to grant the request. They have 
found no cause to change their judgment, that the 
action taken with respect to the " Outlines of the 
World s History," in view of their whole responsibil 
ity and all the interests committed to their charge, 
and all the circumstances, was just. 



Fortunate is it for the American people that this 
fight has been begun in Boston. Public attention 
had been called to the aggressions of Romanism. In 
" Why Priests Should Wed" (p 303), attention was 
directed to a sermon preached by Rev. Joseph T. 
Duryea, D. D., in the pulpit of the First Baptist 
church, on Thanksgiving Day, 1887, in which he 
sought to remove all apprehension or alarm because 
of the attack made by the Eoinan Catholic church 
upon our public school system. He said: "I have 
no religious prejudices." He further says : " I recog 
nize the beneficent service to humanity of the Roman 
Catholic church during the dark ages." Then and 
there it was shown, that Rome made the ages " dark " 
by extinguishing every light in her power, and by 
putting to death millions of the lovers of Christ. 
The bid for the support of the Roman Catholic church 
was a success. At a public meeting, in which the 
pastor of the Congregational church met with Roman 
Catholics as friends and brothers, he told them of his 
having bowed down to the Pope of Rome and of 
having received his blessing. Whether he surren 
dered to the church, and took the vows of a Jesuit, and 
continues in the service of the Congregational church 
that he may do the more harm to Protestantism and 
more service to Romanism, is not known by the 
American people. Jesuitism provides for, and pays 
well for such service a-s the Rev. Joseph T. Duryea, 
D.D., is now rendering. The Protestants of New 
England owe it to the future of their youth that his 
influence be withstood, and his servility to error 

The following petition was drawn up and has been 
largely signed and sent to this recreant minister : 

" WHEREAS, The Rev. Joseph T. Duryea, D.D., 
lacks either the intelligence necessary to formulate a 


correct opinion concerning indulgences as taught by 
popes and practised by priests, or the honesty and 
bravery to tell the truth, preferring to ally himself 
with the Roman Catholic Church, the open and 
avowed enemy of public education, and the declared 
champion of illiteracy here and throughout the world : 
We, therefore, whose names are set to this petition, 
for the sake of imperilled youth, most respectfully 
ask him to resign his position on the School Board, 
and give place to a better educated, or a more truth- 
loving man." 

Let us turn attention to the statement authorized 
by the Committee in regard to indulgences, and 
confute it. They say : " By an indulgence is meant, 
the remission of the temporal punishment due to sins 
already forgiven." That is as far from being truth as 
Romanists, helped by a Congregational minister, can 
make it. Indulgences were an invention of Urban 
II. in the eleventh century, as a recompense for those 
who went in person upon the enterprise of conquering 
the Holy Land. They were afterwards granted to 
those who hired a soldier for that purpose ; and in 
process of time were bestowed on such as gave money 
for accomplishing any pious work enjoined by the 
Pope. The dogma is as follows : 

" That all good works of the saints, over and above 
those which were necessary toward their own justifi 
cation, are deposited, together with the infinite 
merits of Jesus Christ, in one inexhaustible treasury. 
The keys of this were committed to St. Peter, and to 
his successors, the popes, who may open it at 
pleasure, and by transferring a portion of this super 
abundant merit to any particular person, for a sum of 
money, may convey to him either the pardon of his 
own sins, or a release for any one in whom he is 
interested from the pains of purgatory." 


This is through and through an utter rejection of 
Christ, in whom our life is hid ; and because we put oft* 
anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communica 
tion, and put on the new man, permitting the word of 
Christ to dwell in us richly, the Christian looks upon 
his own righteousness as filthy rags. Christ is all and 
in all. 


He enters towns in procession, companies of priests 
bearing candles and banners, choristers chanting and 
ringing bells. At the churches a red cross was 
set upon the altars, a silk banner floating from it 
with the papal arms, and a great iron dish at the foot to 
receive the equivalents for the myriads of years 
in the penal fire of Tartarus. He came to Witten 
berg. Luther s flock bought indulgences. It was 
cheaper than going to confession. Luther was com 
pelled to pronounce against them, pope or no pope. 
This he did ; and declared that no man s sins could 
be pardoned by them. 


On it went, deepening and widening like a mighty 
river, sweeping all before it. Then, to the door of the 
church he nailed the theses against indulgences, on 
the last day of October, 1517. 

There were ninety-five of them. Tetzel replied, 
or got some one to reply for him, and burned 
Luther s books. The students of Wittenberg stood 
by Luther and made a bonfire of 800 books of Tetzel. 
The act showed their contempt for indulgences. The 
pope stood for the lie, and against the brave man tell 
ing the truth, and issued a bull against the monk. 
The Pope always stands for a lie. His feet are 
planted on a lie. If there were no lie there would be 
no Pope. 


The purgatorial theory is built on a lie. Indul 
gences are linked with it. 


was as follows : " May our Lord Jesus Christ have 
mercy upon thee, and absolve thee by the merits 
of his most holy passion. And by his authority, and 
of his blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and of the 
most holy pope, granted and committed to me in 
these parts, do absolve thee, first, from all ecclesias 
tical censures, in whatever form they have been 
incurred; then, from all thy sins, transgressions, 
excesses, how enormous soever they may be, even 
from such as are reserved for the cognizance of the 
Holy See, and as far as the keys of the holy church 
extend. I remit to you all punishment which you 
deserve in purgatory on that account ; and I restore 
you to the holy sacraments of the church, to the 
unity of the faithful, and to that innocence and purity 
which you possessed at baptism ; so that when you 
die the gates of punishment shall be shut, and the 
gates of the paradise of delights shall be opened ; and 
if you shall not die at present, this grace shall remain 
in full force when you are at the point of death." 
Can any delusion be worse ? 

The statements made by the Romanists, with the 
assent of the Congregational minister, is, that indul 
gences remit the temporal punishment of sins for 
given to this they add: " Every sin, however 
grievous, is remitted through the sacrament of pen 
ance, or by an act of perfect contrition, as regards 
its guilt and the eternal punishment due to it. But 
the debt of temporal punishment is not always 
remitted at the same time. The latter is done away 
with by deep penitence, or by works of satisfaction, 
e. g. , prayers, alms, fastings, etc., or by patient 
endurance of troubles and adversities sent us by God, 


or by the satisfaction of our Lord Jesus Christ and 
the saints, applied to us by the church under certain 
conditions, which application we call an indulgence." 
"An indulgence is not, then, a pardon for sin; 
because sin must be remitted before an indulgence 
can be gained. Much less is it a permission to com 
mit sin ; for even God himself could not give such 
permission." In order to gain any indulgence what 
ever, you must be in a state of grace." 80 say these 
deceivers ; and we are told that it does not interest 
the masses of the community. To this we dissent. 
Nothing interests them more. We have waded 
through this long definition, not because there is any 
truth or honesty in it ; but to show that, even if their 
statement is based on fact, Swinton s statement con 
tains an acknowledged truth ; and also to call attention 
to the truth, that an indulgence, as taught by Rome, 
is a stupendous lie, calculated to delude, and sure to 
damn the believer who trusts to this artifice. Indul 
gences had to do with sins to be committed. Accord 
ing to a book called " Tax of the Sacred Roman 
Chancery," in which are contained the exact sums to 
be levied for the pardon of each particular sin to be 
permitted, these are given : 

s. d. 

