Sunday, August 23, 2015


The image on plate #5 depicts Pope Clement V - who is also depicted in the 30th Degree of Freemasonry [see below]. Pope Clement is torturing and about to kill the bird - a rooster, also depicted as an eagle, see additional images below. The Eagle in this case represents the Grand Master of the Knights Templar. The 'Lost Book' artist depicts a rooster, which indicates that Jacques deMolay was a descendant from the St. John family line. The Masons indicate an eagle with two heads as representing the Templars.

"On the 13th of October 1307, came the arrest of all the Knights Templar in France, the breaking of a storm conjured up by royal jealousy and greed. From the very day of Clement V's coronation, the king had charged the Templars with heresy, immorality, and abuses, and the scruples of the weak pope were at length overcome by apprehension lest the State should not wait for the Church, but should proceed independently against the alleged heretics, as well as by the royal threats of pressing the accusation of heresy against the late Boniface VIII [see plate 4]. In pursuance of the king's wishes, Clement summoned the council of Vienne, which was unable to conclude that the Templars were guilty of heresy.", However, The Grand Master of the Templars was murdered in spite of being found not guilty. It is assumed that all Knights Templar were murdered at this time as well. This images tells us it was by the hand of the pope.

Below is a depiction of King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V, taken from Freemasonry. Click here to see the actual THE PARCHMENT OF CHINON – THE ABSOLUTION OF POPE CLEMENT V OF THE LEADING MEMBERS OF THE TEMPLAR ORDER
Chinon, Diocese of Tours, 1308 August 17th-20th.

The King below is Philip IV of France.

Notice that there are nine popes considered to be part of the Avignon Papacy in France from 1309 - 1403 CE.
The city of Avignon is well known for its 'Palais des Papes' (Palace of the Popes -at left), where several popes and antipopes lived from the early 14th to early 15th centuries.

[see also plate 29]

Plate #5 has three representations [left] that we need to consider:
1) A Pope
2) An inverted French staff killing a feathered bird, which may be:

3) A Rooster or an Eagle - other renditions depict an eagle

Plate image #5 depicts Pope Clement V, as he is the pope that disbanded and killed the Templars. He wears a large mitre upon his head, which tells us that this is a pope. He holds a sceptre or staff, which is inverted. He is either torturing or killing the bird. This inverted position is known as 'debased' in Heraldry.

Coronation of Louis VIII and Blanche of Castile at Reims in 1223; a miniature from the Grandes Chroniques de France, painted in the 1450s, kept at the National Library of France.
The staff in plate image 5 has a fleur de lis on the end, which would normally be the top. In this instance, the Fleur de Lis is the symbol of France. The fleur de lis was used exten
sively in heraldry in France, so named after King Louis VIII of France [above painting].
King Louis X, son of Philip IV, wore three fleur de lis on his crown. He died just two years after his father, King Philip IV [see plate #4], and two years after the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.

While in France, the Avignon Papacy lasted 1309 CE to 1377 CE, during which seven popes, all French, resided in Avignon, France:

1. Pope Clement V: 1305–1314
2.  Pope John XXII: 1316–1334
3.  Pope Benedict XII: 1334–1342
4. Pope Clement VI: 1342–1352
5.  Pope Innocent VI: 1352–1362
6.  Pope Urban V: 1362–1370
7.  Pope Gregory XI: 1370–1378

In 1376, Gregory XI moved the papal residence back to Rome and died there in 1378. Due to a dispute over the subsequent election, a faction of cardinals set up an antipope back in Avignon:
Antepopes at France:
8. Clement VII: 1378–1394
9. Benedict XIII: 1394–1423 (expelled from Avignon in 1403)

"Quite possibly 'John', most beloved disciple of Jesus, who supposedly wrote the book of Revelation, was actually Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus, and most likely the author of the gospel of St. John and the book of Revelations. She was instrumental in founding the first 'church' after the death of Jesus, called the Johannine Community. Of course, the Roman church didn't take long to eliminate that group. Notice the eagle in the painting [done in 1511], this also might represent the same thing in the plate images, and in the Templar/Masonic symbols - might represent a Templar guardian of Mary and her 3 children.

Question: why do you suppose this most beloved disciple of Jesus, thought to be John, was not slaughtered along with all the other male disciples, but instead was sent in exile to the Isle of Patmos? If indeed this most beloved disciple was a man - John, he would have been the first one killed - make no mistake about it!

This 'John' was actually Mary Magdalene and Rome abstained from killing her because she was a woman. Perhaps because she was pregnant or had small children, it would been against Rome's policy to murder her. Moreover, if this is true, they 'killed' her in a more effective way by saying Mary Magdalene was a whore bitch and stealing what she had written and passed it off as the gospel of the disciple 'John', a man. Moreover, she and her offspring were written out of history - as these plates indicate. The painting displayed here was done in the year 1511, it is entitled, "St. John on Patmos" by Hans Baldung Green. Sure looks as if he is depicting a woman.
The eagle, and sometimes a rooster, in Renaissance ART may represent the already born child of Jesus and Mary, or a guardian Templar Knight. Why is it that Catholics worship Mary more than they do Jesus? Could this Mary actually be referring to the wife of Jesus, not the mother of Jesus? Because she is the mother of Jesus' children?

NOTICE THE BIRD IS AN EAGLE NOT A ROOSTER IN THESE ADDITIONAL IMAGES OF PLATE 5, and in the painting. Whereas, the eagle represents the son or daughter of Jesus - OR a Templar Knight who began their watchful duty from day one.

Inverted objects: to prevent the use of exact or similar representations to be displayed by different subjects it was necessary to distinguish between the two by inverting the object or symbol of the latter representative. Whomever possessed the first legal right to the symbol, their object was depicted upright, and the subject who was not entitled first status, their image or object was depicted as inverted.
Later on, the Rooster and the Eagle came to represent the Grand Master of the Templar Knights, who originally formed as the protectors of the children of Mary Magdalene, 1000 years prior to their official papal Order of 1118 CE.

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