Foi procuring abortion, 7 6 

" simony, 10 6 

lt sacrilege, 10 6 

taking 1 a false oath in a criminal case, - 90 

robbery 12 

burning a neighbor s house, - 12 

lying with a mother or sister, 7 6 

murdering a layman, 7 6 

defiling a virgin, 4 

keeping a concubine, 10 6 

laying violent hands on a clergyman, - 10 6 

In the light of such a statement, taken from Roman 
Catholic authorities, as much a fact as any other price- 


list, Roman Catholics claim that an indulgence can 
only be granted in a state of grace. The fact is, 
indulgences cannot be granted at all. To say differ 
ently, is to belie the truth. Purgatory is only a 
delusion. Roman Catholic teaching controverts the 
truth. History simply shows that the Romish lie 
was born in 1096, that Urban II. was its inventor, and 
from that period deluded people have believed a lie 
that they might be damned. In 1300, Boniface issued 
an indulgence for all that would make a pilgrimage 
to Rome. A price was put on sins like shopkeepers 
wares, and remission of sins by means of indulgences 
for jingling coin. The church, in 151 7, was acting on 
the shameless principle of the Chamberlain of Inno 
cent VIII. who said : " God willeth not the death of 
a sinner, but that he pay and live." In one of the 
pardon-tickets of 1517, there is a figure of a Doinin- 
can monk with a cross, crown of thorns, and a burn 
ing heart. In the upper corners is a nailed hand. 
On the front are the words : 


This is the length and breadth of the wounds of 
Christ in his holy side. As often as any one kisses 
it, he has seven years indulgence." This has no refer 
ence to sins forgiven, and it is a lie to teach differ 


* * The cross measured seven times makes the height 
of Christ in his humanity. He who kisses it is pre 
served for some days from sudden death, falling sick 
ness, apoplexy." 

The dealers put up the following notice : 
" The red indulgence-cross, with the pope s arms 
suspended on it, has the same virtue as the cross of 
Christ. The pardon makes those who accept it 


cleaner than baptism, purer even than Adam in a state 
of innocence in paradise. The dealer in pardons saves 
more people than Peter. The abuse went on until 
it became madness." 

Tetzel sold his indulgences to robbers, thieves and 
murderers, and claimed that they were as clean as 
Adam before his fall so soon as the click of the money 
was heard in the iron box. They tell the story of 
Tetzel and a robber. He bought an indulgence for a 
large sum, Avhich gave him the privilege of commit 
ting any sin. The money went into the iron chest. 
Through a dark forest Tetzel and his chest were 
going. The robber stopped him, and demanded his 
money or his life. Tetzel told who he was. "I 
know you," said the robber, and pulled out the indul 
gence. Tetzel read. His sin had found him out. 
He lost his money ; and the story proves the utter 
falsity of the claim that indulgences have only to do 
Avith sins remitted. This sin was to be committed. 

Then came Luther. The Bible chained to the altar, 
had opened his eyes to the errors of Rome. Tossed 
by doubt, distressed by sin, he had gone to Rome : 
there he saw Romanism at its worst. The Bible in 
Erfurt library taught him another lesson than that of 
fasts and vigils. Luther now learned that a man was 
saved not by singing masses, but by the infinite 
grace of God. He said to the Pope fearlessly, as was 
his wont : You are not God s vicegerent ; you are 
another s, I think. I take your bull as an emparch- 
mented lie, and burn it. You will do what you see 
good next ; this is what I do." It was on the tenth 
of December, 1520, three years after the beginning 
of the business, that Luther, with a great concourse 
of people, took this indignant step of burning the 
Pope s decree in the market-place of Wittenberg. 
Wittenberg looked on with shoutings. The whole 

*Ludwig Hauser, p. 16. 


world was looking on. This was in 1520. In 1888, 
Boston is summoned to take up this work, and 
through remonstrance and argument kindle a lire 
which shall spread wider and rise higher, until it 
shall become unquenchable, and envelope all the 

Say not that these questions of dogma should be 
left to theological disputants. They belong to the 
people. They influence life. They shape destiny. 


Romanists deceive Romanists by statements which 
are false as to fact, and designed to be misleading as 
to inference. When they say, <* that in order to 
gain any indulgence whatever, you must be in a 
state of grace," they make a declaration utterly want 
ing in truth. When Romanists talk about a state of 
grace they deceive. Romanism ignores a state of 
grace as Protestants understand it. The Bible teaches 
that a man passes into a state of grace when he is 
born again ; when he is regenerated by the power 
of the Holy Ghost : then he becomes a new creature 
in Christ Jesus. Romanism ignores all this, and 
claims that an act of baptism, performed by a man, 
washes away sin. In other words, Romanism rests 
her hopes for salvation on baptismal regeneration 
and the sacraments. 

The Word of God teaches, that " whoever con 
fesses with the mouth the Lord Jesus, and believes 
in the heart that God raised him from the dead, he 
shall be saved." Rom. 10: 9. When saved, he 
would not take an indulgence to sin were it offered 
to him ; and would not use it if he had a million. 
He hates sin and loves holiness, when redeemed. 

All this Luther saw, and learned that religion as it 
professed to be, and religion as it was embodied in 
the lives of church dignitaries, priests and friars. 


were in startling contrast. He knew his peril. 
John Huss had come to Rome with all imaginable 
promises and safe conducts. Rome turned her back 
on them all ; they laid him instantly in a stone dun 
geon, three feet wide, six feet high, seven feet long, 
and burnt the true voice out of the world, choked it 
in smoke and fire. " The elegant pagan Leo X., by 
this fire-decree," says Girlylo, "had kindled into 
noble, just wrath, the bravest heart then living in 
the world." Indulgences were farmed out to a 
bankrupt ; in their sale, there was no more thought 
of religion than in the sale of lottery tickets. 

Both lies are of the devil ; and how a Congrega 
tional minister could forego the privilege of preach 
ing the truth to the deceived, passes comprehension. 
He ignored his commission. He belied his profes 
sion, and betrayed his Lord. Either he knows 
better than to intimate that, for stating a truth, a 
book dealing with historic fact ought to be thrown 
out of the schools, and acts in this manner to curry 
favor with Romanists, and so ought to be retired 
from the School Board ; or he does not know the 
truth, and is unfit for the position. In either event, 
the way out is his best way. The children need 
either a more honest, or a more intelligent man to 
represent their interests. This is not said in a spirit 
of raillery or pleasantry. We are dealing with 
momentous issues. God does not suffer us to trifle 
with the truth. " For it is impossible that those 
who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the 
heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy 
Ghost, and have tasted the good Word of God, if 
they shall fall away, to renew them again unto 
repentance." (Heb. 6 : 4, 5.) 

Romanism deals with and in indulgences, in these 
days of Leo XIII., quite as much as it dealt with 
them in the clays of Leo X. Romanism knows no 


improvement. Evolution theories may apply to 
science and to art, but not to Romanism. What 
Rome was in the dark ages, she is in this nineteenth 
century as cruel, as blind, as selfish, as much 
opposed to education, as full of superstition as at 
any time in the past. 

Sad and melancholy as is the truth, it is here, and 
evidently here to stay. There is a paper circulated 
among the young, culled by a priestly name, which 
carries to the homes of vast numbers of individuals 
this fearful superstition and falsehood, known as 
indulgences, fresh from the hand of Leo XIII. 

Here is an Agnus Dei, with a little of the earth 
from the foot of the cross, of which doubtless cart 
loads have been shipped away, which saves from 
drowning, etc. Here is a book bought at Dona 
hue s, published in Barclay street, New York, with 
the approbation of John Hughes, archbishop, as full 
of lies as an egg is full of meat, circulated among 
Romanists. This is the caption : 


Scapular of our Lady of Mount Carmel. "As it 
is considered a mark of distinction by men to have 
attendants wearing their livery, so does the Blessed 
Virgin like to see her servants wear her scapular ; 
it should be a sign of their having devoted them 
selves to her service, and of their belonging to the 
family of the mother of God." (St. Alphonsus 
Liguori) . 

A scapular is a piece of cloth worn on the bosom 
and on the back to procure indulgences to sin, or 
indulgences which shall free from the guilt or pain 
of sin. Now, Romanists are making a distinction 
between the payment of the debt in purgatory, 
and an indulgence to sin. 

4 And yet," said Archbishop Hughes, "we have 


spoken only of the scapular of our Blessed Lady 
of Mount Carmel. There are several others to 
which likewise many graces and indulgences are 
attached : 

/. The Scapular of our Blessed Lady of the Seven 
Dolors, of the Order of the Servants of Mary, found 
ed in Florence, in 1133, by seven men, to whom the 
Blessed Virgin appeared, and commanded them to 
wear a black habit in memory of the Seven Dolors. 
" //. The Scapular of tlte Immaculate Conception of 
the Order ofTheatines, or Regular Clerks, which was 
founded by Peter John Caraffa, who was afterwards 
Pope, under the name of Paul IV., and died in the 
year 1559. 

"///. The Scapular of The Most Holy Trinity, 
of the Order of Trinitarians, for the redemption of 
captives, which was founded in the twelfth century 
by St. John deMatha and St. Felix deValois. 
These religious wear a white habit, with a cross of 
red and blue on the breast, as shown by an angel to 
St. John deMatha, and in which the Blessed Virgin 
appeared to St. Felix deValois. These three Scap 
ulars, like the Scapular of Mt. Carmel, are composed 
each of two small pieces of woolen cloth. When 
together with that of Mount Carmel, all four pieces 
square, or nearly so, are sewed together, like leaves 
of a book, and four more pieces exactly similar are 
sewed in like manner ; then these two parts, four 
pieces in each, are joined by two bands of tape about 
eighteen inches long, so that one part falls on the 
breast, and the other on the back, The largest piece 
is generally the Scapular of Mt. Carmel, which is of 
brown color ; the second, which is somewhat smaller, 
is the Scapular of Our Lady of the Seven Dolors, 
and is of a black color ; the third is, the Scapular of 
the Immaculate Conception, and is still smaller and 
of a blue color. This color, the emblem of resigna- 


tion to Mary, was also the color of her mantle. The 
Scapular of the Most Holy Trinity is white, and 
the smallest of the four, in the middle of which there 
must be a cross, likewise of wool, one arm of which 
must be of red, the other blue. All these colors, as 
well as the cross, must be visible. 

The Redemptorist Fathers have the power to give 
these three Scapulars. The essential requirement for 
all the indulgences and graces annexed to these 
three Scapulars is, to receive them from a priest 
empowered to grant them, and to wear them con 
stantly. If any one loses or wears out the Scapular, 
he can take another in its stead. Those who, either 
though carelessness, or even through malice, neglect 
to wear it, or have laid it aside, can again resume it, 
and gain all the indulgences as before. The Scap 
ular of the Most Holy Trinity alone is excepted ; ac 
cording to the declaration of Innocent XI., it must 
be blessed as often as renewed. 

Indulgences are granted to those who wear the 
scapulars, by Paul V. in 1606, Clement X. in 1673, 
Clement XI. in 1710, Innocent XI. in 1680, 81, 82. 


They teach that they save life. Proof: At the 
siege of Montpelier, in the year 1682, a soldier 
named M. de Beauregard, was struck by a musket- 
ball, which rested on the Scapular and saved his life. 
Louis XIII., King of France, saw it, and put on a 
Scapular. Monsieur de Cuge, cornet of a company 
of horse, was wounded at Tefin, in the year 1636, by 
a cannon ball, which, passing through the left side, 
tore his heart to pieces, so that, naturally, he could 
not live a moment. The Scapular saved him until 
the priest came ; and so on, and so on. 



If Romanists can do the one, they can do both. 
Besides, whenever indulgences are procured, the 
besotted run the risk, and plunge deeper into sin 
because of it. 

To say, as does Rev. Dr, Duryea and the Boston 
School Board, that an indulgence is not & permission 
to commit sin, is to deceive the people. Said Tetzel : 
"Draw near, and I will give you letters duly 
sealed, by which even the sins you shall hereafter 
desire to commit shall all be forgiven you. I would 
not exchange my privileges for those of St. Peter in 
heaven ; for I have saved more souls with my indul 
gences, than he with his sermons. There is no sin so 
great that the indulgence cannot reach it let him 
pay largely, and it shall be forgiven him. Even 
repentance is not indispensable. Shall such facts be 
cast out of our school-books, that the generation 
now coming upon the stage of action may be surren 
dered to Rome ? 

In Canada is an indulgence of Pio Nono, offering 
to all who enlisted in his army indulgences for 
themselves and their relatives, framed and hung in 
the homes of the deluded. Here is one that offers 
100 days indulgence each time repeated, signed 
Pius IX., 3d June, 1874. Here is another offering- 
indulgences to all who will contribute to the building 
of the University College of Ottawa : the holder of 
this certificate shall be entitled to share twenty-five 
masses daily, and in all the prayers and good works 
of the Rev. Oblate Fathers, 

For ten years, by a contribution of 25 cents. 

Forever - $200 

A family, for ten years - - $100 

Thus are men and women deceived. They trust 
in man, rather than in the efficacy of the atonement 


by Jesus Christ. This gives them power at sick 
beds over the wills of the dying, and over the purses 
of living relatives and friends. From the living they 
get profit in the sale of indulgences, Agnus Deis, 
scapularies, masses of every kind, dispensations from 
fasts, removal of impediments to marriage, miracu 
lous medals, various defences against the devil, 
grace through the images or relics of patron saints, 
and other similar devices. 

Remember, there is nothing to be gotten from the 
Roman Catholic church without money. No money, 
no baptism ; no money, no marriage ; no money, no 
burial ; no money, nothing. 

If Romanists deceive Romanists, it becomes Chris 
tians to preach to them the gospel. The mortifica 
tion and shame which came to us because of one who 
professes allegiance to Christ, is very hard to bear. 
Let the shame and disgrace end there. Christians, 
awake, and put your armor on ! Napoleon in Egypt, 
close by the pyramids, said: "Twenty centuries 
behold your actions." Christian people, look up to 
the throne. Jesus is there. Look about you, behold 
the perishing. 

Romanists are crowding the broad road to death. 
Millions of youth are interested in this controversy. 
Will Americans rise to the level of their great oppor 
tunity and do their whole duty ? or will they bow down 
to Rome, and barter away their God-given rights? 
This is the question of the hour ! How will it be 
answered ? Shall men be taught error, or the truth ? 
Remember, "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is 
he." Think right, and all will be well. Think 
wrong and act wrong, and ruin awaits you. 

CHAPTER xvrr. 


This may jet come to be the question of the hour. 
If done, it must be accomplished through the com 
bined efforts of the people of the United States. The 
North and the South, the East and the West, must 
come up alike to the help of the Lord against the 
mighty. The need of it is apparent. It is the 
boast of the Frenchman, that as goes Paris, so goes 
France. As went Rome, so went Italy. And so it 
may yet be said, As goes Washington, so will go 
the great Republic. 

Remember, France made Paris bend her neck to 
the people. Italy thundered at the gates of Rome ; 
took away the States of the Church from His Holi 
ness the Pope ; tossed overboard, with contempt and 
ease, the ruler who was said to preserve the equi 
poise of Europe ; sent him a prisoner to the Vatican ; 
and went on with the work of making Italy free, 
as if the tap-root of Papal Rule had not been the 
growth of centuries. Washington, the centre of 
political influence and activity, is in the lap of Rome, 
with the consent of the people. Let there be a 
protest. Unroof the monster, Jesuitism. Uncover 
the pollution, the scandal of the confessional. 
Unlock and throw open the doors of the convents 
and nunneries, the assignation houses, kept for a 
so-called celibate priesthood. Expose the conduct 
of those who have made prostitution flourish at 
Rome and in all the great cities in which they have 


control, and Washington will shake off the incubus. 
The nation will declare for purity, for justice, for 
emancipation from the shackles of blind and besotted 
Romanism, and from the thraldom of the black-robed 
throng, who insult their sick, half-starve their 
orphans, for whose support they are paid by the 
State, and maltreat their poor ; because in the heart 
of Rome love is exchanged for selfish greed. Not 
ahvays will statesmen bow and cringe to obtain 
the Roman Catholic vote, which is only powerful 
because it is always on sale, going to the highest 
bidder, without regard to principle. It will yet 
appear that fifty millions of people, blessed with 
liberty, and in the presence of wonderful opportu 
nity, cannot afford to creep under the black wing of 
Papal despotism, that vampire that sucked the life- 
blood out of Spain, out of Mexico, and out of any 
country where it has been permitted to do its hellish 
work undisturbed. Christianity is the product of 
witnessing for the truth. The Papacy is the monu 
ment of withholding testimony for God. Error is 
the servant of the "Prince of the power of the air." 
Truth is the helpmeet of God. Witnessing for the 
truth is to result in the overthrow of every form of 
error. There are reasons for this faith. Let us 
enumerate a few of them : 

1. God is for the truth. When we say that, the 
argument assures the people of victory so soon 
as they are made ready to stand with and for God. 
By grace, by Providence, by the help of God s true 
children, in uncounted and in unexpected ways, aid 
will be brought to those who put on the whole 
armor of God and stand ready to fight the good fight 
of faith. The achievements wrought by truth, and 
for the truth, in other days and on other fields, 
attest the truth that God works for those who work 
for him. 



Here is an illustration. Death, the fire, and the 
inquisitorial torture of Romish hate, had achieved an 
apparent victory. The night was dark, because the 
witnesses were still. 

In 1514 the Council met in Rome. Into the Market 
Place strode a servant of the Church of Rome, and in 
pride asked, Is there one who protests ?" He waited. 
He listened. The Waldensians were dead in France. 
In England the Lollards were exterminated. In Italy 
truth had been slain in the street. " Not one pro 
tests!" It was a terrible charge brought by Rome 
against Rome. Thousands and tens of thousands 
passed from the Cross to the stake. They were 
burned, tortured, hurled over rocks. Rome reveled 
in barbarity. 

" The rack, the fagot, or the hated creed 

Were the tender mercies of tyrant Rome; 

While, fearless amidst Christ s fold fierce wolves did roam, 
And stainless sheep upon her altars bleed." 

In May 1514, the testimony ceased. Three years 
and a half pass. It is a prophetic period. Look ! 
Up the stair-way climbs Martin Luther on his knees. 
Hark ! A voice sounds down to him. He is tired, 
sick, hopeless, despondent, a type of all Romanists. 
" The just shall live by faith," passes through the 
gateway of the conscience to the chamber of the soul. 
It startles him. It unlocks night. It uncovers the 
crucified Christ. Clouds depart. He is born again. 
He is in a new world. He confesses it. He becomes 
a witness. God helps his own. Everything is made 
ready for the work. The banner is unfurled. 
Redeemed men take it and bear it on. The friends 
of error are powerless, in presence of the testimony 
of living and brave witnesses. 

Think how Zwingle, Luther, Melancthon, William, 


Prince of Orange, told the truth ! They carried their 
testimony into towns, into churches, and into homes. 
They told what God did for them. As justification 
by faith placed them on vantage ground, they 
called to men in night and gloom to come to the 
light, and held up to them the reeking cross, which 
broke the power of the man of sin " and gave de 
liverance to captive souls. 


Romanism was born, and found its place of being 
and its capacity of growth, because of the surrender 
of the individual conscience to the keeping of a 

Every effort put forth by the individual in behalf 
of the truth is a subtraction from the power which 
upholds the Papacy, and an addition to the power 
which is to people the world with hope, and make 
the desert to bud and blossom as the rose. Hence 
every movement in favor of individual thinking 
favors Christianity and opposes Romanism. Every 
scintillation of truth in behalf of freedom, every word 
spoken for God and the right, clears the way for 
humanity, and widens the area of the kingdom of 
God. There is nothing in Romanism calculated to 
charm or please the thinking and unfettered intellect. 
It stultifies reason where it can ; it banishes God s word 
as best it may ; that word which is the foundation of the 
World s jurisprudence, the fountain-source of liberty, 
and the pillar of flame and cloud, by whose aid the 
nation has made its march out of the wilderness of 
trial into the Canaan of possession. Romanism fet 
ters the mind, enslaves the limb, and is the servant 
of injustice, the parent and source of despotism, and 
the foe of all that ennobles and exalts humanity. 
This is coming to be known and felt. Romanists are 


feeling it quite as much as others. Christ is leading 

"He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call 

retreat ; 
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment 

seat ; 

O be swift my soul to answer Him ! be jubilant my feet I 
Our God is marching on. 

In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born, across the sea, 
With a glory in his bosom that transfuses you and me. 
As he die dto make men holy, let us die to make men 

While God is marching on." 

Somebody will catch this inspiration, and become 
the trumpeter of a great truth. Some one will appear, 
not only as the scourge of impositions, and the pon 
derous hammer that shall smite upon the brazen idol 
atry of the age, but as the upbuilder of holy princi 
ples in accordance with the teachings of the Word of 

It is essential that a dear conception be obtained of 
the wvrk to be done. 

A free Church in a free State was once the battle- 
cry of the Republic. Rome is organizing an aggres 
sive warfare upon the separation of Church and State. 
It was the hope of promoting a union of Church and 
State that made the Red-Robed Cardinal desire the 
company of a son of a Presbyterian minister, occu 
pying the position of President, in laying the corner 
stone of the Jesuit college. It is to be proclaimed 
that the religion of Jesus Christ is to be divorced 
from the State. This is not because Republicans 
honor religion less. They believe that the Church of 
Christ is a divine institution, which has to do with 
finding out the truth, holding the truth, and spreading 
the truth. 

They believe also in the State ; claim that it is also 


a divine institution, and has sacred duties, such as 
guaranteeing to every man safety, and making his 
person, his property, and his right to think and be. 
The State must be safety, justice, righteousness. 
There must be a free Church in a free State, the State 
subject to justice only, the Church subject to Christ 

True Americans must see that the very antipodes 
of the idea just stated is the Romish idea. Rome claims 
that the Church shall be all, and the State a non-entity, 
and that the Roman Catholic religion shall be per 
mitted to exclude all other forms of faith. The Pope 
declares, that it is an error to be reprobated and pro 
scribed, that the Church shall be separate from the 
State. Americans are to take note of this, and be 
made ready to antagonize it. 

Rome claims that it is " an error to be reprobated, 
proscribed, and condemned, to say that, in the case 
of conflicting laws between the two powers, the civil 
law ought to prevail, and that the church has not the 
power of availing herself of force, or any direct or 
indirect temporal power." These propositions so 
clear, so startling bear date Dec. 4th, 1864, of 
"Errors Condemned," and were reaffirmed by the 
late Plenary Council of Baltimore. Truly has it been 
said : " There is enough dynamite in these proposi 
tions to blow up our entire modern civilization, 
destroy liberty of conscience, and bring utter ruin 
upon the purity of the church and the integrity of 
the State." 

Americans know that in the United States, at the 
present time, there is a union of Church and State to 
an extent little dreamed of. 

In New Jersey, the State Reform School has been 
Romanized. The unsectarian teaching, in piety and 
morals, has been destroyed. The moral and relig 
ious training of the Catholic boys is handed over 


completely to the Romish Church. The same is true 
of the City of New York, where children arrested are 
given over to institutions under the control of the 
religion professed by their parents. As a result, 
there are 3,000 Roman Catholic youth in the New 
York Protectory, more lost to Protestantism than if 
they were born and reared in Rome. 

The State thus gives a guarantee to the Roman 
Catholic Church, that no child of Romish parents 
shall be permitted to come in contact with the free 
thought of our American life and with the religion of 
our Lord Jesus Christ. This is not liberty of con 
science ; this is coercion of conscience. The Amer 
ican people will see this ; and seeing it, they will cor 
rect the legislation that makes it live and thrive under 
the shadow of the broad ^Egis of our Republic. 

Again : Rome seeks to take the children of the 
State out of the control of the civil power. This is 
the exact language of the Syllabus : That * the entire 
direction of public schools in which the youth of 
Christian States are educated, may and must apper 
tain to the civil power, is an error to be reprobated 
and proscribed. Issue must here be joined. " 

We want in our land no fractional parts of Amer 
icans we want whole men, who are rooted in 
American ideas. The Baltimore Plenary Council 
decided, that all Catholic children shall be educated 
in parochial schools. This education will give us 
mutilated men and women. The American people 
must be made to see this, and they will resist the 

"I wonder," said Dr. Dollinger of Germany, the 
Old Catholic, who fought the conferring of the decree 
of Infallibility upon Pio Nono, " I wonder if they 
understand in America what an infallible Pope means ? 
that it means a hand stretched over into the United 
States, and laid upon every Roman Catholic citizen, 


and imposing upon him the obligation to set himself 
up in opposition to the ordinances of your Govern 
ment whenever the Pope shall pronounce his judg 
ments against these ordinances on moral or religious 
ground?" Yes, Dr. Dollinger, a great many under- 
stand it, and are getting ready to deliver Roman 
Catholics from their thraldom. 

Roman Catholics are getting more money for the 
support of Romish schools than is given to all the 
Evangelical churches combined. The New York 
Independent affirms, that Protestant schools find more 
difficulty in getting what they ask for than the 
Romish schools. It affirms that Government inter 
feres less with Romish schools than with Protestant. 
It affirms that, in the schools wholly supported by the 
Government, they are rapidly passing into the con 
trol of the Roman Catholics, even where all are 
Protestants, as among the Indians. 

A Roman Catholic was kept at the head of the 
postal service until it was very largely Romanized, 
with Roman Catholics for postmasters wherever 
they could be pushed in ; and then he was trans 
ferred to the Interior Department to Romanize that ; 
while the head of the army, a Roman Catholic, gave 
a Roman Catholic sutler control of every army post, 
and the nation donates, even against fundamental 
law, a lot of land at every military post, on which 
to build a Roman Catholic chapel. 

The American people only need to be made 
acquainted with these facts, and they will antagon 
ize them. 

Our fathers clamored for a separation of Church 
and State. Let their children go on with the work. 
It has been well said : "If we work to serve the 
twentieth century, we must save the nineteenth." 
We must reconstruct our geography, and permit the 


Tiber to flow into the Potomac, and not compel the 
Potomac to flow into the Tiber. 

Create a literature that shall point out the vices 
and corruptions of Romanism. 

Popery must be antagonized ; Christ must be 
championed. This, politicians will come to see. 
They will insist upon a separation of Church and 
State ; upon maintaining a public school system, in 
which all the children of the State shall be educated. 
The Bible shall be unbound. This made way for 
Luther, so that when he came they breathed an air 
which had long been most patiently impregnated 
with the very essence of innovation. The word of 
God in the hands of the people is the accusing spirit 
of the Papacy. In the days of Wicliff, " the noise 
of its wings" were faintly heard in England. 

Then, men of position, indignant at the impover 
ishment and disgrace of their country, antagonized 
the power of Eome. Afterwards men fought it, be 
cause of the perversion and abuse of their religious 
institutions. Hence, when the conflict under Luther 
began, the leader of it could number potentates 
among his allies and partizans, till, at last, he may 
be said to have had 

" A kingdom for a stage, princes for actors, 
And monarchs to behold the swelling scene." 

Not so at the present time. Our great men seem 
to be our greatest cowards. 

In pulpits, in pressrooms, and on platforms, it is 
fashionable to be servile. What kings did in Europe 
who held the stirrup for His Holiness to mount, that 
presidents and politicians in free America seem 
ready to do. It is not in our stars, but in ourselves, 
that we are underlings to Rome. The Church of 
Rome is being pandered to by men who will ere 
long wake up to their shame. What mean these 


"Roman Catholic Notes" that meet the approval of 
Roman Catholic officials, except as an indication that 
the Roman Catholic vote is a thing that may be 
bargained for. How humiliating the fact ! Seven 
millions of men and women in free America for sale 
to the highest bidder ! For that vote, politicians 
betray God, turn their backs upon liberty, surrender 
the dearest rights of freemen to the keeping of their 
bitterest foe. A distinguished statesman goes to 
Rome ; enters the American College, so-called, in 
fact, a college built by Americans to change Ameri 
can youth into Italian priests ; there he referred to 
the Church of Rome as "that Church which is so 
widely spread and so profoundly respected." Where 
is it "respected" by any one? Had he said, feared, 
by all in America, and by himself more than all, he 
had told the truth. 

To stand up against Rome at this hour requires 
high courage. Thousands have it. Millions will 
yet possess it. 

2. God is against Romanism. Prophecy declares 
it. History brings proof in support of the propo 
sition ; and from no nation so truly as from the story 
of the life of the Republic of the United States. 
Romanism is disintegrating, wherever the truth 
concerning it is told. It resembles an ice-glacier 
loosened from its Northern home. The current 
bears it southward. The gulf-stream of liberty 
catches it and dissolves it. Superstition is being 
scattered broadcast by the brightness of the Sun of 

The overthrow of the Papacy is simply the unful 
filled prophecy of that Being who described its com 
ing and its doom. The same Eye that saw the rise 
and decline of Mohammedanism, the same Being 
who gave the command, " Loose the four angels 
which are bound in the great river Euphrates," (Rev. 


9 :14), before the Islam horsemen swept forth in their 
career of conquest ; and that commanded the sixth 
angel to pour out his vial upon the great river Euphra 
tes when the water was dried up (Rev. 16: 12), 
and the way was prepared for the kings who are from 
the rising of the sun, so that Turkey is destroyed, 
and is a captive enslaved, the sport and plaything of 
Continental powers ; that foretold the settlement of 
America when he pointed to the ships of Tarshish 
on their way to the land of broad rivers, described 
the character and the occupation of the " beast " of 
prophecy, and portrayed the " woman" clothed in 
purple and scarlet and holding in her hand the cup of 
her fornications and upon her head the writing : 
Mystery ! Babylon the great ! The Mother of 
Harlots and of the abominations of the earth" 
This the people begin to see. Sound the battle-cry. 


The possibility of bearing witness for Christ is 
within reach of all. It is possible to carry truth 
within the citadel of the enemy, through the agency 
of the help employed in our houses and in our 
places of business. 

Never do I think of the millions about us, who 
want something better than these mummeries to sat 
isfy the cravings of their immortal souls, but I rejoice 
that the Gospel, as we know it, is the power of God 
and the wisdom of God, suited to their every need. 
Tell them of it. There is no mistaking what it will 
do for them. It will save their souls, and give them 
a joy and peace they seek elsewhere in vain. 

The Holy Spirit works for those who work for 
God. There are links in the chain of God s provi 
dence which enter into the chain that is mighty to the 
pulling down of the stronghold of error. Children 
of God, be true. Things of deep interest are pend- 


ing. Let soul touch soul. Let truth combat error ; 
and the people of the Lord, beautiful as Tirzah, 
comely as Jerusalem, shall be terrible as an army 
with banners ! 

The Lord Jehovah reigneth. Let the people 
rejoice. For from God we obtain the assurance that 
witnessing for the truth shall result in the takino- of 

O O 

Washington out of the lap of Rome, making her the 
glory of the Nation, and the Light-house of the 
World ; so that the millions now shrouded in dark 
ness shall awake to the touch of the new-born radi 
ance, and leaving their idols behind, shall walk forth 
into the new day heirs of God, and joint-heirs with 
Jesus Christ, to an inheritance incorruptible, and 
un defiled, and that fadeth not away. 


ACTUAL Ruler of the Nation, 


Adam, 239 

Aggressions of Romanism, 233 
Agnus Dei, 242, 240 
Albigenses, 59 
Alexander VII., VIII., 38 
Allis, Rev. J. M., of the Chili 

Mission, and his Story, 164 

to 166 

Aloysius, Saint, 85 
Americans on Guard, 106; 

College, 256 
Annapolis, 59 
Archbishop of Toronto and 

the Young Man, 168 
Army 700,000 Strong, 13 
Articles of Confederation Rat 
ified, 104 
A Sixpenny Nail and Jesuit 

University, 23 
Assuming Divine Titles, 33 
Augustine, 28 

BACKUS, Isaac, 59 

Baker, Detective, 132 

Balkan Peninsula, 105 

Baltimore, Lord, Came to 
Maryland, 55 

Bancroft, 56 

Bastards of Pius VI. , 83 

Beauregard, 244 

Belgium Liberal. 127 

Benedict XII., 38 

Beuter, Capt. Frank A., and 
Grand Army Relief Commit 
tee, 99 

Bible Unbound, 255 

Bickerdyke, Mrs. Mary A., 
birth, etc., 94; In San Fran 
cisco, 98 

Blair, Henry W., 46; His 
Speech, 47; Joint Resolu 
tion, 49 

Blake, John J., 232 
Blessed Lady, 243 
Booth, John Wilkes, 131 
Boston School Committee, 230 
Boucher, Chas., 133 
Bradley, Miss Amy M., 92 
Breckenridge, 21 
Brooklyn Robbed, 78 
Broschi, Duchess of, 82, 83 
Bunker Hill Road, 17. 

CAIRO Hospital, 94 

Caldwell, Miss Mary Gwen 
dolen; Birth; Gift, 12 

Canada, 245 ; and Presbyterian 
Minister, 16; Mouthpiece of 
Jesuitism, 65 

Can the Jesuits be Expelled? 53 

Can Washington be Taken Out 
of the Lap of Rome? 247 

Capitol Staked Out, 61 

Caraffa, John, 243 

Cardinal Gibbons, Prince of 
the Church, Born, Educated, 
11. Appointed, 1. 

Cardinal s Palace, 142; Red- 
robed, 251 

Carroll, Anna Ella, 100 

Carroll, Charley, 100 

Catholic Millionaires, 111 

Catholic University, 11 ; Where 
Located, 16; Why, 18 

Cervani, 83 

Chamberlain of Innocent, 
VIII. , 238 

Cliapelle, Father, 16 

Charlemagne, 33 

Chase, S. P., 122 



Children Shut Out of School 

Privileges in New York and 

Brooklyn, 229 
Chiniquy, Father, Story of 

Plot Against the Republic, 

108; Birth, etc., 115; Saved, 


Chiniquy Incognito, 134 
Chrysostom, 28 
Church and State Divorced, 251 
Churches in Washington. 85 
Clarence, The Story of, 89 
Clement, Popes X., XI., X1L, 

Clement XIV., Suppressing 

Jesuits, 38; Poisoned, XIV., 


Clerks, Eegular, 243 
Cliff, Captain Amos, 99 
Colfax and Wife, 130 
Coligni, Admiral, Murdered, 


Colored Orphan Asylum, 126 
Columbus, 102 
Committee s Statement Re- 

garding Indulgences, 234 
Conge, Mons., 44 
Congress at Prayer, 104 
Connelly, Rev. Pierce, 162 
Connubial Felicity Enjoyed by 

Priests and Nuns, 167 
Conspiracy Hall, 37 
Convents of St. Lucia and St. 

Catherine, 81 
Conwell, Rev. F. A., 133 
Corks, 55 

Corruption of llomanism, 255 
Cyril, 28 

DARK Days, 249 
Dennison, Capt. D. A., 99 
l)e Laveleye, Emile, 127 
Description of Romanism, by 

Lord Montague, 76 
Devotion of the Scapulars, 242 
Dens, Peter, 148 ; and Seduc 
tion, 153 

Dissipation in Hospital, 75 
Dix, Miss Dorothy, 91 
Dogma, 240 

Dolinger, 253, 254 

Dominicans, Female, 81 

Druid, 30 

Duryea, Joseph T., D.D., 232, 
bowing to Rome, 223 ; Peti 
tion for removal of, 233, 245 

Dutch Republic, 119 

EDUCATOR of the World, 100 
Elizabeth of England, 34 
Emancipation Proclamation, 


English Nobility, 230 
Errors Condemned, 252 
Euphrates, 257 
Evangelical Alliance Meeting, 


Evans, Brice S., 230 
Evolution, 242 
Exarchate of Ravenna, 33 

FALLON, Joseph D., 232 

Faneuil Hall, 230 

Federal Compact formed in 
New England, 104 

Fifteen Thousand Slaves to 
Rome in Washington, 136 

Fifth Avenue Cathedral on 
Stolen Land, 78 

Fifty Millions Forgotten, 99 

Florence, 243 

Fight in Boston, 233 

Fort Donelson, the Wound 
ed, 96; McHenry, 108. 

France, 247 

Franklin, Benjamin, 61 

Free College, 229 ; Church and 
a Free State, 251 

Freeman s Journal, 108 

Frenchmen, 247 

GABRIEL the Priest, 155, 156 

History, 158-162 
Galileo, 103 
Gavazzi, 174 
Garden of the Soul, and Filthy 

Questions, 150, 151 
Garibaldi, 43 
Garrett, 132 



Georgetown College, a Jesuit 

Nest, 73 

Gibbons, Cardinal, Coloniza 
tion Scheme, 52 ; Speech 53 ; 

and Religious Liberty, 58 
Girard, Assassin of Prince of 

Orange, 119 
Given, Author Of The Jesuit 

and University, 157 
God is for the Truth, 248; 

Marching on, 251 ; is against 

Romanism, 256 
Goethe, 61 

Gold Mines and Jesuits, 111 
Gordon, Gov., 51 ; Speech, 51 
Grant, General, 130 
Grant, Mrs., 130 
Great Men Great Cowards, 

Gregory VII., 119 

Harlot of the Tiber, 43, 138 

Hastings, Warren, 62 

Heaven, 240 

Heckler, Father, 127 

Heirs of God, 258 

Hell, 240 

Henry of France, 34; Henry 
III. of France, 40 

Hibernians, Ancient Order of, 

Higbee, Supt. of Public In 
struction, Pennsylvania, 228 

Hilary, 28 

Hogan, Mr. 173 

Holy See, 236 

Hospitals under Romish Con 
trol, 85 

How Washington came to be 
Washington, 54 

How Schools are Taught, 102 

Hughes, Archbishop, 56; Pro 
posed Sale, 106, 242; Insti 
gator of plot, 125 ; treach 
ery, 126 

Hugo, Victor, Devilfish, Pre 

Huss, John, 241 

IMMANUEL S Land, 135 

Important Evening, May 24, 

1888, 18 
Indiana, 60 

Indulgence Defined, 231 ; Form 
of, 236 ; Born, A.D. 1096, 238 
Indulgence No Use to a Christ 
ian, 240; Granted by Popes, 
244; What They Claim to 
Do, 244 
Inquisition, 66 
Instruction to Catholics, 231 
Interior Department, 254 
Irish-American Society, 68 
Irishmen biding their Time, 106 
Irish Catholics Coming to the 

Front, 109 

Islam Horsemen, 257 
Italy, 145, 247 

JEFFERSON, Thomas A., on 
Employment of Foreigners. 

Jerome, 28 

Jesuit University in the New 
Light, 11 

Jesuitism Runs the Church of 
Rome, 33 -, Origin of, 33; 
Born in Spain, and by Whom 
Banished, 103 ; Re-estab 
lished, 103; Jesuits Set 
Apart to Murder, 39; Oath, 
42; Reinstated by Pio 
Nono, Confirmed by Leo 
XIII., 43; Ruling Washing 
ton, 45; Expelled, 38; Col 
onization Scheme, 59; Mis 
sion in Maryland, 61; Col 
lege founded in 1789, 61; 
Chartered, 61; Climb to 
Power in Washington, 63; 
Perjury of, 63; Rule the 
Pope, 64 ; in Washington and 
Elsewhere, 100; Where and 
How Working, 105; Swim 
in a Golden Sea, 112; Mili 
tary Organization, 112; Con 
stitution of, 146 

Jesuitism Unroofed, 247 

John, Beloved Disciple, 28 

Joseph II., of Austria, 81 




Kansas City, 109 

Keaue, John, Hector of Uni 
versity; Birth; Appoint 
ment, 13 

Kelly, John D., Chief of Col 
onization Scheme, 51 

Kennedy, John A., 126 

Kenrick, Bishop, 148, 149 

Kentucky, GO 

Knights of the Red Branch, 68 ; 
Of St. Patrick, 68 

LADY of the Tiber, 16 
Lafayette, 62, 102; Washing 
ton s Friend, 106 
Lap of Rome, 146 
Latimer, 59 

Laveleye, Guide de E., 127 
Lee, Gen., 130 
L Enfant, Major, Laid Out the 

Capitol, 62 
Leo X., Prayer of, 238; Fire 

Decree, 241 
Leo XIII., 16; Poisoned by 

Jesuits, 64, 241 
Leopold of Tuscany, 81 
Lehiman, Father, 131 
Lie; No Lie, No Pope, 235 
Liguori, 148 
Lincoln Abraham ; Became 

President, 115; Threatened 

by Romish Priests, 116; 

Understood Popery, 120; 

Should Have Told It, 121; 

Suggestive Scripture, 128 
Lincoln; Last Day on Earth, 


Lincoln, Mrs. 130 
Lincoln, Robert S., 130 
Lincoln, Willie, Death of, 29 
Livermore, Mrs. M. A., 90, 91 
Lloyd, 132 
Lombard, 33 

Lord Jehovah Reigneth, 258 
Louis XII., King of France, 244 
Louis XVI., 82 
Louis Napoleon, Ally of Pius 

IX., 122 
Loyola, Ignatius, 37 

Luther Martin, 235, and the 
Pope, 239, on his Knees, 249 

Maria Monk, 173 

Martha, 173 

Maryland and Seat of Govern 
ment, 60 

Mary Magdalene, 173 

Mary versus Christ, 31 

Mass, 31 

Massachusetts, 57 

Mayor of Baltimore and Crim 
inals, 107 

Mazzini, 43 

McCrory, 228 

McGee/Darcy, 108 

Meade, General, and a Jesuit, 

Melancthon, 249 

Mexico, 55, 247 

Michigan, 60 

Middleton Estate, 16 

Milton, 58 

Minister and Priest Comparing 
Notes, 18, 19, 20. 

Mirabeau, 62 

Moffat, Mrs. Philomene, Chini- 
quy s Deliverer, 117 

Mohammedanism 142, 256 

Monarchy in Mexico Given 
Up, 123 

Montagne, Lord Robert, 75 

Montpelier, 244 

Mormonism, 142 

Morse, Prof., 62; Revealing 
the Conspiracy, 118 

Mother of Harlots, 257 

Mount Carmel, 243 

Mudd, 132 

Mystery, 257 

Napoleon I. 43 ; in Egypt, 246 
Napoleon Louis, 43 
Narragansett Bay, 57 
National Administration in the 

Hands of Rome, 107 
Nemesis, 95 
New Jersey State Reform 

School, 252 



New Orleans, 108 

New York Protectory, 253; 
Independent, 254 

No Protest, 249 

North American Empire, 45 

Northup, Bishop, S. Carolina, 
51 [167 

Nunneries, Prisons or Worse, 

Nuns and Departments, 137 ; 
Visits Members of Con 
gress, 138 ; driven out, 139 ; 
Spies, 176 

OBLATE Fathers, 245 
O Brien, Col., Murdered, 126 
Old Catholic, 253 
Old South Church and Minis 
ter, 15 

Orange, Prince of, 119 
Origen, 28 
Ottawa, 245 

PANDERING to Rome, 255 

Papacy, the Monument, 248 

Papal Despotism and Wash 
ington, 79 

Paris, 247 

Parish Priests and Incontinen- 
cy, 149 

Parker, J. W.,88 

Parochial Schools, 228 

Paul Arrived in Rome, 29, 236 

Penn, Wm., 57 

Pennsylvania. 228 

Peru, 55 

Peter 236 ; the Great, 59 

Petition for the Removal of 
Dr. Duryea from the School 
Board , 233 

Pharaoh defies God, 15 

Philip II. of Spain and Arma 
da, 15; and Jesuits, 104 

Pitman, Ben., and Book of 
Testimonies, 131 

Pittsburg, 228 

Pius IX. and Allocution of 
1851, 112; and Jefferson Da 
vis, 123; Letter to Jefferson 
Davis, 124 ; and Suffrage, 127 

Pizarro, 55 

Plenary Council, 252, 253 

Plymouth Rock, 55 

Pontifex Maximus, 30 

Pope Stephen I, 33 Paul and 
Pius, 34; Humiliation, 44; 
Pius VII., 71; Clement 
XIV., 71; Pius VI., Two 
Children by his Sister, 81 ; 
Palace, 140; Servants, 141 

Popery Opposing the Repub 
lic, 120 

Popes in Conflict, 144 

Potomac, 255 

Proofs that Romanism was the 
Assassin of Lincoln, 132 

Praying People, 14 

President, Presbyterian As 
sembly, 14 

Priests and Illegitimate Chil 
dren, 91 

Procession Described, 17 

Proclamation reaches France, 

Programme Changed, 14 

Propaganda of Rome, 102 

Property Held by Rome, 77 

Protestant Nurse, 93 

Providence General Hospital 
and Nuns in Charge, 99 

QUEBEC, 108 

RAMBLER, The, 113 

Randall, Sam l J. 74 

Ravaillac, 119 

Redemptorist Fathers, 244 

Red Indulgence Cross, 238 

Representatives of Foreign 
Governments Attend St. 
Matthew s, 23 

Rhode Island and Religious 
Liberty, 56 

Riddle, 228 

Ridley, 59 

Romanism Dominant in the 
Capital; Lincoln, Grant and 
Arthur withstood it, Pref 
ace ; a Deception and a 
Fraud, 26; Mother of All, 
26; a Deception, 27, 28; a 



Fraud, 32 ; Anti-Christ, 33 ; a 
Wide Berth, 73; Names 
called, 73 

Eoman Catholic Colony Sailed 
up the Potomac in 1034, 56 ; 
of Maryland Opposing Lib 
erty, 104; Vote, 248 

Roman Catholic Generals and 
Officers, 113; Notes, 256 

Rome in the Lap of Washing 
ton, 71; Rome Poses, 84 

Rome Master of Cities, 110, 

Rome Rule in Washington, 138 

Rome s Exaltation Predicts 
Downfall, 32 

E,omeversus Republic, 114; the 
Assassin of Abraham Lin 
coln, 115; Misusing the 
Bible, 169, 172 

Rosecrans, Gen. W. S., Birth, 
Appointment, 12 

Rum Shops more Powerful 
than Churches, 66 

Ryan, Bishop, Speech, 70 

SAINT John deMather, 243 
Saint Felix deValois, 243 
Satan Potent, 60 
Scapulars Described, 242; (of 

the Most Holy Trinity, 244, 

D Riecci Scippio.) 
Schiller, 61 
Schofield, 81 
School Buildings Rented to 

Romanists in Pittsburg and 

Maiden, 24 

Scippio, Riecci, 81, 82 
Semmes, Admiral, 103 
Separation of Church and 

State, 254 

Serpent about the Capitol, 106 
Seven Dolors, Blessed Lady 

of, 244 

Seward,W. H., 122 
Shall Jesuits be Welcomed or 

Expelled? 45 
Sherman, Gen. W. T., 80 
Should Romanists be Allowed 

to Vote? 127 

Shrewsbury, Earl, 163 

Sick Woman Assaulted, 90 

Sisters of Mercy in Hospital, 

Soldier s Home, 16 

Spain, 145, 248 

Spalding, Rev. J. L., Birth and 
Education, 12 ; Visits Rome, 

Spanish Blood, not English, 45 

Stauton, Secretary, 130 

St. Bartholomew, 125 

St. Louis and Cathedral, 132 

St. Petersburg, 59 

Stephenson, Geo., 61 

Stevens, Thacldeus, 136 

Stir Up Hell, 255 

Sue, Eugene, 154 

Suffrage and the School Board, 

Sully and Henry IV., 104 

Sumter, 121, 130 

Superstition Scattered, 256 

Supremacy of Peter No Scrip 
ture Warrant, 27 

Surratt, Mary, 72, 131 

Surratt, John, 131 

Swinton s Outlines of History, 
230 ; Reasons for its Expur 
gation, 231 


Tax of the Sacred Chancery, 

Taylor, Jeremy, 58 

Tefin, 244 

Terrein, Mrs., 117 

Tetzel, 235, 239; and Indul 
gences of the Old Type, 245 

Theatines, Order of, 243 

Things that Can be done 
Against Rome, 134 

Thompson, Hon. Richard W. , 

Tiber, 255 

Times, London, 163 

Torquemada in Spain, 59 

Tortures in New Jersey, 67 

Tradition, 143 

Trained to be Spies, 155 



Truth Disintegrates Romau- 

ism, 250 
Twenty Thousand Children 

Shut Out, 229 

UNLIMITED Toleration Opposed 

by Abraham Lincoln, 127 
Urban XII. , 8 ; Urban II. , 238 

VAN BUREN, Martin, 108 
Veruon, Mount, 59 
Victory, 229 

Virginia, 59 ; Mother of Presi 
dents, 6 ; Population, 61 
Voltaire, 82 
Volunteers, U. S., 68 


Wandering Jew, 154 

Washington City More Than a 
Window, 59 

Washington, George, Saw the 
Peril, 106 

Washington in the Lap of 
Rome : Charge, Preface ; 
Fierce Conflict in, 20; Ap 
proved Bill for Location of 
Capital, 61 

Washington Out of the Lap of 
Rome, 258 

Wesley, John, 61 

What Will the Citizens of the 

Republic Do About It ? 153 
White, Blanco, 173 
White House and Cardinal s 

Why Priests Should Wed, 147, 

148, 233 

Wiget, Father, 131 
Will Americans Rise? 248 
William, Emperor; Fight with 

Napoleon, 44 
William, Prince of Orange, 


Williams, Roger, 45, 59 
Wittenburg, 235 
Wolves Go in Packs, 130 
Work Only Begun, 257 

XAVIER, Donald MacLeod, 
Rev., 231 

You Have So Long a Time to 

Live, 65 
Youth Imperilled, 24 

ZAMBESI Region and Jesuits, 


Zealand, New, 105 
Zebedee s Children, 27 
Zwiugle, 249 



Fulton, Justin Dewey, 1828-1901. 
Washington in the lap of Rome 

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